
Thursday 4 July 2024

Tech Crash

 I tried to load blogger on my phone, it died and sulked for 2 days.

The laptop then crashed and would not respond until today.

The garden needed my time so I just left it all to sulk, simmer, live or die.

I have a friend who may be able to help but she is not well and as covid is rife I will stay away until she is better. Just in case.

The craft group that I go to on Wednesday is lively, when I asked for help they just laughed and said "stick to your phone and dump the laptop"

The garden is my happy place, I cannot remember the last time that I bought any vegetable apart from carrots. Germination of them has been sporadic, the first 3 sowings of early nantes didn't appear. So I tried Autumn King and they came up like hairs on a dogs back, so close that I used tweezers to thin them. So I tried nantes again and they have raised their heads, with luck I will get some even if they are small.

Potatoes have been amazing, my friends Marianne and Ted have also been enjoying them.

Sugar snap peas, shelling peas and dwarf french beans along with tree cabbage and summer greens have been amazing. Climbing beans are another story, great show of plants that hated the garden so did not grow well. They sent out midnight feast invites to the local snail population, such a shame that we don't like them as I have gathered buckets of them and tipped onto the grassy areas around us. No problem with slugs as I spray nematodes at regular intervals.

Any way that's enough grubbing in the garden, pun not intended.

I am churning out socks ready for That time of year, I have 3 jumpers on the go and just cast on a Whitmore cardigan for myself. I am itching to get a crochet blanket started but it will have to be a gift or a charity make, my storage is groaning.

I am off to the local Quilters group open meeting on Saturday, I have a flimsy to layer and quilt, a pile of blocks ready to join together and a started one from at least 4 years ago.

There will be fabric for sale so I will not be taking very much cash with me. I have donated most of my smaller left over fabric to the Church Sewists, they make lots of things and sell for extra funds. Wednesday craft group is held there so it's a bit of support.

I haven't done any dressmaking for ages, Michael needs new PJ bottoms both long and short. If there is suitable fabric for those I will buy some, but there won't be much action till the garden slows down.

I think that's enough for you to digest in one go, 

