
Sunday 31 August 2014

Smashing Sunny Sunday

I finally opened my scrap packs from Isabeau this morning and just look at what I got.

There is enough Pooh fabric and blenders here to make a baby quilt, I have not made a boy one for ages.

This mixture of wide and narrow strips, squares and rectangles will be split over a few different things, but not before I work through the rest of my challenge.

I walked Ben early and put 2 loads of washing through the machine before breakfast. Did a bit of cooking and then walked down to see Maggie for coffee ( and a very naughty Danish pastry), we picked some apples from her tree and had a wander round her garden, it is about twice the size of mine and is stuffed full, mind you she has been there almost 20 years.
After Ben had another walk we drove out to the Gower, we had a wander round the village, and walked up s very steep hill. At one point I was almost on my hands and knees. We followed that with a gentle ramble on the grassy river bank before coming home. I took a few pictures of the little park that houses the War Memorial.

This bed was blazing in full sun, the contrast with the stone was brilliant.

This long bed is much more subtle, a mix of softer colours with just the deeper yellows as spots of brightness.

The memorial is set in the middle of the park with a horse shoe bed of scarlet poppies wrapped round it. That is stunning in the sunshine, each bloom seemed to be on fire.
All in all it has been a smashing day.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  I am now driving with no pain or discomfort.

2.  Francesca had a good week, even if the weather was a bit iffy.

3.  The local library, run by volunteers  is thriving.

4.  My sewing room is almost tidy again.

5.  The gladioli in my garden are starting to flower.

Glads are not my favourite  bloom but they will make a splash of colour. When they die down I am going to empty the bed and replant. I will move them to the bed under the window, they will get shelter from the wind and look better with the roses.

I am going to cut the fabric out to make a few zippered pouches, I will fill them with some of the bits and bobs that litter my table and every flat surface in the sewing room. I also need to make a crochet hook roll and another crayon roll for Junior. That will be tomorrows job, I can press all the fabric while I am ironing.

Now it is time for a brew and then some blog reading. I have ordered a kit to make the sea shore ripple blanket from Attic 24. I have been drooling over it since Lucy posted all the scrummy photos.

                          TTFN                                              Pam

Friday 29 August 2014

Two More off My Challenge.

At last the little crochet throw is finished and Kaitlyn has it, I put a border of double crochet in the pink to edge it.

I made some dark fabric from the stash into a skirt for the winter, it is long enough to wear with my high boots.

I have had the fabric for ages, it was less than half price and I have only used just over half of it.
This brings me up to number 32/100, I need to push a bit harder or I will never make it by the end of September.

I have just finished Francesca's Alice in Wonderland skirt, in the end it has a gathered skirt on a stiffened waistband.

It needs pressing but will have to wait until tomorrow, I have pressed so many seams that I can not face the iron again.

I picked up a bargain in Cross Hands, I wanted some lightweight fabric for lining and Hilary had a bundle of mid blue in the remnant bin. I bought the entire piece for £4.00 a metre, 90" wide I am more than happy.
I did scoop up a couple of scrap bags for £1 each, I will have a look at them in the morning.

I am keeping this short tonight, it is almost 9 and I need tea and Ben wants a walk..

I hope you all enjoy your weekend

                        TTFN                                                  Pam

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Halfway up a Mountain

Today I went halfway to the top of the world, at least that is what it felt like. I drove over to see Dawn from "Doing it for ourselves" and saw her new home and the animals. I saw the Alpacas from a distance, they are really cute with their fluffy faces. The ducklings are not so little balls of yellow fluff and the chickens were running around having lots of chicken fun. The pigs are doing piggy things and starting to rootle around their enclosure turning the ground over, although Dawn did say that they made a bid for freedom and she had to round them up.

The views are fantastic but like a klutz I left my camera on the ironing board, I know I know it should be in my bag. Well it was until I turned it out looking for my phone, hey ho that's the way it goes. I will do better next time, I hope to make a return visit. Dawn was showing me the things she makes on her Innovis, I could use a lesson or 3, her work is lovely, I never imagined that you could do so much with an embroidery machine. It has galvanised me into getting one.

I had a quick tour of the house and it is warm, comfortable and reflects the personality that you see on the blog. I could have settled in nicely, there are pieces of Dawn,s work in evidence and show off her considerable talents. There was even a loaf of bread fresh from the Rayburn, the smell did not make my mouth water at all.

Tomorrow is Kaitlyn,s birthday so I will be off to Cardigan and a visit to the ball park is lined up. I hope to have a quick poke round a couple of the charity shops while I am there. I shared the crayon roll with you and I have tried my hand at raw edge appliqué, I am not sure that it is for me, perhaps it will grow on me. I made her a long bolster cushion but I can see her using it as a weapon on Junior.

I got the idea from one of my books, they had the letters made individually and hung from a banner. As Kaitlyn is only 2 we thought that having it as a proper word would help her to recognise her name. I did not stuff it too full because I am sure that she will be bouncing and rolling around with it.
The letter L is a bit squiffy, I ought to have made another but time was running short. I plan on making a rug for her room and will put her name on that as well.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. A drive through beautiful scenery.

2. A warm welcome at journey's end.

3.  A visit to the local library on the way home gave me a list of new walks to enjoy with Ben.

4.  The dogs have gone from next door and the new owner moves in today/tomorrow.

5.  I managed my journey without the help of Sat Nav, I decided that as the signal would be iffy I should use the map book.

I am pleased with how the day went, I choose a round about drive and came back by a slightly different route. There are some pretty villages and I stopped a few times to admire the scenery and a few splendid gardens.

Ben is telling me that he would rather like to go out so it is,

                         TTFN                                             Pam

Monday 25 August 2014

Bank Holiday, AKA Rain started Play

All is well and right with the world, it is Bank Holiday Monday, it is August and it has been raining most of the day.

I am not depressed, tired but not depressed. I have been playing in the kitchen for most of the day.

I halved the Victoria plums, removed the stones and cooked them down with a chopped lemon and an apple, just to add a little pectin as they were fairly ripe. I poured the result into a jelly bag and let it drip for an hour.

I usually drip berry fruit overnight but stone fruit gives up its juice quite freely, plus I wanted the pulp to be juicy.

4 jars of jelly and the taster, I will try this later in the week. I did scrape a spoonfull out of the jelly pan and it was lovely warm.

Then it was the turn of the damsons, again I added an apple and a lemon, this time I want a fairly firm set. I like this rich flavoured jelly with meat, it is great with spicy sausage and roast lamb.

5 jars and the tester, I would normally make at least 3 batches of both these but this year I have to buy the fruit and I will concentrate on using as much free fruit as I can get.

I pressed the pulp from both batches through a sieve, measured it and added sugar, cooked down it till thick and gloopy and got this.

3 jars of jampurelly, thanks to DC at Frugal in Norfolk who shared this idea last year. This makes a really robust flavoured jammy preserve with a smooth consistency. DC adds grated apple and spices to hers, I do sometimes but this batch is as it comes.

I have just watched a DVD, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit, and thoroughly enjoyed it even with Keira Knightley playing the part of the wife to be. I read all of Tom Clancy,s books and have seen the other films ages ago. This thing of making prequels is not always a good idea but in this case it worked.

Francesca and her dad are in the kitchen washing up, I cooked a simple meal for dinner. Chicken breast fillets egged and dipped into a seasoned breadcrumb mix and baked at 180 for 45 minutes, at the same time I cooked a tray of paprika potato wedges for Fran and some halved new potatoes tossed in olive oil with sea salt and black pepper. We had blackberry puree crumble and custard for pudding. I just simmered the blackberries, with a little sugar, in their own juices and rubbed them through a sieve. Fran hates pips and I am not overly keen on them and this way we get all the fruit with no bits stuck in our teeth.

I just have to take Ben out once more, hopefully we will not get wet, and then I have some hand sewing to do.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  A pleasant meal with company.

2.  No washing up.

3.  Lots of preserves tucked away with very little effort.

4.  Ben being cuddly all day.

5.  It has been much warmer today.

I am off now as the rain has stopped and I do not want to miss the dry interval.

                TTFN                                                   Pam  

Sunday 24 August 2014

Simple Sunday Sewing

I thought that this would be have to be titled " I hab a code" but thanks to some long forgotten Cold & Flu capsules, that I found in a far off corner of the first aid kit I no longer have a cold. At least I no longer have the symptoms, I also have to give credit to Night Nurse and having Fran in the house.

I have done very little crafting, oops, I mean sewing since my last post. I have put 5 more rounds on the granny blanket, which is now living on Fran's bed. I have also sewn this together, I made these squares over a year ago and promptly forgot them, all I have to do now is crochet an edge then find someone who would like it.

I found the wool in my local CS in Long Sutton, it was all of 50p. There was just enough of the pink for the first round and to make a few flower middles. I will edge it with 2 rows of trebles and a row of double crochet, I have not measured it bit I estimate that it will finish at 3 ft square.

It is Kaitlyn's birthday this week, as she is only going to be 2 I am buying a storage unit for her bedroom. She will have a mountain of presents but I still want to give her something to unwrap.
I have read on several blogs about a new sewing magazine, yesterday in Swansea I found a copy and snapped it up, I have now taken out a subscription.

I love this dress pattern but will have to make it a bit longer, both Fran and I can see ourselves wearing it.

I have read through the tutorial and can see several pairs of these for "That time of the year" I have some seriously cute prints in my stash that will be ideal.

But there was one project that jumped out at me, perfect for a small gift for Kaitlyn. So I uncovered the machine, blew the dust off the cutting mat and plugged in the iron.

I used 3 prints from the stash and made 2, I just reversed the main panel prints to make them slightly different, oh and I put a pink ribbon on Kaitlyn's. I found a pack of fat wax crayons to put in it. I will make this again and make it taller and wider as the pockets are a bit tight for a small child to manage. Thinner crayons would have been better but little hands are better with the fatter ones.

The back view, the eagle eyed will notice that the top print is seasonal but I chose it for the colours. The teddy print has been lurking for ages and suits this very well.

Here is the page that inspired me, the stylist has used thinner crayons, unobservant me has only just twigged that the roll barely holds the length of them. Tut tut.

I picked up a small colouring book to go with them, I am certain that Mum and Dad will be colouring in with Kaitlyn at some point. I will put some plain paper in as well there is nothing nearer a recipe for disaster than a small child with crayons and no paper. No wall is safe.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  Fran is here for a week.

2.  We are going to see the children tomorrow.

3.  I am planning a visit to Folly Farm.

4.  This morning I found a supplier of damsons.

5.  I am roasting some Welsh Beef for dinner.

The trip to folly Farm is quite lengthy but worth it, it is one of the best places that I have visited, pricey to get in but then you spend as little or much as you like. I also drive past my source of Maple Syrup and I intend to buy a years supply.

The Welsh beef was RTC and at half price I have some in the freezer as well as the fridge.

The damsons will become jelly, some for Fran and some for me.

I was reading Lucy's post on her blog, Attic24, and drooling over her seaside ripple blanket. I think that I will be buying the pack ready for the winter, crocheting away on the sofa with Ben in the evenings and maybe a little early morning hooky with a cup of tea before I get up.
I am not a quiet, subdued colour fan but the blanket just whispers the soft colours of the North Norfolk coast, and some of the little places around here. I am strangely drawn to it, I may have to make it bigger though.

I now need to walk Ben before starting dinner, later I have some blog reading and some comment answering to do.
I hope you are all enjoying your weekends.

        TTFN                                                  Pam



Wednesday 20 August 2014

Lots of Garlic, oh yes indeed.

Numbers 28 and 29 from my challenge are done and dusted, one is for me and one for Cerys.

Peg bags, not exciting but very handy, my last one fell to bits, it was over 20 years old and had seen lots of service. I did pick out the green binding for the pink with white daisies to match the dot in the flower middles. I just thought that it was a bit too matchy matchy so changed them round.
This is not my old pattern but one from this book.

Written by Debbie Shore, I have been a fan of her work since I first saw her on the TV a year or so ago. Her style is straightforward and uncomplicated, just how I like it.

I have this book by her as well but have made nothing from it as yet.

I have been dipping in and out of all my books since I moved, and found several that I had forgotten.

I made a small batch of Carrot and Garlic chutney, the ingredients are always available so no need to make loads. I was intending to make the Date, Apricot and orange but have 4 jars from last year. Again I can make this in small batches when ever I want to.

Lots of fat cloves of garlic, because they are cooked whole they are sweet rather than pungent. Little nuggets of flavour on the plate, brilliant with a sausage roll or pork pie, and superb with veggy burgers.

My first harvested courgette, 6" long and about 2" wide, I had a few spring onions and some mushrooms, and a few cooked French beans and sweetcorn kernels. Add a splash of white wine, a good dollop of creme fraiche, garlic puree and salt and pepper. Poured onto cooked Fusilli and hey presto, Pasta Primavera. A delicious and cheap dinner for 2 cooked in 10 minutes.

It might not be the classic recipe but it used what I had and was just the job.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  After a near miss on Sunday I am feeling fine.

2.  Regardless of the weather reports we have had more sun than rain.

3.  More excess things have gone from the house, giving more space.

4.  I have started to dry some herbs ready for the winter.

5.  I am thoroughly enjoying the Elly Griffiths books.

On Sunday I went to Ammanford, shopping, with friends and after putting the shopping trolley away a blind,deaf idiot almost reversed over me. He/she drove away in a roar and left me on the deck. Luckily there were some decent folk there who helped me to my feet. I was very shaken and have been back on pain killers, I was stiff for a couple of days but am much better today.
 I hope to pick more blackberries tomorrow for cordial. The rose hips are on the way and I will make syrup and jelly from them as well. Rose hip syrup is so old fashioned, my Granny made it during the war and she taught me. I like it as a long drink with fizzy water and poured onto plain yogurt or vanilla ice cream.

The last 2 evenings have been on the cool side, I have been glad to have crochet on my lap, my big granny blanket is having the last 3 rows around it and will then go on the bottom of Francesca,s bed.

That is it from me tonight, I still have to read my blog list today.

      TTFN                                                     Pam

Saturday 16 August 2014

Saturday Surprise, Happy Hour and then a Let Down.

My day started with brilliant sunshine, so with no messing it was washing machine on, lead on Ben and out the door.
We had a lovely ramble along the disused railway track, at least the space where the track used to be The blackberries were glistening silvered in the dew, Ben and I shared the thought to come back later, with a container.
James was coming over a bit later, I had planned to go to Cardigan but my hip was very painful last night when I was shopping , so I dare not risk the 3 hour round trip.

Before he was due to arrive the postie brought me a lovely parcel, all the way from Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. I had to stop myself from ripping it open on the doorstep.

Once inside I cleared my table and set all this out.

I had asked Leisha to plainly mark the fabrics for her tote bag, and here they are.

All spread out, a good selection of co-ordinating and complementary shades and patterns. I am certain that there may be something other than a roomy travel tote from this stack.

These are for me, as a swap for making the bag. I am thrilled, I have not seen any of these fabrics before. Do you see the splash of orange in there, it is not only eye catching but textured.
And there,s more.

A selection of seasonal fabrics, oh yum the only one that I have seen before is the dark green holly print in the bottom RH corner.
And there,s more.

Some Aussie tea (what a treat, it is several years since I had this) a bar of chocolate and a snazzy fridge magnet.
To say that I am happy is such an understatement.
James arrived just in time for a very late breakfast, early lunch. I made pigs in blankets, tomatoes baked in a balsamic dressing and fluffy American style pancakes. We had real Canadian Maple syrup over the lot, delicious.

Once they had gone Ben and I went Blackberry picking. I filled my container very quickly, on weighing them I had 1.5 Kg. They were washed and cooked with the same weight of chopped apples and the pith and juice of 2 lemons, and are now in the jelly bag to drip over night. It was a very happy hour out with Ben, there was no body else around and once the tub was full we just wandered about and soaked up the warmth.

I did an on line shop with Asda yesterday afternoon, I needed several things that I know are very good value at Asda. In fact I saved enough money on 4 things to pay the delivery cost. The order arrived and OOPS there were 8 items missing. The 4 bottles each of cider and red wine vinegar, of course I wanted both of these tonight, the cider for my carrot and garlic chutney. The mix has to be soaked overnight and finished off in the morning. The red wine vinegar is for another batch of chutney, requested by a friend. Now I was stuck, the only thing for it was to drive into Carmarthen as the nearer supermarkets do not stock either. I have sent Asda an e mail, on their order form they ask for your phone number in case they need to contact you about your order, needless to say nobody rang me.
I am not happy, it will be the last Asda shop from me. I made sure to stock up on both vinegars while I was out.

To console myself I am having a cheese and tomato toastie for dinner, then something with custard. I did consider chips but resisted without too much trouble.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  A great stack of fabrics to play with.

2.  A roomy travel bag pattern to work out and craft.

3.  lots and lots of pretty fabrics for me.

4.  Ben is tired from his play and then his walk and is snoozing beside me.

5.  I have been invited out to lunch tomorrow.

I have found my Pilates DVD, and my yoga mat so a bit later i will be watching and planning a routine to help my hips and lower back. I forgot to tell you that my X ray results came back, there is no sign of arthritis, I am so relieved. I am hoping that some specific exercises will help to diminish the pain.

I have dug out a bag of granny squares and have started to make the throw that they were intended for. I hope to finish it in a couple of evenings.
That,s enough for tonight, I need to eat and relax, I am still steaming over my Asda order.

Toodle pip, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

                  TTFN                                                 Pam

Friday 15 August 2014

And another one bites the dust.

I pulled my basket out this morning, I had the liner all cut out and ready to sew, ready for ages, so cracked on with it. This is to be for my crochet so I decided to decorate it a little.

Because this is all about yarn I stepped outside my rainbow and used a simple bit of cream fabric with a small flower print. I had to add a splash of colour so raided my bag of crochet flowers.
Quite nice if I say so myself, baskety and a little flower power. My new Love patchwork and Quilting mag came today so I took an hour, and 2 brews, to amble through it. There is a positive waterfall of new fabrics in there that set my heart fluttering, BUT I will resist, I have more in the house than you could shake a stick at, why would anyone do that!, I have vowed to buy nothing till my 100 items are made.
My chutneys and jellies  are all boxed away and I have just got to pick up several heads of garlic for the next recipe. Carrot and Garlic, it comes from Sophie Grigson's Country Kitchen, a gift from my son in 2003, I have not worked my way through it but the recipes that I go to are used regularly. The oat bread is a favourite of Francesca's.
The minute I typed the last few words I knew that I was mistaken. The bread recipe does come from that book, but the chutney recipe is from an earlier book, also a gift from my son, Feasts for a Fiver. I do change one thing in the recipe though, Sophie states 3 heads of garlic, I use 20. It sounds an awful lot, but it is 2 heads per jar and we are all garlic lovers.
I was going to say that I use this book a lot, what I actually do is make many of the recipes, over and over again, so often that I hardly have to open the book at all now.

As I pottered my way through the morning, doing all the mundane chores, my eyes kept seeking out my basket. I like it, yes I do, but I do not love it was going through my mind. I gave up on the polish and took scissors, yarn, needle and my box of crochet flowers.

There, much better, now I love it.

I picked 3 shades of yarn and using a size 6.5 hook made a long fat chain. Keeping it fairly tight I wound it around the handle to cover completely. Then using Lavender and a pile of flowers I started stitching, I did have the sense to leave a space at the top for carrying. There may be a band of flowers round the edge yet, I will sleep on it. I am claiming this as the next finish and I believe it is 27/100. I still have not checked back.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  The glorious finish to yesterday and start for today means that I need to go pick blackberries.

2.  My X ray results are back, no sign of any degeneration of the joints.

3.  I have been looking for a sieving mushroom and found one last week, it arrived today.

4.  My new Janome has had a deep clean this morning, it was quite disgusting, and not that long since I did it last.

5.  Dinner is all but made, Pie filling cooked and cooled, pastry made and in fridge, veg prepped. 

My little load of laundry was not worth doing but I emptied another box and found 3 sweaters, they were clean but smelled " shut up" so they made a load up and are now outside just about dry.
No more housework till Monday, Woo Hoo.

I am hoping to put off shopping till Monday as well, the shops will be quieter then. I just need to make some bread later, I will time it so that it goes in with the pie.

Ben is making " come on " noises so I am off out. Have a good weekend.
                      TTFN                                             Pam

Thursday 14 August 2014

A Day of Contradictions

Weather wise it has been a funny old day, we have had cold wind, driving rain, gentle drizzle and baking sun. My washing has been in and out like a fiddlers elbow, it is now in the corner of the kitchen sulking. It may have one more trip out, the sun is beating down now.

I started my day chopping all the components for a batch of River Cottage Gluttney, Onions, Plums, Courgettes ( a gift), huge Tomatoes and Apples ( from James). I did not make a spice bag, I could not find my muslin, so I used a generous helping of dried ground spices. It looks and smells lovely and will be just right for Seasonal Gift Hampers.

My Maslin pan was getting full and I still had the sultanas to add.

Ten jars came out of the pan, 2 had already been labeled and boxed before I thought to get the camera out.

While in  Hugh mode I though I would share my version of his Banana Bread with you, I baked it yesterday. It is the first time that I have used his recipe, I normally use Nigel's Black Banana Cake recipe, well my take on it.

I made one recipe up and if I make it again I will use a smaller tin to get a deeper loaf.

I did not have any apricots so used double the quantity of sultanas, then I crunched a couple of handfuls of walnuts up and threw in. The texture is "cakey" and light, it is too fruity for my taste and I will slice and freeze and use it for puddings. Nice as it is I prefer Nigel's version.

I had to get a bit of sewing in, I have unearthed a few UFO,s and this was one of them.

This will be a project travel bag and has 3 hexy flowers around the side. I made a whole stack of these a couple of years ago for a quilt, that is another UFO, and made far too many.

I had another lurking about so popped it on the base. This is another one knocked off my 100 challenge, I may have lost count but I think I am up to 27, I will have to check back through the blog.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  The 2 aggressive dogs next door should be going on 

2.  I have enough plums left to make an upside down cake with flaked and ground almonds. They go wonderfully with plums.

3.  There will only be a small shop this week.

4.  I have put no weight on.

5.  I read a library book this week which is full of new to me cupcake recipes, I have copies.

Of course number 4 also reads as I have not lost any weight, not to worry, my jeans still fit me.

The sun is shining, albeit watery so the washing will go on an airer and Ben will get another walk in the dry.

I am off before it changes its mind, again.

                 TTFN                                               Pam

Wednesday 13 August 2014

A Lazy Day.

A warm welcome to Poppy Patchwork, a new follower, I have been for a quick visit and am in awe at your stitching. It is a craft that I have never got to grips with, but it is on my list. Like most women my age I did copious amounts of cross stitch while in primary school but once I was in secondary education sewing was out of the window.

I have finished my project from yesterday and completed another as a small gift for Maggie.

These are the last of the HST I made by the new method , I tuned them into another childs quilt and backed it with a Michael Miller print. I bought a few 1 yard lengths a while ago in a good sale and am glad to have them to use now. This is destined for the Red Cross along with 2 larger ones that are waiting to be layered and quilted.

Ages ago I bought this book but apart from pincushions have not made anything from it. I do have 4 aprons cut and laid ready to sew but have tidied them away, somewhere. So this morning I flipped to an apron in my book.


The pocket in the pattern is made of 3 patchwork blocks, I have a container full of blocks and lots of crazy patchwork. I chose to use a bit of crazy, along with 2 bits of coloured scraps and some curtain lining I made this. I can honestly say that it took longer to decide what scraps to use for the pocket binding and ties than it did to make.

I made it for Maggie, just like me she likes a cloth, either tea towel or duster, tucked into the side so I put a little loop of ribbon at the top. In the pattern there is one at the bottom of the pocket, just for decoration. In my world these things have to be practical as well if possible. I made it a little wider and the ties a little longer as Maggie is taller and a bit wider than me. She was pleased with it I am happy to say.

Before I started sewing I straightened the cushions on my sofa and put a crochet cushion on the coffee table ready to replace the cover a bit later.
 I heard Ben playing and crept to the door with my camera.

He had found a toy and while playing managed to scatter the cushions, one was on the floor behind the sofa. As you can see I did not put my zips away yesterday, I have now. The stack on the right of the pic is my crochet, the bag on top is full of flowers ready for kaitlyns bedroom.

Here the scamp is with his toy, it used to squeak rather a lot, now only the one in the tummy works.

Reasons to be grateful.

1.  A couple of hours visit to Maggie this afternoon.

2.  The offer of as many apples as I would like from Maggie's garden.

3.  We shared 2 pots of tea and a sweet treat, while enjoying the sunshine in her garden.

4.  A gift of a bag of courgettes means that more chutney is on the cards tomorrow.

5.  Elaine Paige is on the telly later and I have it on record, I do like her voice, and she will be singing from Evita.

I have had a lazy day today, after the last 2 busy ones I wanted to rest my hip. The last thing I need is to be back on the pills.

Tomorrow will be more active, Friday I will bake to take to Cardigan on Saturday.
Now I must clear the sewing table, it is covered with little bits and bobs.

                         TTFN                                                 Pam