
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Ooh er, it's a BOGOF

I just had to pop back to say thank you for all the lovely comments, they have given me a really big boost.

I still haven't got to grips with the sewing room but i am formulating a plan of action.

There has been knitting, again my attention span has been limited so there are lots of WIPs, new and old. 

There has been copious amounts of crochet. I January I started making 7 round grannies to make a blanket for L, a close friend of Fran's. 
During the times when I was able to I carried on making more.

Ha, the Gremlins had a play, not only did I use a larger hook but I have also put ALL the coloured squares in a safe place.

So safe that I don't know where it is. They will emerge but I have made more in the larger size so have to carry on and fashion another 40.

Hey Ho, looks like there will be another next year, or when ever the originals turn up.

Once again I thank you all from the bottom of my heart (which by the way is doing fine now)

                 TTFN                                          Pam

Counting my blessings.

Exercising my mind.

No, not at the Gymnasium.
It's my memory musculature that needs attention. I was talking to a friend recently and mid sentence realised that I had lost a selection of memorable moments.
We were talking about how smell can trigger old, long dormant memories. I remembered that my grandmother wore Lily of the Valley but had no idea what perfume my mother wore.

For the rest of the day I rummaged around in my mind and slowly discovered that random chunks were AWOL. Some recent and some going back over a few decades. I found it, not distressing exactly, quite perturbing. I (used to) have a good memory, able to recall conversations almost verbatim. I can picture various members of my family, over the years, at all sorts of gatherings. With a minimum of internal squinting I can see my grandmother working in the kitchen and the garden. I can see my grandfather mending work boots and singling out sugar beet seedlings. I can see my mother standing on the wash house table because there was a mouse running about and screaming for help.
I cannot remember my first year at school any more, I have no clear recollection of this year from the beginning of February.

I am working on it though, I have recovered some things but others are proving to be elusive. Like other muscles if you don't use them they wither away.

I have put some effort in to getting out and about and managed to catch up, albeit briefly, with a couple of people yesterday. Today I have been a domestic goddess and turned out a few deep corners. I found several things that I thought were gone forever and removed some things that are no longer used or wanted. my next trip out will be to a CS.
Now I need to scamper out and gather my washing in, the sky has darkened alarmingly.

                                   TTFN                                 Pam

Slowly crawling back.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

crawling before I walk

I think it will be while before running is on the menu.
It has been a long and bumpy ride, the viral infection was a doozy, mind you I don't miss the 15 or so kilo that melted away.

I had a few goodish bits along the way but physically and mentally I was a train wreck  for quite a while.

I am never ill.
I don't do ill.

Well, never say never.

My poor sewing room looks dusty and neglected. My friends also, well not dusty, just neglected. 
I have ventured in to tidy a bit, some simple sewing has been attempted. It wasn't too unsightly, but far from wonderful.

I have been taking some short walks with the dogs, weather permitting, but the garden is a bit wild and woolly. It will keep. 

I had a bit of a boost a couple of weeks ago. I opened the door to find a basket of home made and grown goodies with a lovely card.
It was from Jess, Buy less, Live Slow. It gave me a boost and a few days later I was able to go for a short visit. Her girls are delightful and it was a tonic.

I hope to be back here frequently soon, but the habit needs feeding slowly. I am unused to forming my thoughts into prose but it will come.

I want to thank all of you for the messages, Michael did reply to some. It would have been all but the laptop finally gave up the ghost with a good impersonation of Monty Python's Parrot.

I now have a nice new one to play me up.

                                  TTFN                   Pam