
Monday 24 November 2014

Scrumtious .Saturday Sewing

I had a ball playing with my Christmas fabric stash, once I had found it that is. It used to live in the ottoman, but a while ago I went through it and emptied 2 storage boxes into it and moved my fabric. But Where To? I searched the house and came up with a big fat zero, so threw myself on the sofa to sulk think, and Eureka a flash of light penetrated the thoughts of chocolate and clotted cream that where swirling round my mind. It Is Under the Sofa. I should say now that my sofas have big storage compartments under the seats, that is the main reason that I bought them.

3 big bags where duly hauled out and the creamy choccy daydreams went in the bin.

I then had the pleasure, and I mean that, of sorting through them and making my selection. I had seen a Missouri Star Quilt Co tutorial 2 days before and planned on having a go.

First I had to select 40 different fabrics and cut 4 x 2 1,2" squares from each.

4 nice little stacks ready to play with.
Then I had to find some fabric for lining and backing.

I did not need all of this but I wanted to see just how many large pieces that I had.
A few pleasant hours of stitching, pressing and more stitching later, interspersed with dog walking and feeding. Not to mention my dinner. This is what I have.

Christmas Stockings, assembly line style. The fabrics in each one are identical but are arranged differently.

The cuff was made from red felt as I thought that it looked good, and I have a really big piece from a CS for £1.00 at least 2 years ago. The backing is different  from the lining as I had some odds of green solid scraps to use up. I am very pleased with these and see at least another 4 in my near future, 3 of these will go to Cardigan for the grands and their cousin Faith, I do try to include her in all my makes. The others will go wherever they end up, I have no plans but they are a joy to make.
Next on my list are some drawstring gift bags with pockets on the front. It is nice to have a pocket to tuck a little something in and I have some squares that should be just the ticket for them.
I promised/threatened a photo of my sea side ripple, and here it is, as you can see Ben has arranged the cushions to his taste and comfort.

I have left the ripple ends as I like them, I have done a simple edge of 2 rounds of dc but may add to that later. On my next one I plan on half trebles to give a fairly solid border, hark at me, I have too much sewing planned to get the hooky going.
Whist rootling under the sofa for the Christmas fabric I found 4 cushion pads that I squirreled away earlier. Handy as I want some more cushions now that I have 2 sofas, that is what some of the 9 patch blocks from yesterday are destined to become.
There was a real frost this morning, ice everywhere, it is still freezing in the shade, but the sun is shining and I have 2 loads of washing out on the whirligig, it may not get dry but it will be so much fresher for being out.
On that note I may just go and scoop Ben up for a walk before I make a start on cutting some bags out. I must earn my playtime, I enjoy it so much more then.
Leisha, if you look closely at the stockings you should see some of the fabric that you gave me.
       TTFN                                                              Pam


  1. Sweet stockings! I am not Leisha but I spied some of the fabrics I sent you from a giveaway! Darn I wish our sofa and chairs had hidden storage! That is a grand idea!

  2. Oh yes, I forgot where I won them, I did use a little but then stashed them away. I use every scrap and cut very carefully, I tend to use oddments for lining, after all it is not seen. I will photograph my sofa storage and post it, they hold an amazing amount.

  3. Love that stocking, so merry!also the ripple blanket looks just right on the sofa. Such a lot of work in that.

    1. The pleasure of watching it grow meant that it did not seem like work. I have yarn for another blanket I just have to decide on the pattern.

  4. I love the idea of storage in your sofas. I'm sure those stockings will be well received, they are beautiful.

    1. I quite like them myself, as soon as I saw the tutorial I knew that I had to make some.


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