
Friday 30 May 2014

An evening trip and a Big Day Out

I am remiss in not welcoming my new followers, I have no excuse for the rudeness except to say that once I open the blog page my words tumble out so fast that I have finished and published before I remember.
 So to Elaine,Gill,Loo,Jeanette and Lynne and those on Bloglovin (I still have not figured out how to find you) I say welcome in.

On Thursday, after dinner, we decided that the evening was too nice to waste so set off to the Gower for a quick looksee.

 These boats had been lost to the elements, possibly at the time of the sea surge and flooding a short while ago. 

This craft was till afloat and waiting for the next outing.

We walked around for a while and saw this lovely old building. It is so good to see these still in use, unlike the Tabernacle in Cwmgors.
We were in Penclawdd, only just in the Gower, next time Fran is here we will explore further and make a day out of it.

Friday was The Day, Junior was 4 and making sure that he told everyone at least 20 times.

He loves anything to do with cars and was thrilled with the selection of kits that Fran and I bought for him

This pensive look was due to the reluctance to leave his new toys combined with the longing to go on his Surprise Day Out. The day out won hands down.

The air current keeping the balls dancing proved a popular draw, he returned to it several times.

I think that it is safe to say that he enjoyed it.

James and Kaitlyn had fun as well.

Kaitlyn was in there and loving every minute of it.

After around 4 hours we left to visit Cerys,s Mum, She had stayed at home to get The Cake made and start the baking for Saturday,s party.
As you can see James was still in party mode, and yes that is me laughing my socks off in the background. kaitlyn can not believe her eyes, she was so stunned that her bottle of water stayed clenched between her teeth.

I am not certain just how many of these hats are floating about ready for Saturday, I am however certain that I will be wearing one at some point while people throw soft balls at me.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. A good time was had by all.

2. There was cake, it was delicious.

3. There was tea, and plenty of it.

4. I was allowed to go on one of the slides. 3 times.

5. No one took a photo. Phew.

Today has been a housework and chore day. There is a curry in the slow cooker and I will cook plain rice to go with it. Fran is stopping here for some dinner and a rest before driving back to London. That makes her final leg around 3 1/2 hours, much better than a 5 hour straight run.

Ben,s skin is showing a great improvement, all I am doing is bathing him twice weekly with a calming shampoo from the vet. Then twice daily I wash the sore areas with a dilution of hibiscrub and when dry smooth on some Fuciderm Gel. The initial tests indicate an under active thyroid. further tests have been carried out and we are waiting for the results.

He may be going on HRT!!!!

             TTFN                                         Pam


  1. Well that takes the biscuit a dog on HRT! Great to see you are having a blast in Wales.

    1. Silly but irresistible, he may well be on a thyroid supplement of some sort.
      I am having a great time and intend to carry on.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a wonderful birthday! Poor Ben x

    1. It was a good day and Ben is taking it all in his stride.

  4. Hi Pam
    Hope you don't mind me asking but is Ben on dried dog food? Enjoy reading your blog.

    1. Ben is on a mixed diet including a high quality dried food supplemented with fresh Lamb, Salmon and an omega rich oil.

  5. My dog was also on a high quality dried food and suffered terrible skin red itchy weeping and after many tests we were also told that we would have to have her on medication for the rest of her life. After doing much research on a natural raw meat diet I decided to go down this route took a while but with perseverance we got her on a raw meat diet. Not only did her skin complaint clear up but her overall health improved. Research Barf diet and lots of information on Landywoods. Hope this helps anything is worth a try other than chemic Good luck


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