
Thursday 19 February 2015

Birthday cake, calorie free.

You would be forgiven for thinking that all I do is sew and eat. Well you are nearly right, I like to have a real blitz at the housework then just a flick round for a few days then blitz again. This leaves me time to play to my hearts content. I have a birthday on the horizon, James will be 26 in March, plenty of time yet but it soon runs away. So as I was up at first light I played and made this,

I put 3 candles on it as a token gesture and once it has been quilted I will embroider a flame on each. When I make the children's I will be making them landscape and less layers. That way I will be able to put fat candles on and some embellishment.

My "Brucie Bonus" is this growing stack of patches, I have as many again to join and will then turn them into 4 patches and so on. I thought that I better separate the colours so that I get an even blend.
I took Maggie shopping this morning and picked up another bunch of roses, these ones have a light perfume, another bonus.

They have only been in the house for 5 hours and have started to open up. I hope that they last at least half as long as the last bunch.
Before it was fully light I took a photo of "my" mountain.

Swathed in mizzle but it still lifts my heart and soul to look across, Morriston is on the other side and I have heard it referred to as Morriston Mountain. Last week when walking Ben I met a hiker who was walking over it to Swansea. Rather her than me, although there was a time........
I have some cushion backs to make later, I will be using the Hummingbird print for most of them. I just want to find a blue for James's cushion and get that finished and put away.
Dinner tonight is Pork Casserole with mash and cabbage, I will have some grapefruit and orange segments if I fancy a pudding.
Now I am off to look for my air erasable marking pen, I dropped it this morning and it has rolled under something. I do have 2 others but this is very fine tipped and I love it, once found I will be looking to buy a few.
                TTFN                                                Pam


  1. Tell us more about your pen, not heard of it, I used a fine liner pen on my patchwork.

    1. It was part of a Christmas gift from Francesca, I will have to ask her where it was from so that I can stock up. I know that some quilters use mechanical pencils but I use so much white that I think it might show through.

  2. Sounds like a very busy day at your house! Your cake quilt looks great!! xx

    1. Most of my days are busy, thank goodness, that is how I like it.

  3. Love your cake quilting. Dinner sounds delicious too. Just finished the binding on my lap quilt today. x

    1. I like putting the binding on, mostly I machine sew to the quilt front and then hand sew to the reverse. When I make a quilt for a child I machine to the back and then again to the front, just to give it added strength.

  4. Love the cake. Just wonderful.

  5. Lovely birthday gift in the making, lovely roses too, someone once suggested putting a little lemonade into the vase along with the water to make the flowers last a little longer, never tried it myself.

  6. I love the cake quilt, it's beautiful and the roses are wonderful. I find it so difficult to get fragranced roses in a bunch.


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