
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Sewing up a Storm

This is a flying visit to say that the Janome 1600P is here, unpacked and on the frame. That is as far as it has got, I have been busy teaching and sewing.

The Muscles has finished his first project, it was going to be a cushion but morphed into a wall hanging/mini quilt. Then started on the first of the quilts for his children. He is a bit shy so you can just see his forearms, he managed to squeeze his hands into a pair of machingers. That quilt is now finished but for slip stitching the binding down, When it is done I will get a photo, there are one or two "iffy bits", a wrinkle or two on the back and a few wavy bits on the border. As I said, the quilt police do not exist and the recipient will not be going over it with a magnifying glass.
The "Alien" now has 3 open flowers and a large semi open bud, I have never grown these before and hope that I can keep it to bloom again.

In the meantime I have been doing all the boring house related jobs and sewing madly. I have a stack of cushion fronts made, some of them are layered and quilted, 3 are finished completely. There are dozens of strips of fabric draped over the quilting frame, I have 6 more to make before I get to try out the 1600P.
Tomorrow I am off to Carmarthen, I want to check out the fruit and veg place that Dawn ( doing it for ourselves in Wales) uses and Charlies that she also directed me to. I also need to get some thread from Dunelm and hopefully find time to pop into The Range.
I will be taking Maggie shopping on Thursday, we both just need to buy perishables so it should be a quick hop, skip and a jump round Lidl.
I have started to gather birthday gifts for Junior and Kaitlyn, I keep my eyes peeled and snap things up when I see them. So far I have pyjamas for them both and some leggings for Kaitlyn. They have clothes for birthdays, they love new clothes and it helps James and Cerys.
I must remember to ask when Faith's birthday falls, it is between the other two but has totally slipped my mind.
James had his birthday gift early, 1/4 of a ton of coal for his open fire. I have a huge mug for him as well and will put some tea and a cake with that for the day.
Both he and Cerys like practical gifts, it helps them and means that I do not have to wrack my brains for things.
Now I am off, Ben is due a bath and than I better think about dinner.
           TTFN                                                     Pam


  1. I think it's lovely for a family man to have a go at something what people seem to think is just for women, I once new a man who was a brilliant cross stitcher.

    1. He has made a very good start, I just hope that he does not get bored with it.

  2. I have planted my forced amaryllis blubs in the ground in a sunny spot and mulch over Winter. They come up and bloom. Sometimes the first year sometimes not. I did not know to do this till a gal told me to many years ago. Just tried it as I thought we got to cold but worked! Wonderful of you to teach muscles to sew and quilt! We have a LOT of Feb birthdays for it to be a short month!

    1. I have had a quick look and I need to repot the bulbs in good fresh compost and feed them till the foliage dies off and keep them frost free, then bring them into the warmth in late October. I will have a try.

  3. I hope Little Grace and Little Miss Janome play nicely together, and don't join forces to plot against you while you get to know them both at the same time. Have a great day in beautiful Wales!

    1. I hope so too, I had a lovely day out thank you, no need to go out now till next Thursday.

  4. Ii think its great to see a man crafting, from family tales I've learned a great uncle used to crochet & my paternal great grand father used to be a tailor. Also the chap in the next bed to my father in law in hospital last year used to knit, extremely quickly too! He used to make garments for his grandchildren. Hope you are able to find what you are looking for on your shopping trip, we have a Charlies local to us which we use often.

    1. There are many men out there who knit, sew and craft, I think that men where the original knitters. My Grandfather could sew anything but I never saw him with yarn in his hands except when he was darning his socks. I went to Charlies and realised that I bought my barbecue there last year. I did find a few bargains this time and will go again.

  5. Well to me if this is Muscles first encounter with a sewing machine and quilting then he evidently has a natural gift.
    I love your flowers very pretty, how are you getting along with your new machine, I've only heard good comments about their machines. I've been looking and drooling over the Janome Memory Craft 8200 QC. I like that it has the big 11" throat space although it wouldn't fit into my inlet on the sewing table my son made for me.

    I need to be sure before spending unnecessarily, I have 7machines which includes an overlocker and an embroidery machine so need to sell a few I think.

    Enjoy your weekend

    Peg xx

    1. SEVEN, I thought that I was bad with 4 and an overlocker, mind you I am still considering an embroidery machine. The 8200 QC is a wonderful machine but I still keep my others set up for specific jobs, it saves me so much time. I line up the ones that I will need and just move from one to the other as I have to.


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