
Thursday, 27 October 2016

A Sunnt afternoon.

Firstly I must say sorry to Sooze, when publishing my comments I had a coughing fit and managed to delete yours. I also deleted 2 others but did not see who they came from, so triple sorry.
There are some new followers to welcome aboard as well, although this has never been about numbers, it is quietly satisfying to see the figure rise, however slightly.
Yes some people drift away, tastes change, surfing time shrinks and sometimes new interests jump into focus.
I am the same, some blogs that I have followed for ages no longer appeal and have gone. Some have sadly drifted away and some have become so riddled with adverts that they had to go.
I am not a patient person and hate sitting through adverts. I mostly watch tv programs on catch up as the ads are gone, or record then fast forward through them.
The nasty harsh dry cough is mellowing down somewhat, I shall be soooo happy when the night sweats stop. It has been far worse than the menopause was, as soon as they have gone I will be replacing all my bedlinen. Even though I have changed at least every other day and used bio liquid I feel that it smells, no, it stinks.
I did manage to load all the photos on my camera into the laptop, and I can find them. I could not figure out how to crop them, and some are so old that they are pretty meaningless. I aim to take a
fresh batch soon and have a little play.
Ben has had all his walks, he has quite a fan club all eager to help, and lots of fuss and treats.
I seem to  have a reasonably clean house, with very little input from me.
Oh and the bathroom is done and dusted. I went through the towel cupboard, I may be on a hoarding program one day. I have two recycling bags full, they will be going to a local animal  rescue centre once I am up to it.
The next decorating job is the hall, stairs and landing. The wallpaper steamy thingy is ready to go, the sander is poised for action (some of the paper appears to have been stuck on with filler).
All of it has been painted over, two layers of paper and paint in some places.
I am still on the fence regarding trick or treat, I did it last year and there was a small trickle of children, mind you it rained and then it poured. I may just buy some of those packs of mini chocolate bars, one of my neighbours loves them and will munch through the leftovers.

I am actually going to cook tonight, sweet potato, butternut squash and chick pea curry. I use green lentils as well so no need for rice or Naan bread. A one pot wonder, prepped and cooked in 40 minutes, and so yummy.

I do believe that I am in dire need of tea, so it is off to the kitchen for me.

                    TTFN                                                        Pam.


  1. wow you have come back with a bang, dont go over doing it and knocking yourself back, I have drifted from some blogs and found new ones, take care

  2. Glad you are on the mend slowly Pam, you have had a rough time haven't you. I am really P***sed off with the night sweats, I am exhausted I am nodding off on the sofa but as soon as I get into bed they start.
    Anyway enough of me, your curry sounds really nice, enjoy x

  3. I have bought some mini sweet packets just in case, the Grandchildren will eat them when they visit if I don't need them. In previous years nobody has really bothered locally.

  4. Now look at you, just starting to feel better and planning again to do things and not easy things I might add. This illness will have taken a lot out of you so maybe baby steps to start with eh? Sorry, not prone to nagging but seriously please take it easy for a while.

  5. Thank goodness my hall, two staircases and landings are done and dusted for this year with a fresh coat of paint and new carpet. I would just like to find time to give the lounge a quick lick of paint to freshen it up before Christmas.
    I always get a few treats in just in case anyone knocks on the door but I think the Mums round here now arrange a little street party for the kids and don't allow them to knock on neighbours doors.
    Have fun with your decorating-x-

  6. No worries, Pam, I can't even remember what I wrote! You must be feeling better if you're thinking of decorating!

  7. Glad you are feeling a bit better, now to get rid of those horrible night sweats. Your donations to the shelter will be so appreciated.

  8. Glad you are on the mend. We watch tv on fast forward through the ads too!


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