
Monday, 17 October 2016

Many thank yous.

I thank you all for your kind comments and wishes. I am getting lots of rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking my meds.
I have barely touched my knitting, it all seems so heavy, but I have managed to knit a few hats for the annual smoothie Big Knit campaign. They will all be washed before being sent off, don't want to risk passing anything nasty on.
I am trying my utmost to eat enough but even that wears me out so quickly.
I hate being ill and am so looking forward to being back on my feet.
Now I am off to bed before I fall asleep on the sofa.

TTFN                                                                    Pam

PS. A very kind person gave me trifle tonight. I did manage to slurp it down with no bother. Hmmm perhaps I need to rethink this healthy eating lark for a while.


  1. Well if you can eat trifle and it makes you feel good then go for it, better to be eating than dieting.

  2. Oh you poor thing, hope things get better soon xx

  3. It sound like a very nasty thing you have, do hope you feel lots better very soon.

  4. Sorry to hear you have been ill. I know it must be frustrating for an active person like yourself in addition to not feeling well to not be up and about and accomplishing things.

  5. So sorry to hear you have been poorly. I was wondering where you were. Take as long as you need to recover. Hope someone has been popping by to help with Ben.

  6. A little bit of what you fancy does you good. Trifle is good for you it has fruit LOL!!!

  7. Definitely no healthy eating when you are poorly - it should be whatever takes your fancy and trifle sounds a brilliant idea. The knitting won't go away but good that you have still been able to put together a few hats for a good cause. Get Well Soon.

  8. Eat what tastes good. You can always go back to eating healthy when your strength is back. Feel better.

  9. Get well soon, we all miss you. xxx

  10. Take your time to recover completely! don't want a relapse. I'm glad that you have posted to let us know how you are. Now we can stop worrying about you. Relax and let others take care of you a bit longer. Hard, but important! Cheers.

  11. Hope you are starting to feel better. Please make sure to keep your fluid levels up too. Most important after nasty things like this.

  12. So glad to hear you are on the mend! I was beginning to worry:-)

  13. Hi Pam, I haven't commented before, though always read your blog (well, for a few months now), really love reading about all your adventures. I am so sorry you are so under the weather, but hope and pray that you are on the mend now and that we'll be reading your entertaining blogs before long. Take very good care of yourself. Best wishes, Txx


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