
Friday 24 February 2017

Tea and cake mmmm

Today has been glorious, light wind and wall to wall sunshine,  I took full advantage and the washing machine went on. The bed was stripped as were the sofas, the laundry baskets are now empty. The ironing basket is not, but it soon will be, there is little to compare with having washing done, line dried, ironed and put away all in one day. Especially in February.
I did manage to squeeze in a few rows of knitting and will do a bit more later.

My afternoon was filled with joy of a different nature, I went to visit a newcomer to the village. You may have seen the odd comment from Jess and Will here and there.  I went to see them and enjoyed a couple of hours chatting with tea and homemade banana and chocolate cake, it was lush. They have a delightful little girl and I managed a cwtch and a play, poor little mite is teething but was still beaming and playing.

My post from yesterday was mainly for the recycle and  compost bins, there was however a shining star.

The latest edition of Pompom magazine, I had seen it on a couple of podcasts and then had a look online as I liked the patterns that I had seen.

The cover shawl pattern just called to me, I have the yarn in stash.

The shoulder and cuff pattern is lovely and I see this in a lighter green.

This edge to edge cardigan also has a pretty pattern, it does have short sleeves which I will lengthen. Again I have stash yarn for this.

There are more patterns, a colour work hat for one that I want to try, most of which I can see myself knitting. All this for the price of 3 patterns, and once I have worked through it I can pass it on.

Dinner tonight was going to be felafels but I changed my mind and it will be jacket potato and a beany chilli. There could be cherry pie for pudding, I may not have room.

On that note I am off to the kitchen, enjoy your weekend where ever you are.

                      TTFN                                                    Pam


  1. How lovely you were able to meet up. It must be great to have a fellow blogger so close by.

    1. It was lovely, I am lucky to have a few bloggers fairly close but to have one in the same village is a real treat. Of course I am not influenced by the gorgeous little girl at all.

  2. Tea and cake here today too as I baked for the first time in ages. Goodness knows what it will taste like as all I had was a jar of rather sharp blackcurrant jam so made a little buttercream to go in it to offset the sharpness.
    Lovely knitting projects to come-x-

    1. That filling sounds good, I like blackcurrant jam to be a bit on the sharp side. I do make a sharp lemon and lime curd which stirred into whipped cream or thick yogurt is divine.

  3. how lovely to spend time welcoming new people to the village, I like that, I got two loads of washing done and out on the line it was a glorious day.

  4. How lovely to meet up with a fellow blogger and welcome them to the village. We ended up with a baked potato too, food is very limited and I am going to have do another shop. Love the pattern book.

    1. Tonight I am being equally lazy, Gigantes Plaki on toast with a salad on the side. It is the first pattern book that I have bought for a very long time and I am itching to make a start.

  5. I need to order that new magazine. It looks wonderful.

    1. I ordered it and it arrived 48 hours later.


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