
Sunday, 15 October 2017

Accidental Precut scraps

I have cut the blades for the next 4 Dresden Plates, I inferred yesterday that I was making fans but they are definitely Plates.

10 different blues, 5 greys and 5 greens to give me 4 more blocks. If these are to become a quilt I will need to make 12 blocks in total. I will think about it, the colour palette is a bit restrictive as so far the only warm colour is the yellow for the middles. I cannot repeat the blocks as several of the blades were cut from small scraps and there is no more left.

I did get a "Brucie Bonus" though. Because of the way I placed the template I am left with these skinny blades. They will not be wasted I will save them all for a "play session" right at the end. Depending on what I decide to make they may become part of the border.

As I was walking Rufus this morning my mind was wandering willy nilly. Autumn was a favourite time of the year for my Mum, not for the weather but the colours. She revelled in the turning leaves and filled the garden with plants that had brilliant autumn colours.

With a few more steps I reflected on the way she brought us up. There was lots of support from my Gran and one or the other of them was always there.

While we were quite young the care was pretty much full on and as we grew we got more freedom. As our attention needs reduced Dad became the focus of her attention and he lapped it up.
 I should say here that as the eldest I automatically took on some of the caring duties. That's the way that most of our friends families worked, it was not a chore and "duty" is a hard word to use. I just could not think of another, it wasn't always a joy with a sister and 2 small brothers, what one didn't think of another would. 

But it taught me so much that stands me in good stead today. I can keep up with a few conversations at once, I can let Rufus and Ben off their leads and even if they rush in opposite directions I can keep tabs on them both.

I learnt how precious "me time" is and try very hard not to fritter it away.
I also learnt that if you care for another person it fills your heart with love, you may not realise the rewards at the time but they are there.

Oh My Word, I seem to have gone down a goody two shoes road. Believe me there were times when I could have cheerfully strangled them all. But tucking a small person into bed and having them fling their arms round you and snuggling in is priceless. No matter that they drew in your new book or managed to break your favourite ornament and got plastered in mud 2 minutes before tea.

Bear with me I will be back to my normal self tomorrow. 

Dinner tonight is unknown so far, there is Steak and Kidney with veg in a red wine gravy simmering away in the slow cooker but that is for tomorrow. I have some soft blue cheese to use, perhaps a pasta dish or maybe a jacket potato. Time will tell.

Now I am off to get a brew on.

                          TTFN                                        Pam


  1. Well, after yesterday's wonderful Dresden plates I think you are going to be falling headlong into another quilt - if only to use up these "blades". I dare say you could introduce some fresh colours to eke out the patterns you can't get more of . . .

    I agree with you about caring for small children - I was an only child and my best friends were books! I am sure you didn't find that a chore at all.

    1. Yup, it's going to be a quilt. It is Francesca's birthday soon and she has been dropping boulder sized hints for weeks.

  2. What a lovely post, Pam. Nothing wrong with a bit of philosophical thinking whilst walking. Dare I suggest you reverse the next six blocks to use up all your warm/yellow pieces? No buying anything though!! It will be a beautiful quilt if you make it that. If not, could each block front a bag? Back to Christmas sewing for me now that I've had my homemade soup. Catriona

    1. I thought about the yellows but don't have enough of the softer shades. I am going to add some pinks in and make 9 plates.

  3. We had baby Will last night, so I understand what you are saying, looking after younger brothers, helped with caring for my own daughter's and now my grandsons.

    1. It used to be the norm in most families and once the habit is set it takes a lot of breaking.

  4. I am one of six and second eldest so I can imagine myself back there caring for my younger siblings. I do think it makes you more tolerant.

    1. I would not go back and change it if I could.


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