
Monday 29 December 2014

Nowt, Zilch, Nada.

That is what I bought in Swansea this morning, I did however get a headache.
I went to the fabric shop in the Quadrant ready for a 10:00 opening, it was 25 minutes before the chap toddled up to unlock.
I had a look round but there was a dismal array of cheap and not really cheerful stuff. None of the Christmas fabrics were really Christmassy and there were no yellows that I would want. In fact if somebody had said that I could have what I wanted as a freebie I would still have left empty handed.

Never mind, I will go off to Cross Hands later in the week, and there is always the net.

I have done a bit more knitting, the sleeves are now 10" long and I hope to do some more tonight.

I still have quite a bit of increasing to do and may have to buy some longer needles. I do like to knit both sleeves together, and the fronts as well, that way I am sure that the increases and decreases are consistent.
I am convinced that I do have some longer ones somewhere but will only find them if I buy some more.
I recorded Bedknobs and Broomsticks earlier, I have seen it before ages ago, I have watched some of it and realised how similar the music is to Mary Poppins, I will still enjoy it though.
I had to stop and get dinner started, just a fish pie with a topping of mashed cauliflower with green beans and sweetcorn. Later I want to make a couple of Banana Cakes, I will use Nigel's recipe and add dark chocolate and chopped pecan nuts, they are not both for me I hasten to add.
I went through the fridges today and gave them a clean, I will only want milk and some more fruit and veg at some point this week.
Tomorrow I intend to empty the tins and jars cupboard and tidy it up, I have just been pulling what I want out and then stuffing everything back willy nilly. Now of course, I can not see what is in there.
Oops, just noticed what the time is, back soon.
Right now I need to get into the kitchen and clear it up, dinner was delicious, I finished watching the film and enjoyed it.
Ben is giving me the "take me out woman" look so I better do as he says.
       TTFN                                                            Pam


  1. Loving that pattern on those sleeves! Can't wait to see the finished article x

    1. It will be a while yet, I do not knit very fast and have to rest my wrists after 6 rows.

  2. Beautiful knitted. And a lovely colour.

    1. Thank you, Rosezeeta, I do struggle with the tension sometimes with Aran but this seems fine.

  3. I now have the fabric bales here from the shop if you want to see if there is anything that suits

    1. I would love to, we will get together in the new year. I was not in a good frame of mind after hanging about in the cold but there really was a dire selection.

  4. Beautiful knitting. As for the longer needles, I switched to circular needles ( the little needles with nylon wire between ) and I e not gone back to standard needles!

    1. B U M, why didn't I think of that, I have about 20 of those in a box, and I know where it is. Thank you so much.

  5. Forgot all about knitting sleeves together. If I had remembered it would have saved a lot of aggravation on the last one. Look forward to seeing the reveal.

    1. My Mum always knitted like that and I have just copied her, now I do not thin k that I could knit them singly.

  6. I knit the sleeves and fronts together as well. When I knit I hold the needles under my arms so I like very long needles. (My husband says I should have a permanent dent in the side of my right boob!!!!!). I hate circular needles (can't get them under the arm, lol), I also find that my tension changes when I use them.

    1. I have seen other people tucking the needles under their arms to knit, but have never tried to myself.

    2. My mum and my Nanna were 'tucker knitters' . I tried. I just can't do it! I'm an elbows out kinda girl and the circulars are much safer for those around me!!!

  7. Pam the knitting looks amazing . Thank you for my darling prezzies you sent , I love them . I love the things you make .

    1. How good, you are now able to comment. I am glad that you liked the gifts. Have a good New Year.

  8. I also do sleeves together and will also do the fonts and back together up to either arm hole shaping or neck shaping (depending on the pattern) so that the lengths are the same as well ad the shaping. I also knit with the needles under my arm. I see lots of people holding their needles like pencils - I've tried but can't do it.

    1. What length needles do you use to get the front and back on together. I might be able to do that on a long circular needle. I think that I might go out and buy one just to try.


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