
Wednesday 10 December 2014

The best laid plans of mice and men....and Pam

I have had a nothing sort of day, a load of washing out on the line in bright sunshine, gathered in 20 minutes later in a bitter wind with driving ice.
A wander round the house with cobweb brush in hand and hat on head, just in case.
Walking Ben as usual, no dogs out today to chat with.
Several brews of tea, BTW Lidl has boxes of 240 PG Tips bags at 2 for £6.
Cereal for breakfast and a cucumber sandwich for lunch.
No sewing but I have cleared the decks completely, still have to clean the machine though.
Went to the library, returned books, no fine.
Found 4 novels and a crochet book.
Got the polish out and then put it back, just couldn't.
Took a photo of the Poncho and then decided that it needs another round of colour.
Settled down on the sofa to watch a bit of telly, went to gather crochet and Ben stood on the remote and has wiped the screen. I have no idea what to do so it will have to wait till tomorrow.
I have no energy to attempt anything that requires thinking, and will not sew till the machine is cleaned.
I may just do some more research on Kindles, I asked Maggie and she does not have one. Mind you she has more books than the library so I can understand.
I have a bad case of the "can't be bothered" I would go and bake some cookies but would sit and munch my way through them.
I may have to go off to bed and watch a DVD, something suitably seasonal, or maybe a touch of Mama Mia is called for, I can sing along, I know most of the words.
I am not really whinging, I am warm, not hungry, can make tea as often as I like and eat when and what I like.
I am going to Ammanford tomorrow and will be doing a food bank shop, all things that can be eaten cold and some really treaty things. As many small items as I can manage, then they can be spread further.
I had a Bleh moment today, someone has been lying to my face and it has left a sour taste in my mouth. Oh well, not to worry, write it off and file it under R for rubbish.
In the grand scheme of things I am not doing too badly. I have everything that I need and most of what I want, (there is a long arm machine and a quilting frame out there somewhere with my name on it)
I have a good circle of friends and the unswerving love of Ben, I may have an iffy hip and knee but the rest is in fine fettle.

Perhaps I just need a rub down with the Sporting Life.

On that slightly insalubrious note, I am off to bed with Mama Mia, if you hear an strange noise it is only me singing along, don't worry about the neighbour, he is out.

       TTFN                                                            Pam


  1. Best thing for the 'cant be bothered wobblies' .. another day tomorrow .. and you will feel fine and dandy .. we all get wobbly days.

    Vicky x

    1. I have sung along, slurped my tea, snuggled with Ben and the world seems a better place. Now I have fresh tea and am wide awake. Oh yes, new library books.

  2. If you are seriously looking for a quilting frame...I am just agonising over whether to sell my Little Gracie Queen quilting frame...haven't quite plucked up the courage to let go, but might get there soon.

    1. I am, I have been thinking about it and with some reshuffling and clearing of the sewing room I should have room. If you would like to email me the details when you are ready we can talk about it.

  3. Some days just suck, Pam, hope you feel better in the morning x

    1. I feel much better now, an indulgent evening has set me back on track.

  4. What a lovely "life-as-it-happens" post. Mine today would be: "Blow nose, blow nose, blow on cold fingers, have a cup of tea, blow nose" - not much fun!

    We have a kindle that our son bought us, and my OH uses it a lot as a sort of portable computer. I have downloaded some free books to it, and a couple of low-histamine cook-books, but tbh, don't get a chance to read much during the day, so they languish there. If you want to sit down and read from it - no probs, and you can take it with you on coach journeys, say - but it does need re-charging, and tbh, I would always far rather have a book! Many of my books are a bit specialist anyway, and can't be got on Kindle, and novels - well, I buy them as I see them at car boot sales or in charity shops, and have a pile a mile high and no time to read any quicker (ten mins at bedtime).

    1. I have been mulling this idea over for absolutely ages, months if not years/. I have to say that unless someone gives one to me I will never have one. I do not do coach or train travel and if I am a passenger in a car I have crochet or EPP on the go. My new "I Want" is a quilting frame.

  5. Hope you are still feeling ok, Pam, the "bleughs" are not nice, and sometimes come and visit me, hanging around inexplicably for days.
    My kindle is so useful when we go to stay with our son in New Zealand, and at any waiting room situation- I get edgy if I can't read! But I totally agree with all comments about REAL books, and as I've said before, Kindles are no use for big books with photographs,- textile, cookery, gardening etc .I have had small quilting frames, the round kind, but I quilt sitting on the settee with my legs underneath me (bad for legs, I know) and the spare bit of quilt thrown over my shoulder, I cannot quilt in a frame but i LOVE the whole idea of sitting at a big rectangular frame, preferably with two or three friends.... never going to happen though! Lxx

    1. I am fighting fit again thank you, it has been very cold, wet and windy here. I have had a busy day doing very little, just odds and ends really. I had a lovely long chat with Fran during her lunch break, we are both looking forward to her coming home soon. I know the type that you mean, I have a couple of rectangular ones to have on my lap. I have often thought about a machine frame and now have the space for one.

  6. You are usually so busy and on the go making things all the time I think you deserve the occasional 'can't be bothered' day. Lately I seem to get out of bed nearly every day with a 'can't be bothered' attitude. Fortunately, once I start doing the things that need doing every day I genenerally manage to snap out of it to some extent. I haven't felt much like cooking lately, though, and my budgeting has gone out of the window because I've been buying rather than making. I've also mostly lost interest in crafting, but I have made a few cards for my kids to give to friends. I feel like I'm just ticking over at the moment, but I'm hoping once Christmas is out of the way I'll get my mojo back and make a new start in the New Year.

    1. There are some things that I always bother about, but on the whole yesterday was spent recharging my batteries. I am cooking but not baking much, I have made 2 more batches of marmalade, both lemon and orange and some cookies. I have done very little today and will rinse and repeat tomorrow. My main project now is wrapping paper and sellotape.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, I have had a lazy day playing with a rainbow of yarn and a crochet hook.


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