
Thursday, 4 February 2016

Dave Needs You.

Well he and more like him need your money. What for now? I hear you ask/mutter/mumble/sneer.
This group are looking for donors, cash donors, to raise squillions of pounds to provide education, jobs and homes for Syria.
Dig Deep Folks.

The only digging I will be doing is my garden.

Once there are no such needs in this country then we should look outwards. Not Politics. Common Sense.........................But that is as rare as rocking horse manure.

Okay you can look again, rant over.

Ben was very not well last night, goodness know what delicacy he had found to shovel down his neck, it all left the building in the small hours of the night.

Chicken and rice for a couple of days, but not today, oh no. Water, water and water is today's menu.

The chap in question has had a walk, a short visit with my friend Angela and is now on his blanket on the sofa, snoozing.

As for me, I am going to deal with the washing, ironing and then my new toy, a late Christmas present. More on that tomorrow.

                TTFN                                                        Pam


  1. Oh poor Ben. My dog suffers what we call 'garbage guts' now and again. Hope he's better soon.
    I'll join you in digging the garden-x-

  2. It wasn't a rant; it was common sense. I can't even see all the young men wanting to go back to help rebuild as they want to stay in Europe - and ultimately come here. There is a lot of poverty - and lack of housing - all around this country; even in areas that seem well heeled. Most people feel we should address our own issues first. (I only read about Cameron's conference today; which was the first I'd heard about it)

    Where I live they are knocking down loads of 1960's sub standard social housing to rebuild. They move out the residents - to where they often don't want to go - then build flash, expensive housing; much of which is private. It's really social cleansing. One of many current plans means cutting into the top of our road (private housing with big gardens - imagine how much you can rebuild on the site) some don't want to sell, so now they are putting in place compulsory purchase orders.

    1. Compulsory purchase is a disgrace, I would like to see some of the royal gardens developed for social housing under one of those orders. What happened to "an English mans home is his castle" and even that is wrong it should be "Every Man's home is his castle"

  3. Poor Ben. One of our dogs, long since deceased, used to eat anything in the garden including slugs. You can imagine the mess from that. She was always bringing up hairballs too which weren't too bad.
    I'm also with you as regards the digging as I believe charity begins at home and I think our government, whichever one is in power, have their priorities all wrong. Why do we spend millions of pounds, or it could be billions, on overseas aid? Sometimes I think we need it more than they do. You've got me started now.

    Joan (Wales)

    1. Having seen a documentary about the substandard housing in Rhyl I would like to see a few million sent there.

  4. Poor Ben, I hope he's better soon. How exciting, a late Christmas present, looking forward to hearing what it is.

  5. Hope Ben gets better soon. The joys of owning a dog!

    1. It could have been much worse, at least he is a little dog.

  6. Poor Ben and poor you for having to deal with the aftermath!!

    1. I have a cast iron stomach, so it was no problem to me. Poor Ben was so dejected.

  7. I choose to dig in the garden too. Hope Ben is feeling better soon.

    1. He is now, but still on a water diet.

  8. My sentiments entirely re.the digging deep!
    Poor Ben, hope he gets well soon and he didn't make too much mess for you.

  9. I love you line about rocking horse manure!

    1. It makes me grin every time that I use it.

  10. agree 100% charity begins at home

    1. The majority think it but it is the "powers that be" who ignore it.

  11. Well done Pam for saying what so many of us are thinking - enough is enough - I worked with a large number of so called 'asylum seekers' a number of years ago - all you ever hear from them is I want, I want, I want......I want a council house, I want more money, I want more benefits - never heard them say I want to work for it though - one came in one day and said 'I vant anuk' he only wanted a hook to hang his tea towel on! This was at a time when the council hadn't got 2 pennies to rub together and people who'd worked hard all their lives, paid their taxes and rents couldn't get basic repairs done and he genuinely believed that the council should rock up with 'anuk' for him I'm on a rant!
    But you are so right - Cameron is giving away our money and it won't be used correctly, it will be wasted and within months they'll be back for more, because they think we're stupid and rolling in money in this country and that we will be easy to fleece again - will stupid politicians/do gooders ever learn? Thank you xxx

    1. I caught a bit of the news on radio 2 and actually heard some chap saying that the priority should be to stop the war otherwise they would be back every year for even more money. I only hope that his voice is not only heard but acted upon.

  12. The government haven't got a chuffin clue.

  13. No digging in the garden here - it is an absolute quagmire. Just standing on the "lawn" (paddy field more like) to sprinkle on some compost yesterday did a lot of damage. I hope Ben is better soon.

    Whatever crew we have in power in this country don't seem to want to do ANYTHING for us British - just sell everything worth having to overseas investors and give them total autonomy over us. That and foreign aid too. Crazy.

    1. My garden is fairly boggy but fingers crossed it will dry out ready for planting. I will have the raised beds to start with.
      The government need to take a leaf from the WA lot, the last time that I was in Perth there were posters all over saying Eat Aussie beef you Barstards. Sharp and to the point.

  14. I totally agree too regarding dig deep. In my year of "Do More Good" my efforts and resulting donations will stay firmly in the UK. Our own needy folk are being forgotten.

    Hope Ben feels better soon.

    1. I support the Dog's Trust and a local pet rescue centre and Ty Hafan on a regular basis. I use local charity shops as much as possible. Keeping it in house, so to speak. I am happy to grocery shop anywhere as they all employ local folk.

  15. People look at America as the land of opportunity, i am the grandchild of immigrants on one side, 2nd generation, on the other side my people immigrated in the early 1700's so I'd say that side has deeper roots. But they came for a better life, land and jobs.
    Today in America, we've got the 1% who dictate to the 99% and we see the damages done. The mortgage crisis acerbated by big banks trying to inflate profits led to hundreds of thousands of people losing their homes. We lost ours and had to go back to renting. Deals that were too good to be true.
    Our education system which used to be one of the best in the world is failing their students by teaching to to the test (thanks G.W. Bush). Kids learn these things by rote and don't have any access to free thinking and much variation in lesson plans. There is a good thing, but it is being financed by companies like APPLE and MICROSOFT --- S(science) T(technology) E(engineering) and Mathematics. If America is ever to get to the top again they also need to focus on reading, writing, intelligent thinking as well as STEM. I had a special ed class of 9th graders who could not read word problems yet were expected to pass algebra.
    Sorry for the word vomit. I am so thankful my kids got out of school with a good education.

    1. Carry on regardless, it is good to speak your mind. I do not think that any of the worlds troubles will be dealt with easily or speedily, if ever. While the UK spends more money on housing, feeding and entertaining criminals than old people or school children we will never get to rights.

  16. I do wish Mr "call me Dave" Cameron would look a little closer to home before he opens his mouth. We have FOOD BANKS in this country!!! How is that acceptable in this day and age? If the government has to rely on charity to feed it's own people, then something is badly wrong. And breathe.....

    1. Politicians can not see past the next subsidised meal with wine in the House of Commons restaurant, not to mention their subsidised homes. I bet none of them have ill fitting sieves for windows, inadequate heating, iffy wiring and goodness knows how much damp. Families of 4 living in 1 room with a shared bathroom and kitchen and so on. It is all happening in our towns, cities and rural areas. Now I better breathe.

  17. We def need money spent in this country - we all agree.

    But, as the saying goes, there is always someone worse off than yourself - and we cant ignore that and just 'walk by on the other side of the street'.....we have a responsibility to care for each other - no matter what part of the country, or what part of the world we were born in.......we, and everyone in the world have to learn to love & care for each other.
    Love to Ben X

    1. I understand what you are saying but we have to look after our own, there are far too many people living in abject poverty, cold and hungry in this wonderful country, Severely disabled people are being re-assessed for their need to have an adapted vehicle, many are losing theirs to save money. One of my neighbours is a paraplegic and needs a vehicle that he can access on his motorised wheelchair. He sustained his injuries serving this country and is worried that he will lose the right to his adapted motor. He would become virtually housebound if this happens.


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