
Tuesday 23 May 2017

Air cake, no calories.

This morning,s news was devastating, my heart goes out to all those directly affected and to the people who will be trying to offer comfort, support and help.

It was Knit and Natter this afternoon and as usual I was looking forward to it.

As my way of dealing with bad things is to work mindlessly I made cake.
A chocolate sponge filled with whipped cream and some crunchy topped lemon loaf cakes.
They went down well with all the girls and we did not discuss the bad news other than to acknowledge the sadness and the distress it has caused.

I started a hat last night while watching TV and finished it this afternoon, I just had the last 7 decrease rows left when I left Llandeilo so whizzed through them with a cuppa once I got home.

Cake left? perish the thought. I don't bring cake home.

Enough of such foolishness, have a look at the hat.

It is the Angel hat from Kay Jones of The Bakery Bears, a free pattern on ravelry.
I used 58 grams of Drops Karisma, colour 78, which I gathered up on a long forgotten shopping spree at Wool Warehouse, there was a sale on and it would have been rude not to.

I won't be putting a bobble on, well not straightaway anyway.
I have enough to make another so Francesca will find one in her Birthday bag.

My fingers are itching to pop over to the warehouse and wander through the yarn BUT I am resisting temptation. I know that there is no such thing as too much yarn, my problem is there is no room for any more. So, in the interest of a home that I can actually move around in, I am on a yarn buying ban, self imposed. Once I have knitted up a minimum of 2 Kilos I may allow a skein a month in. That sounds a fair amount but does not include my 2 WIPS.

In real terms it is 20 pairs of socks, I do not put any left over yarn back into stash. I wind pretty little balls and pop them into glass jars.
I was tentatively planning a cosy memories blanket but Kay Jones in knitting and infinity scarf with hers and I am sold on that idea.

I haven't touched the new dress yet, I am working out a full lining and need to figure out the neckline first.

That's all from me today, I will be casting on another Angel hat for the SO, he has picked some green Aran weight yarn from the stash, West Yorkshire Spinners. I do have some toning yarn in their Aire Valley line, he had thick socks last year in that, so stripes or colour blocking will be the order of the day.

                           TTFN                                      Pam

PS, Dinner is in the oven, cottage pie and I will steam some broccoli to have with it. 

PPS, My cakes rose impressively and the girls all said how light they were. I must have taken my frustration at the news out on the mix and beat all the calories out and replaced them with air. 


  1. The news is just awful, so many people died in such an unnecessary tragedy. Love your socks and beautiful skirts.

  2. I need to stock my cabinets with air cakes. Lately I've been on an eating binge...sweets! and can't seem to get it under control. It's awful. I am amazed at the skirts and pajama bottoms you've made and the hat, and sweaters, and all the socks! How do you find time to eat at all? :)

    1. Oh yes I manage to eat very well. After all an engine needs fuel.

  3. Your cakes sound wonderful and I like the hat. The news just continues to be sad.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Duh, clicked on the wrong button. Tea deficit is the cause.

  5. My tongue was firmly in my cheek, like many of us it wouldn't hurt me to lose some weight but i am not about to embark ob a serious diet regime. I eat healthy food most of the time and cake shared with friends is a now and again treat. But thank you for the link and I will have a look.


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