
Monday 22 May 2017

I blinked and days sped past.

I can not believe that so many days have flown by since my last post.
I put the blame firmly at the weather.

When it rained I knitted my socks off.

When it was fine I was busy in the garden.

No garden photos yet as I only just thought about it.

Knitting is another matter though.

My first pair of Rose City Rollers, I still have 17 grams of this yarn to use, I did use the heel from Vanilla is the new Black. It is my go to heel now, so simple and quick to knit and it fits like a dream. (I would say glove but that's just a step too far, even for me)

The Regia pairfect socks, done, worn the very next day, washed and put in the very bottom of his sock drawer. I know that I need to knit through the stash but at the first opportunity I will be buying more of this. The range of colours is good and the knitting just flows like a river after a storm.

This is my latest take on short socks, just 20 rows of 2 x 2 rib and 10 rows of stocking stitch then straight into my fave heel, the other one is on the needles and I have just started on the foot. It is knitting at the library this afternoon so I may just get this finished today.

Needless to say the next skein of yarn has been chosen and will be on my needles tomorrow. Just in time for knit and natter at Llandeilo. 

Who said retirement would be boring?

My skirts from the last post have been worn and another made, photos later, and I have cut out a dress pattern. I just managed to wriggle the pattern out of my fabric with millimetres to spare and managed to get side seam pockets.Woo Hoo

It should have a drawstring waist, but I left out the casing otherwise I would not have had enough fabric, I will simply wear a belt.

I may get the first section sewn up this evening, then I can show you this week.

Whilst we were out in the garden last week we planted some Blackthorn Hedging that I grew, I knew how many young plants that I had but 3 had gone into hiding.

This morning I went outside to peg out the washing and almost fell over them. I wonder if the hedgehog has been tidying, or perhaps I looked through them.

Laters laters, they will be in the ground today.

The SO has been informed asked nicely.

Ben is fine although summer seems to have gone to his head. He loves his walks but just lately has wanted more of them and to go further. All well and good but he hasn't got the stamina or the strength and guess who would be carrying a hot, panting, wriggly dog.

Oops, the post is here and I am waiting impatiently for some dried lavender, it is 5 days late. someone is going to get a snottagram email later if it is not here today.

                        TTFN                                        Pam


  1. Eeek you sound busy...but good at the same time. Doing what you enjoy. Love your socks. I've not managed to knit much in the past week - so busy at work that I'm tired at night...then some traveling and now we are expecting guests this weekend.

  2. Dear Pam , many thanks for my dear bag you posted me. I love it and the colours are lovely. Thank you very much for your lovely gift.

  3. Hi Pam just had a piece of your lemon drizzle cake , well one piece wasn't enough its soooo lovely thank you just what I needed see you soon Chrissie xxxxx


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