
Friday 12 May 2017

Mix and Match, if you can

This is the UK, Wales in particular, so the weather is a frequent conversation subject.
Today has been a show stopper. We have had slight drizzle that was more like a heavy mist, spotty rain where you could just about dodge the rain drops they were so far and few between, bright and hot sunshine and pounding down like stair rods rain. You can mix it up as much as you like and nothing matches any season anywhere except British Summer. In fact it has been almost perfect Bank Holiday weather.

Enough of that gibberish.

I went into Ammanford today, it is Market day so the traffic was horrendous. Both the SO and I needed new watch batteries and they have to be replaced at designated jewellers, otherwise the warranty becomes null and void. It is a pain but better than sending them back to Longines and risking the heavy hands of the postal service.

I decided to do the shop whilst I was there and treated us to the first British Asparagus of the year.  Oh Yum.

Ben's food shelf is stacked high and his fresh meat is in the freezer ready for next weeks cook up.

My tin shelf is a bit thin on the ground, I don't use many, just beans and tomatoes and the odd tin of corn, but I want to empty it completely and then restock. I know that buying dried beans and cooking them myself is cheaper, and I do that as well, but like to keep a few tins for fast meals if visitors descend. I can whip up a mean curry in 45 minutes when needed.
I bought some really fresh root ginger and will be putting some into the freezer, along with garlic it features in most of my meals even the impossible quiche. We love it and it is good for us.

I aim to pick enough wild garlic over the weekend to make a batch of pesto, I have walnuts and oil but do not add cheese. Pine nuts are the norm but I prefer walnuts I like to throw some parsley in as well some times.

I have knitted an ankle sock, same start as the Rose City Rollers and then my go to heel, foot and toe with the Kitchener stitch finish.

My next pair will be toe up with an afterthought heel, just because I haven't done that yet. Many of the podcasters that I watch knit their socks that way and I feel that I want to give it a try.

I was pleased to see that Danni of Little Bobbins had put a new podcast up, I had missed her gentle voice and her pets.

Katie of Inside number 23 is Vlogging every day, she is taking part in the Me Made May and is showing her hand made wardrobe choice every day. her little Pug, Roly is often the star of the show.

I have too many WIP,s on my needles and aim to knock 3 off the list quite quickly. I have the second sock for the SO and a cardigan for Ivy, I should have finished at least one of those before casting on the ankle sock but the yarn just jumped into my hand. There was 57 grams left from a pair of socks that I knitted for Francesca last year. I can not remember where I bought it or when but it is far too lovely to leave floundering in limbo. I should have around 15 grams left and have no idea what that I will do with that. I do remember that it is hand wash only so putting it into a scrap blanket is a no no. 

Dinner tonight is the rest of the quiche with another salad. Last night we had pasta with a sauce that I dug out of the freezer. I did do my usual fridge clear out and there is a veg curry in the fridge ready for tomorrow, it was very good and will only get better as it sits in the fridge. I threw in a good handful of Edamame beans for the protein, we love them and it makes a change from my usual kidney beans or chickpeas.

I think that I have waffled on long enough so I will say toodle pip  and have a good weekend wherever you are.

                  TTFN                                            Pam


  1. Cold and wet then cold but sunny and now cold and dull. The heating is on and I am going to get into my jammies and snuggle up on the sofa.
    Have a fab weekend-x-

    1. I did, most of it was indoors crafting.

  2. All this food chatter is making me hungry!! (mid-afternoon here in the Eastern US) I, too, use garlic constantly and also a lot of ginger. Love those flavors. My friend makes pesto and freezes it in ice cube trays...then plops out the cubes and puts them in a zip lock bag in her freezer. Have you ever tried that?

    1. I do that with lots of things, fresh herbs chopped up and mixed with a little water make instant flavour bombs for sauces.

  3. Mostly sunny here in the east today. I haven't watched any podcasts, it's one of those things I keep meaning to do xx

    1. We have had a good deal of rain and lots of sunshine, perfect growing weather.

  4. Hi Pam I have to agree with you Roly the pug is adorable he makes my day. Went to see my daughter yesterday and oh dear had to go past the fabric shop so just nipped in to have a look and came out with 2 lots of fat quarters and wool for a shawl which is another thing I have never made it's a Patons colour wheel and I just fell in love with it plus it had a pattern to go with it, I hope you have a good weekend too x

  5. We've been very fortunate with the weather here recently. Mostly it's a bit of a mixed bag.
    I hope you get your wild garlic picked. X

    1. I postponed it as we had lots of rain and where I go it gets very boggy.

  6. It's in the 60's and overcast half the day here by the coast. (well 4 miles as the crow flies so I say coast). It's supposed to hit 21C tomorrow. I'm going to clean the kitchen and living room because Sunday is Mother's Day. I called Mom and said how about MeatLoaf, mashed potatoes with butter and cream, and green beans in beef broth. She said that sounded great. As long as the spousal unit doesn't have some stupid sci-fi show on we should have fun. Today I had a long talk with my daughter in Chicago. She's coming home in August for a school reunion, and we talked about doing an overnight to Las Vegas to see Cher. I saw her years ago with Sonny, and I do like her music. I get points for playing casino games online, so I could cash some in for a nice room. We'll see. Can always hope.

    1. My sort of dinner, I like Cher, always have done her voice is great.

  7. I am loving Katie's me mad may blogs and that PUG is so darned cute. I love our English summers !!

    1. I watch a few podcasts that have pets on them, they are all so cute.

  8. I fancy doing a veg curry now :-)

    1. I am cooking more and more vegan recipes, have't had a duff one yet.

  9. Hi Pam, I've been "off the scene " for a while and behind my back you have become a sock knitter - just like me!! I bit the bullet, watched a lot of podcasts (several of whom you mention) and am now smitten with the sock bug! I did struggle with the double pointed needles and have now settled on the circular needles, but oh dear, here I am trying to get rid of some fabric and now I am collecting wool! I haven't knitted for over 3 THAT was a learning curve!

    1. happy to see you back, I taught one of the Tuesday knitters how to knit socks and she is hooked as well. It is so addictive.


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