
Wednesday 10 May 2017

Calm before the storm

I feel super smug and almost proud of myself today.

Another glorious sunny one here, I finally knuckled down (with help from the SO) and turned Francesca,s bedroom out. The tubs of yarn and fabric are now stacked in the craft room and will be sorted after lunch. 
The furniture has all been polished and rearranged (SO did the lifting and shoving)(and the polishing), The only things in there now are what should be there.
This is the point where I explain that as Fran just loves Christmas all the decs live in there under the bed.

SO has been instructed asked nicely to restrain me, physically if necessary, if he hears the phrase " I'll just put that in Fran,s room" coming from me.

And the icing on the cake is that my Howgate Wonder apple tree arrived this morning and is in perfect condition. cue a little happy dance.

All is well on the home front and I have a new cake recipe to try out later.

The Storm.... I heard with dismay that the young girl who fell off a water ride on an adventure park has died. Immediately I fumed at the people who skimp on maintenance etc etc etc.

Then on Sky news I read that she had stood up to change seats, even I know that there are always notices telling you never to stand up.
To add fuel to the flames it went on to say that she was on a school trip. Where were the supervisors and what were they doing?
I hope that the blame falls exactly where it belongs and this sends a warning rocketing around in the appropriate places.
I have never been a fan of adventure parks, too many people in too small an area.
My favourite place for children,s fun is Folly Farm here in Wales. Even that has it,s dangers though, as does anywhere that children can rush around burning off their excessive energy. Proper supervision has to be the order of the day and really if possible it should be one to one.
 I know from past experience that whenever you have children in a group at some point they will scatter and each one needs someone ready to pounce and protect them from themselves. 
It is amazing how a child can go from standing still to full speed ahead in the blink of an eye,and how fast they can move.
I will leave it at that, I don't want to start a long winded rant here just express my reaction and thoughts on reading the news this morning.

That leads me nicely to the actions of The Man across The Pond, who sacked the head of the FBI. I know that there are thousands upon thousands of people for whom he can do no wrong. I also know that what we from other countries have no say in these matters at all.
But, I wonder what will happen next and whether any of this will have the domino effect on the rest of the world. 

Mostly though I wonder how long it will take me to work through the stash of yarn and fabric, and what will I do with all the makes.
After a very quick count of just the instantly visible yarn I have 30 pairs of socks to knit. There are more skeins tucked away that can not be seen. I can also see 10 sweater quantities.....Perhaps I better get off this and start knitting.

Just joking, I have a tree to plant first, and then I should think about finding homes for the things that I brought down from Fran,s room.

         TTFN                                                                 Pam

I also wonder how long I can put off buying a peg loom for weaving.


  1. Sunny here too Pam....and relatively warm for a change.
    I have a bedroom that needs a bit of....a big bit of...a tidy up. I might get to that at the weekend.

    Awful news about the young girl. I'm not sure that places like that are really suitable for taking large groups of children and what are they actually learning at a theme park anyway. We never had trips like that when I was at school. They were always educational.

    The Man Across The Pond absolutely terrifies me. I don't think he has a clue what he is up to himself.....very scary.

    Good luck with the sorting-x-

    1. I am on a roll with this sorting out lark, the SO has been warned that anything unloved, unwanted and or unused for ages has to go or earn it,s place.

  2. I have enjoyed living in ignorance in the short term whilst waiting for the TV and such to be connected. The washing today has been almost horizontal on the line, it certainly didn't take long to dry. Unfortunately now I have a stack of ironing.

    1. I have a small pile, not enough to plug the iron in for, I am sure that it will grow soon, very soon.

  3. My late friend Annie's peg looks here so need a home. Come and visit and have a look. No cost but you can give me sock knitting advice as I have two pairs started and I have no clue how to turn a heel anymore or even how to get started!

    1. Thank you so much, I will call a bit later and we can make arrangements. I am only too happy to talk knitting and socks in particular.

  4. Your posts always scream of accomplishments!! Congratulations on your new apple tree. How long till it will produce? We have an apple tree (just red delicious) and the deer munch a lot and we usually make a ton of applesauce each Fall.

    And, please, do not get me started on that idiot in the White House. Each day brings something new to amaze us (and not in a good way).

    1. My new tree is ready to crop this year but I will only leave a few fruits on, that way I will get a good crop next year. I make apple sauce and freeze it. I would love a pressure canner but have not been able to find one in the UK.

  5. The man in power south of me (dang it Canada is just too close to the ahem idiot right now) is already having a domino effect on us. Hopefully as far as trade is concerned we can find new trade partners and tell him to go jump in a lake.

    God bless.

    1. Think positive, it,s the only way to keep your mind. As the old saying goes, There are Lies, Damned Lies and Politics.

  6. I need togo and read all your posts now... well maybe later. What are your plans for the loom. I have just bought a felting machine and plan to have fun for hours with it... I figured that if my Hubby can buy a season ticket for Manchester united and pay £30 a time for the petrol each time he goes, then I really can have a felting machine..

  7. No plans except to play and have fun, I flatly refuse to justify my crafting spending. While I can afford it I will have what I feel that I need, and I will need a peg loom very soon. I worked hard and saved just for that reason, and aim to have a long and crafty retirement. I haven't considered felting although I have looked at the odd tutorial, food for thought.


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