I used a load of strips left over from another project ages ago to make tray cloths, I got 6 out of the scraps. Yesterday I was turning out one of my plastic boxes of bits and bobs and found 12 orphan blocks. 4 were HST left over from a quilt and cushion covers and the other 8 I made as an experiment. I was not over impressed and put them away for future work, then promptly forgot them.
This morning I gave them a quick press and found a piece of material for backing and set to sewing. before I do the show and tell I have to tell you that the trays we use are different sizes so more by luck than judgement I managed to get 3 cloths that almost perfectly match the tray sizes.
Here they are on the ironing board and you can clearly see the 3 sizes.
These are the 2 smaller sizes, if you look closely you will see that the pin wheel points do not match, a case of more haste less speed but I did not bother to unpick, they are scrap tray cloths after all.
This is the largest, to get the size that I needed I cut the backing over sized and wrapped it round to form a self binding border.
I am almost to the end of the pink and green stash and if truth be told I am glad, it is becoming too repetitive and just a touch boring.
Just in front of the machine you will see the leaders and enders that will make my "scrap vomit" quilt, I will show more tomorrow and of course you can see the normal clutter that comes when I sew.
Dinner tonight will be Roast chicken, potato wedges with sweet and normal potatoes and salad , can hardly wait, when i get the urge to sew i do not eat, just can not spare the time. Perhaps I should sew 5 days a week, all day, no need to watch what I eat then, I could have a day on Ben & Jerry and a day on cake, maybe not.
In those immortal words. That's all Folks. TTFN Pam
A great way to use up your spare blocks. This morning I went to buy some nice fabric to work in with your blocks as we have a visiting fabric seller at the workshop. I might have also picked up a few other bits and pieces LOL :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you did manage to pick some goodies up, I never let an opportunity slip by. I carry a small(ish) sum of money at all times just in case.
DeleteWish I could learn patchwork as the things you and other clever people make are so brilliant. I can do X stitch and mending and straight things like curtains but thats my complete knowledge of sewing. Maybe I don't have the patience or I might have had a go by now
ReplyDeleteIf you can sew a straight seam you can make patchwork blocks, I have a stack of books, if you would like me to send you one email me your snail mail address. Have a look at the Missouri Star Quilts web site, they have marvelous video tutorials.