
Saturday 13 September 2014

A very very sweary hour

Just call me Bridget for I am teetering on the edge of reason.
 This morning I had a gloriously fat parcel squidged through the letter box. It came from Marlene Jones and is full of all things stitchy. I took some lovely photos and the *%$>@# lap top will not load them. I have tried until my toes curled and have thrown in the towel for now.
 But....I will be back to try again. This happened a couple of days ago and after leaving it for a while it worked without a hitch. 

It does not help that I have been to Cardigan and all that sitting in the car makes my hip ache, I will pop a pill as a last resort if I really have to.

I have started the patchwork cat, the body and tail are finished and the ears are folded ready to go inside the head, I have to embroider the face, sew the head together and stuff it, then just sew it all together.
 This one is my usual blend (?) of bright colours and is for me. The next one will be in Autumn colours and will be going to Maggie in Cat's Cottage.

BTW Maggie watched a DVD all about colours and the effects that they have on us, apparently people who eat off red plates consume 20% less than when they eat off any other colour.

She has bought a set of red crockery, I will wait and see.

          TTFN                                                             Pam


  1. There is nothing like a good swear every now and's good for the soul. Can't wait to see the finished thing - sounds lovely.

    1. I have tried again this morning and still no joy, I intend to get Michael to take photos on his fancy pants phone and email them to me, then load them onto the blog. Wish me luck as I am a bit of a technophobe.

  2. So glad you have the parcel, enjoy the stitching can't wait until I see what you do with it.

    1. It was lovely, I am going to take the panel to be framed and have it on my sewing room wall to inspire me. I have the cat.s head in a hoop and have bought some Perle thread to embroider the features, they were drawn freehand so may be a bit skew whiff.

  3. Let me know the results of the red crockery, I might have to buy some!
    When I read your first line I thought you meant me!! How vain!!

    1. I would never accuse you of needing big knickers. Mind you, Hugh Grant.......

  4. There seems to be a lot of technology glitches about at the moment, perhaps that solar flare had something to do with it, hope it resloves soon looking forward to seeing your cat.

    1. I don't know about solar flares, but there was definitely a Pam flare up last night.


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