
Monday 1 September 2014

Making my Mind up Monday

In the interest of economy I am paring my spending back to the bare minimum for September, along with many other bloggers I aim to use what I have and make it last.
I am also intending to repeat last years Stoptober, there are many reasons for this, some are:-

1. I have spent a great deal of money this year.

2. I have given some respectable sums of money to some of the younger members of my "family".

3. My cupboards are brimming full after a few weeks of hoovering up bargains.

4. I an running have run out of space in the kitchen and consequently have filled a tall shelf unit in the sewing/dining room with groceries.

5. My 2 shelf units in the under stairs cupboard and utility annex are also full.

You get my drift I hope, just as with my 100 items from stash I need to cook from stash. If I do not I am in danger of having a path through the house with teetering piles of boxes all around me.

I do intend to buy an embroidery machine but that has been budgeted for.
My oven is cavernous and gobbles up electricity like a contestant in an eating competition. To deal with this I am buying a mini oven and grill, I have some Argos vouchers and found one with a sizeable reduction in price. After a load of research this was the best option for me, I did find one on Amazon but if it goes wrong I am faced with the palaver of returning it, whereas with Argos it is  a 7 minute drive to get a replacement, and it is the cheapest option by over £35. simples.

Now here lies the rub, to make room for this I need to jettison something else, maybe 2 somethings.

On my utility shelving I have the following,

My trusty processor, this is at least 20 years old and is starting to slow down. I only use it on the odd occasion so it is high on my list to go.

My bread maker, only around 18-24 months old, I do not remember exactly, and used regularly as opposed to often. There are 3 recipes that I make over and over again as they have never failed me. I could make these by hand, and would not do so frequently and therefore would save money and waistline,so once again a possibility to go.

The slow cooker, this will stay, I use this regularly and it saves time and money.

 My charity shop[ steamer, once again this will stay, I use it every week.

My griddle, I have used this a few times, mainly for toasted sandwiches, but with the new mini oven will not need it. Out it goes.

The yogurt maker and the spice grinder, these do not take up much space but.... I can not remember the last time that I made yogurt. The spice grinder is ideal for small bits of parmesan rind and a hand full of breadcrumbs, as it is so small it can stay but the yogurt maker is out.

Easy peasy, out goes the griddle and yogurt maker and the processor can go into a box for 3 months, if it does not need to be used in that time it will go as well.

I am ruthless elswhere in the house, one in , one out is the rule. I shop for the basic toiletries and cleaning stuff monthly and every now and then get a "free" month. I am using the library more now and am only buying books second hand, my new to me Elly Griffiths books were 1p each from Amazon. Yes I had to pay postage but they still came in at £2.81 each and I will keep them.

I am not about to make a meal plan yet, I know that it works for lots of people and I have done it myself. At this stage I am going to work my way through the oldest food first and then settle down to work out a plan after a week, give or take a day or two.

The rain has stopped and there is sunshine and a light breeze so I am off to gather blackberries shortly. These will be washed, drained and frozen for when I need to add fruit to the menu. I have a supply of apples for the next few weeks and some of those will be bottled, frozen and I am going to try drying rings in the residual heat when the big oven is used.

My word, I think that is enough for one post, my reasons to be grateful are very simple most of the time and today is no exception.

1.  I have the ability to work through the next 2 months with minimum spending.

2.  I do this because I want to, not because I have to.

3.  I have a head start with the stash of foodstuff in the house.

4.  The sun is shining and Ben is snoring.

5.  I have friends around me, and my blog list to go to for encouragement.

There are so many more, all pertinent to me and possibly/probably senseless to others.

That,s it for now, toodles, I hope that you all had a good weekend.

                     TTFN                                                 Pam


  1. We too store unwanted items for a few months before taking to charity shops, and are with Sue on Nospend/Lowspend September. It will be very intresting to see what lurks at the bottom of our large freezer.

    1. After my move I am never going to have a large freezer again, I had it stuffed full and ended up living out of it for around 3 months. It was good not spending but towards the end got very boring.

  2. I think something must be in the air! I have completely blitzed my kitchen, although still have a couple of cupboards to go through. It has been cleaned, scrubbed, painted. I am undertaking a major de-clutter in view of us hoping to move in a years time...

    Sounds like you are all set for September!

    1. I am up and running, I vowed never to stockpile again but it just crept up on me.

  3. I have been reading your blog for a couple of months and enjoy it. I agree about having too many gadgets I have just had a cull as I used to be very tempted by things for the kitchen.

    I see from your 'about me' that you are considering moving again. I wonder if now you are so settled and with friends that you might have changed your mind? It seems beautiful where you are.

    1. I only have the gadgets that I posted and rely on good sharp knives, my wooden spoons and balloon whisks most of the time. I have just gradually stopped dragging the things out to use. I have decided to stay put in this village, it is lovely here and i have made friends.

  4. Pam it's amazing how we All tend to buy must have so called labour saving gadgets that end up just taking up space. Our house has it's fair share but I am gradually paring things down. I am trying to talk tony into us downsizing next year which will involve us doing what you have.

    1. Oh my, Anne, I have downsized a few times and each time have been astounded at how many unnecessary things that I have gathered. I now feel that simple is best.

  5. As I was unpacking kitchen gadgets I was putting them away again having decided that I didnt really need them. I would rather have the space.

    1. I have found that I use less and less the things that I thought I could not live without. Since I moved I am living at a slower pace and do not need to save 5 minutes by grating cheese in the processor, only to spend 6 minutes washing it up, after i have spent 3 digging the cheese out of the lid and eating it.

  6. It's a very sensible idea - one in one out and when de-cluttering one in, two out should help. The items on my kitchen worktops are kettle, toaster, mixer and processor.

    1. I have kettle and mini oven now, much better for me.

  7. I rarely use my food processor but I'm betting the minute I put it away is the time I want to use it! I've had a spendy time of t lately too. I need glasses for the first time! But I am going to draw out £30 a week for basics in September and live off my stores.

    1. I used to cherish my big stand mixer but had to choose between it and the bread maker when I moved. I gave the mixer away and have not missed it once. All I intend to buy for a while is fresh food, eggs and milk, I have cheese in the freezer and lots of strong flour and dried yeast.

  8. I love your idea of making do with what you have! Luckily I have a pantry room where I can store my gadgets and have easy access to use them. I keep my counters and work space clear and always keep things seems to motivate me better to get things done.

    1. I am keeping every thing that I use, I hate having "dust gatherers" anywhere in the house. I like a clear work surface and only have the things out that I need to hand. I have an area for tea, coffee and snack making and a separate section for cooking, it works for me.

  9. Wonderful inspirational stuff Pam. Thanks for sharing. I stockpiled pasta and rice a while back when the prices were going up daily. I think it saved us a fortune. Currently I have apples and pears to deal with from the garden. A few cheap crumbles for the freezer to eat over Winter should follow.

    1. AF had a good deal on rice and pasta a while ago, I stocked up and should not need to buy any for another 3 months at least. I bought stacks of dried pulses at the same time and I have a good stock of dried and fresh herbs.


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