
Tuesday 13 January 2015

How many/ days did I lose

My goodness, I did not realise how long I have been AWOL, I blame the weather. It has been more rain and wind which in my book reads Sewing Time, Knitting Time and I found my reading mojo again.

I have finished the baby chevron, a quilt from the WIP mountain and made some more cushion covers for my friend, I had just enough fabric to make another 4.

I just did straight line echo lines across the quilt, I am not a fan of fussy patterns, I want the fabric to be the star.
I had this lovely soft touch fabric in the stash and it was just big enough to self bind, something I have not done before, so a double whammy. I will be using this method again on small quilts I think, and I will definitely be making another Chevron quilt, using layer cake squares for a double bed size.
This quilt may ring a bell, I completed the top over a year ago, for some reason I struggled with layering it, the back wrinkled and the top "wandered" so into the WIP box it went.
It fell together this time and was a lamb. It is now packed and labelled ready to be sent to Australia, I hope that it arrives in time for my SIL to sit on it on Australia Day. It has the flag colours and I think that the Rail Fence pattern is vaguely flag like. The border and backing fabric is a Michael Miller print that reminded me of the Gum Nuts. The binding is from my recent purchase and I love how bright and cheerful it is.
The swirls make me think of whippy ice cream cornets, not something that I like but there will lots of them around on the day.
I walked Ben in the dry this morning and had intended to walk down to the Post Office but the rain is once again beating a tattoo on the windows. I do not mind in the slightest, I will still get my exercise walking the dogs and there is still the WIP mountain, and my knitting. I have pulled 2 more items from the mountain and I have been asked for a set of quilted table mats, scrappy to boot. I love scrappy and have pulled some crazy patchwork from the UFB box, that is the unfinished block box.
I feel a cup of tea coming on, and maybe a slice of toast. I hardly ever eat breakfast first thing, Ben is always eager for his first walk and then his breakfast. Once I feed him I clear the kitchen up and then get on with little jobs before I feel hungry.
Ooooh, on the subject of food, did anyone see that program last night about finding the right diet for you. The scientists have done an experimental program aimed at finding what kind of eater you are. I did the on line questions and I am a combination of all three, that may well be because on the multiple choice questions my answers were not there.
It figures, as I said the other day there are no easy answers, we are all different and have such a variety of reasons behind our eating habits. How many of you remember being told "you eat all that, starving children in India would love to have it". This used to come often, both at home and at school, and I have shovelled food in many times when I was already full.
I am not sure that I want that toast now.
       TTFN                                                              Pam



  1. those quilts are stunning Pam, well done on getting them completed, I dont know if you are having a snow day down in the valley I am about to head off to my cabin with a cupp now the chores are done and get the sewing machine started. :-)

    1. We have had a few flurries but nothing coming down for the last 30 minutes or so. I have the dogs to walk then I have some place mats to make a start on.

  2. You make some really beautiful things Pam, I can't ever see myself being that good, How long have you been sewing for ?

    1. I have been sewing since I was a small child, I had dolls but they came naked. My Granny started me off sewing clothes for them and my Mum started me knitting. I stopped when I went up to Grammar school and then started again at College. I have not really stopped since but have not been quilting for that many years. Now I am hooked.

  3. You really do make beautiful quilts.

    1. Thank you, I love sewing and I have the quilting bug quite badly. There are days when the house is neglected, but I do cook and clean the kitchen.

  4. Can you remember the name of the programme last night, Pam, or even the channel? And those quilts are real stunners!

    1. It is called, What's the right diet for you and was on BBC 2 Wales. Thank you, I love splashing colour about, I did try making a low volume quilt but had to sash the blocks with scarlet.

  5. Your quilts are beautiful. I've hated the weather over the weekend, wind scares me to death when I'm in bed and I can hear it whistling round the house, but you've certainly been productive whilst the weather's been so bad.

    1. The weather has only been bad if you have to be out in it, I have managed to walk the dogs without getting too wet. I love the winter weather, it means that I can have a soup pot simmering away and sit and craft all day guilt free. Once the good weather arrives I will be living in the garden.

  6. I did the questionnaire, like you the results were mixed....hey ho a mixture of all the diets then???

    Love the chevron quilt, I am hoping to have a go at one when I have finished the play mat for my expected 3rd great grand child.

    1. I only watched a little of the program, I have it recording on the sky box. I will just carry on as I am and hope that the extra walking will help me. Once I can get out into the garden it will be much easier. I found some of the seams to be quite bulky but firm pressing sorted that out and I used a 2 oz high loft wadding, so the bulk "sank" into it, rather than my usual warm and white.

  7. Superb quilts, Pam, I love them both. No, I missed the diet programme but I know my problem...I have a sweet tooth :-( If I am crafting I don't think about food so perhaps I need to craft more, that's my excuse anyway :-) Hope the snow stays away for you. It's gone mighty cold here....

    1. There was one scientist who said that our stomach releases a hormone to tell the brain when we are full. My Granny used to say that if you eat too fast your brain can not tell you to stop eating once you are full. I am a fast eater, mainly because there is always something that I want to hurry to. If I am busy I do not think about food either. We had snow flurries on and off yesterday, along with some hail. On with the soup pot and into the sewing room for me.

  8. It is no surprise that you have been sewing since childhood. Beautiful quilts.
    As far as scientist and diet is concerned. We all know what we should and should not be eating. Common sense and plenty of exercise should be employed. Listern to your body. Trust your instincts, scientist are always contradicting each other. Diets don't work, healthy eating for life does.
    Enjoy reading here.

    1. Thank you Irene. Yes we all know what we should be doing, and mostly I stick to it. I find it easier in the warmer months, I am very active in the garden then.

  9. Sorry to butt in, Frugally Challenged the programme was Horizon and it was on BBc". It was very interesting.

  10. I still remember a time in school when the Principal stood over me - insisting I could not leave the table until the plate was clean. It was cooked beets and I was full - and I lost my lunch all over his nice shoes. After that I took a sack lunch for years - and to this day the smell of beets makes me ill.
    Love your quilts - rail fence is one of my favorites!

    1. My black cloud was milk puddings, tapioca, semolina etc. I was lucky that a friend loved them so we would swap dishes as soon as she had eaten hers.

  11. The baby quilt is so pretty, Pam, and I love the red/white/blues and the backing and binding of the Australia one. I didn't see the diet programme but we always had to clear our plates when I was a child and unfortunately I passed that down to my children. I'm sure it was that kind of thinking, being forced to eat up whether I was still hungry or not, that helped me lose touch with my real appetite and recognising whether or not I was full. Thankfully none of my kids are overweight but all 3 of my girls have had issues in the past and need to watch what they eat...the boys can eat what they like and don't gain.

    1. I think that most people of our generation are much the same, the rationing had only just ended and women were very waste conscious. I remember that if we had bread and jam it was jam or butter, not both. That stays with me to this day

  12. I think that most of our generation are the same. Rationing had only just finished and women were very food waste aware, I know that when we had bread it was with butter or jam, not both. We were never made to eat something that we did not like but had to eat what we asked for and clear our plates.

  13. I too did the quiz and was not surprised to find that I'm an emotional eater. Another programme I love to watch is Secret Eaters. I'm one of those too!! Gorgeous quilts as always!


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