
Thursday 8 January 2015

Sunshine on the cobwebs

I have nothing to report on the craft front, the chevron top is together but needs a border and backing. I had lots of good intentions but then..................................

I got up this morning and the sun was there, a bit dim and surrounded by grey clouds. But it rallied and strengthened and suddenly the clouds were gone and it was almost warm.

I hastily gathered together a load of washing and set it whirling round while I gave the kitchen and bathroom a blitzing. Then I attacked one of the craft bookcases, it looks so much better now. I may have to have a thin out, I found 1 book that I had a duplicate of last week and I found another today. Tut tut.

Ben had already been for his first walk while we waited for the sun to decide to stay or scuttle off somewhere else for the day.

The washing was whizzing round on the whirligig and I got stuck into the ironing, I did pull some fabrics and press them but still could not make my mind up as to the border and backing.

I threw on a jacket, found a hat and snapped a lead on Ben, we went and collected Archie and Dolly and set off. All 3 of them were full of the joys of spring and after a few moments of frantic greeting and tail wagging it all settled down. An hour later we arrived back and Archie and Dolly were keen to get in and tell their "Mum" all about it, Ben said his hello's and then wanted to get home, he had dinner on his mind. It is the steroids that he is on at the moment, they make him hungry.

He had a little snack and then it was a quick cup of tea before I went to the library, as it was so nice I walked down. The books were heavy so I split them between 2 bags. I only took 2 out as I have slowed down on my reading.

Once back home I spent an hour in the garden, just pottering and tidying up, the wind had blown flotsam and jetsam around so I black bagged it up and it will be collected tomorrow.

Dinner was a large Yorkshire Pudding filled with sliced beef, heated in some gravy along with diced carrot and swede and some cauli cheese. Very good, very filling, Ben has got half my Pudding  to stir in with his food, he loves it.

I did a Lidl shop yesterday and spent just under £7, fruit, veg, salad and eggs. That is it for another week.

Now I must wash up and get Ben out for his last walk, the other 2 have had theirs, much shorter than the hour one earlier. Ben tagged along as well but he still wants to go now, he is sitting in the doorway, giving me The Look.

                 TTFN                                                    Pam


  1. I think Ben is the most walked dog in my Bloglist! Your shopping was a lot less than mine!!

    1. Ben loves to go for a walk, sometimes it is only 15 minutes, and he will spend half of that snuffling around.

  2. I don't blame you making most of the hint of sunshine, the weather here today is very cold. The wind is very strong but thankfully we don't have any damage but my two don't like putting their noses outside the door lol. They're very excited when coats and leads come out but not so once the door is open.
    Regarding your reading, I love reading but am not so good at holding heavy books so opted for a kindle fire. I don't buy expensive books but from Amazon which are usually only 79-99p usually. Also I really enjoy audio books, I can sew, crochet, knit, iron etc whilst listening and losing myself in the story. I do have an ipod but some time ago I won a portable dvd player only about 9"sq. I can use audio book cd's on it. It sits on my sewing table keeping me company. I can't watch tv and quilt I like to watch what I'm doing I've had my knuckles wrapped by the needle screw to often lol.

    Lovely visit again, thank you for sharing, I really enjoy my visits I look particularly for your headline and Henhouse blog in my email notifications. I really must bring mine up to date in the next few days!

    Peg x

    1. As you have read I am still on the fence about kindles, I have never thought about audio books, I will have to think about it. When I watch TV I have knitting or crochet on my lap, if I do not have something to do I can not sit still.


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