
Tuesday 21 April 2015

I'm Late, I'm Late, For a Very Important Date.

My abject apologies, this post should have gone out last night but.............. I had a pressing engagement with Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom and a really bad Dragon. Yes indeed it was the final part of The Hobbit Trilogy, Sigh.... It is over. 
But I now have the complete works and in the winter can look forward to a whole week of crafting to Tolkien's works, and I then have the books to read, again, although they are getting a bit dog eared now.

Anywho, the whole point of this is a TAH DAH moment, the giveaway quilt is completed and ready to be posted off to the winner.

I have to say that at 72" by 76" this was a bit of a beast to hold while sewing but I still enjoyed the whole process. I will be a bit sad to say goodbye but I am already planning the next one.

My garden has some highs and lows so far, one high is that I now have more cucumber plants than you can shake a stick at.
A low, so far, is that my Rocket potatoes are more of a Damp Squib

Can you see that poor little cluster of leaves, this is one of many that were planted TWO days later than these Sharpes Express.

As you can see they are almost over the tops of their buckets and will have a little more compost today to bring the level about 2" from the brim. The Purple Sprouting Broccoli just in front are also growing nicely. My Duke of York white earlies are looking just as good and the Arran Pilot are also romping away. Today I am going to move the Rocket to another part of the garden to see if that helps. 

My tubs of tulips are still giving me a lovely display and the little strip going up to the greenhouse is filling out also.

Last year this was a sea of nettles and couch grass wound through a pile of discarded rubbish, next year, I hope, there will be no bare soil visible.

My little bright eyed bunny has company, isn't she cute. She was nestled into a pot of primroses, that need putting into the garden now, that was a gift from a neighbour. I may have to find something else to pop in there, just for fun.

Now I have just realised that my tea is cold so the kettle has to be charged, yeuk I detest cold tea, it has to be almost boiling for me.

Don't forget I will be putting all the names into something vaguely hattish tomorrow and you have to be in it to win it, come on you followers, if you don't want it for yourself you can always donate to a charity.

                       TTFN                                             Pam


  1. Pam the quilt is beautiful, whoever wins it will be so lucky . The garden looks beautiful. Well we had our first taste of cold weather here , yikes! Xxx

  2. I love your blog. Look for it first thing. I also love the quilt. How soul enriching it would be on those dark winter days.

  3. The tulips look stunning, I like pink flowers and purple haze colour flowers. Mr B has done the planting at the van I chose the plants, they are mostly purple in colour. He's not doing potatoes at the van this year, and yours are coming along great.

    Sunshine again here, enjoy your day.

    Peg xx

  4. We are still around a month away from planting anything outside here as we still have the risk of frost until May 24th where we live. The quilt is gorgeous. I am not sure if I have entered the draw? If I am in the draw and do win, would you please donate it to a charity of your choice where you live. The cost to mail something over here would be crazy.

  5. I would love to win this quilt and would like to be entered in the draw. It looks absolutely stunning xx

  6. We've got a good show of tulips too, must be a good year for them and primroses.

  7. Your garden is looking so bright and colourful, Pam, our dwarf tulips only showed their flowers... :(

  8. I'd love to be in with a chance of winning such a beautiful quilt, you're very talented.

    Your garden looks lovely and colourful, I adore spring flowers. We grew Rocket last year, they were the least successful of any potatoes we've grown, oddly.

  9. I've only just planted my potatoes. I have also just planted some cucumber seed... late I know. wish you were nearer so that I could buy a couple of plants from you.
    The quilt is lovely, please put me in the hat

  10. Pam your quilt is stunning, your garden looks lovely and I hope you enjoyed your hot cut of tea.

  11. The quilt is beautiful, someone is going to be a very lucky winner indeed. I've grown Sharpes Express in the past, a delicious spud but be careful if you boil them as they break up quite easily. I've grown Arran Pilot for the last few years and they're our potatoes of choice at the moment.

  12. Pam the quilt looks amazing. Your garden looks lovely too, the colour of the tulips looks really vibrant.

  13. Hi Pam

    I would love to win the quilt - it looks beautiful.


  14. Lovely quilt, Spring is a great season,

  15. Elaine from wales21 Apr 2015, 20:44:00

    Your quilt is lovely. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all your crafting. Hope I can be included in the draw.

  16. Another piece of beautiful work done by you. The winner will be very happy, I'm sure! Clearing out the weeds from around the rose bushes yesterday I got msny, msny scratches which turned into huge welts. Never had that before. Put antibiotic cream on them last night and they look much better today. Unfortunately I've only completed about a third of the job. Better wear long sleeves next time!

  17. I have been enjoying seeing your 'adventures' in garden and on sewing machine and the delights of your kitchen. I will be late planting many things but the salad leaves are doing well and the mint has loved the recent weather. along with sage and rosemary. other herbs are doing well too. I'm a pot/container grower in the main as I find that physically easier to cope with, my garden is mainly shrub and tree oriented and planting is very much of the perrenial kind trying to get the balance to be edibles for me and edibles for wild birds and beasties, blackcurrants I share raspberries I don't :0) I live in the Swansea valley leading up to the Beacons. I hope I am not to late to have my name put in the hat.

  18. I had to look twice to see the little bunny!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  19. The quilt is bright and cheerful as is your garden.

  20. Love this quilt, so bright and fresh looking And bIg and snuggly...just like me! :-) Tulips are looking splendid, sadly the rabbits have eaten most of my bulbs now, just left me with a couple of tulips growing in the middle of a shrub. The next lot will be going in pots near to the house.
    Enjoy your day, its lovely and sunny here in Yorkshire x

  21. good luck to everyone it is a beautiful quilt x


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