
Monday 2 November 2015

A day out in the sunshine.

This morning dawned with a good blanket of fog and a definite nip in the air. However it did not last long, I took Ben out for his walk and saw the fog hanging in the low areas, by the time I got him home and popped out with my camera it had almost gone.

This is directly opposite me and you can plainly see the fog hanging.

2 minutes down the road and the fog has all but gone, just some wispy remnants, this was at 8 this morning. 

This is the same general area 2 minutes later.

I usually drive a friend to Neath on Monday morning but the meeting was cancelled so we hopped in the car, along with Ben, and went off to Brecon.
Most of the trip was in glorious sun but within 5 miles of Brecon we ran into mist, nothing to write home about really.

I stopped to take a few pics, as you can see the sun is shining and the sky is blue.

Swing the camera to the right though and you see the fog sitting in a pocket.

Here is both fog and fine, this is why people get into difficulties in the Beacons. Just like Dartmoor the terrain is wild and the weather is unpredictable.

This little brook came tumbling out of the ground, chattering along only to vanish back into the earth.

We went into Brecon despite the mist, it was not cold just in traffic turmoil. The high street was closed off and a funfair of sorts was being set up. We had a walk round  and I found the little fabric and haberdashery shop. They have a large selection of Moda Scrap Bags for £12, and they were open so you could see just what you were getting. Yes I did buy one and yes I did forget to take a photo, I will do so tomorrow.
We had intended to walk Ben along the tow path but instead we headed back home and walked around the footpaths.

This young colt is very friendly and always greets passers by.

Mum does her own thing but keeps a weather eye on him.

I had a lovely day out, I am off to Neath tomorrow afternoon, Maggie is looking at another house. In the morning I hope to spend a little while in the garden, I have a small bed that needs clearing and some bulbs to plant.

                   TTFN                                                       Pam.


  1. Lovely photographs. The weather has been good here today too. The blue of that sky is so beautiful. X

    1. I am so lucky to live in such a wonderful place.

  2. It has been another glorious up her as well, glad you got a chance to go out and explore in the sunshine :-)

    1. You have to make the most of the sun, you never know how long it will be before you see it again.

  3. Beautiful photos ,We have had a blanket of fog all day today its been miserable xxx

    1. We had a damp day today, but not fog.

  4. Will have to look out for that shop next time we are in Brecon (or on the way to Hay). We seem to just go to the Auction in Brecon and come home these days. Glad you got out and up over the mountains in the sunshine. We went to the beach . . . AGAIN!!

    1. It was okay, but I did not see anything but the Moda scrap bags to interest me. Nothing wrong with another beach trip.

  5. You had glorious weather. We were in thick fog all day in the valleys

    1. Part of my journey were misty but no real fog.

  6. We had about 3" of snow by noon today. Neighbour did some of the shovelling for us. I went out and did the driveway and the back patio. It's the heavy wet stuff. Fortunately it's only about 2degreesC so it is melting slowly. I haven't heard that we are going to get any more this week but you never now. Your pictures look lovely with the beautiful blue sky. Have fun house hunting tomorrow.

    1. I would not mind a little snow at the appropriate time.

  7. The fog here has seemed sinister!! I spooked myself putting the compost out yesterday! How daft!

  8. Lovely photos. We had fog all day and looks like it will be the same today.

  9. Wow, what wonderful views you have, I almost felt I could draw in the fresh, crisp air xx

  10. I can't imagine living in such a beautiful place, and seeing what you see every day! I can hardly see past the trees here!

    1. I may have been born and raised in England but now that I am in Wales I can not envisage living anywhere else.


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