
Monday, 18 July 2016

How fast can I get up the stairs?

Very fast!, I spent a large chunk of yesterday hurtling up the stairs, fast enough to compete in the Olympics. A touch of  "I don't remember eating anything that hot" lots of water and some milk of magnesia soon had it cooled down and by early evening I was much more the ticket.


Just as I was feeling almost tickety boo Ben decided to see how strong his tummy muscles were. 
The answer was very. He managed to projectile vomit right across the sitting room.

Good job my tummy is even stronger!

Carpet cleaned, thank goodness for the Vax, Ben settled in a clean bed and I slumped into the sofa.

Some therapy of a yarny nature was called for. The front of my jumper was finished but rather than start on the sleeves I picked up The Blanket Pattern.

I made a start on the first 16 units,

I  got round 3 done on 2 of the 16 and then had to stop as Ben decided that the only place that he could possibly be was on my lap.

The potted Hosta,s are doing well in the wet weather, next year I will have to either pot them on or find a shady spot in the ground for them.

This deep pink Penstemon is also thriving in a pot, it was a gift and was unlabelled, this autumn will see it in the ground.

The pale pink are doing well

as are the almost red ones. I will always have Penstemons in my garden, they were a favourite of my Mother.

The ground cover plants are thriving,

the Fuchsias are just coming into flower, there is a wispy forget me not growing with this one. I hope that it sets seed for next year. 

There are some glorious Iris flaunting their beauty and a random Lily has crept in from somewhere. That rose in the background is a very pale pink and has an amazing perfume.

My "snow on the mountains" is also starting to flower, my Granny had this in her front garden, it used to cascade and froth everywhere.

I have knitted up another pair of socks and made a start on yet another. I find the basic pattern very easy to knit and I am almost to the point of not looking at the pattern at all. My mother used to knit them while watching her soaps and I never saw her with a pattern.

I am woefully behind on blog reading and am resigned to just starting again from today. What I have missed will have to be let go, otherwise I will forever be 3 days out.

My commiserations go to Rachel Radiostar from Eternally 28 who has had a really bad case of Dehli Belly. Get well soon my friend.

Now it is time to check outside, I have the whirly thingamajig full of washing and another load in the machine. The coastal fog cleared dramatically this morning and I have a few days to make up for.
The other chores are done, kitchen and bathroom deep cleaned...don't want any bugs lingering. Floors all vacuumed and even the polish has had an outing. I may well strip the bed as well, it was a touch sticky last night.

On that note I am offski.

                           TTFN                                       Pam


  1. Poor you....and poor Ben. Smudge has been a bit sicky the last couple of days. He's like me and doesn't like the heat. I don't think he's eaten anything that doesn't agree with him.
    It's very hot here today but cloudy now so I don't know what we are in for the rest of the day-x-

    1. It is horrible when pets are sick, they can not tell you how they feel, although Ben can get most things across. It is still scorching here, it did not cool down at all last night, I was watering pots at 9:30 and it was still too hot.

  2. Hope you and Ben are fairing a little better.

    1. I am totally well thank you and Ben is much better, one more day and he should be right as rain.

  3. Your posts always make me smile. Glad you are feeling better, and Ben too. We have had wet humid weather all summer. I don't think the grass has dried out once this summer. It grows like crazy and is hard to mow. Makes us all feel bad!

    1. My grass is lush, but if this heat lasts it will be hay in no time.

  4. Ah, the memories of projectile vomiting. Luckily, it didn't happen very often when Daughter was a baby. But it was definitely memorable!

    1. Some memories are meant to be left undisturbed, no matter how vivid.

  5. Oh gosh, I hope you are feeling better and that the dashing Olympics are over!

  6. I'm loving your blog, but trying to work out how I can follow you in my blogroll. I'll get there. Hope your tummy is better :D

    1. If you are with google click on ADD at the top of your bloglist and type in agoodlifeintydd, then click on follow. That should do it.

  7. I hope both you and Ben are feeling better. Archie's just the same, as soon as I start any crafting he wants to come and sit on my knee. Your hostas look fabulous, not a hole in sight, don't you have slugs in Wales?

    1. We are both fine now although Ben will need another day to recover fully. I keep my hostas on shingle, they are very healthy plants and when they go into the garden I will put garden compost and horticultural grit in the planting hole. I do go "slug picking" by torchlight on a regular basis. We do have lots of the big black keeled slugs, I use a long skewer.

  8. Poor both of you, feel better!

  9. I also love the red Penstemons, Now that I know the name, I can order some. They surrounded our build in pool while we raised our kids and it looked like a tropical paradise. Feel better soon. Stay safe.

  10. Oh Pam, you have my utmost sympathy and I thank you for yours! Bonus 5lb weightloss though! Poor Ben, though as I'm reading backwards I know he's getting better xxx beautiful irises. Mine were a bit of a no show this year.


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