
Saturday 7 April 2018

Upside down, Boy you turn me....

Not inside out but certainly round and round.

I wanted to knit a pair of socks, patterned but not too much. I went through my folder of sock patterns and nothing called out to me.

I turned to ravelry, freebies of course, but yet again nothing was grabbing me.

AHA, I thought, I will copy what lots of pattern "designers" do. I pulled my stitch dictionaries out and browsed. I found a 12 stitch 16 row panel that just said " I am perfect for Francesca".Trouble was this was written to be knitted flat and bottom up. I knit my socks in the round and top down ( do intend to try toe up at some point).

So, I cast on and joined and happily knitted 20 rows K1 P1 rib then embarked on the pattern. I had to start on the last row and work my way backwards and translate the wrong side rows.There are some twisted stitches which all had to be reversed, brain ache!!

But, it is looking good so far and I have started on the 3rd pattern repeat and love it so much that it will be used in a sweater pattern soon.

Once the pair is finished I will share them, and the amended pattern, then any of you sock knitters can have a play without the brain ache.

My eldest grandson has a broken leg, both Tibia and Fibula, and he is plastered from foot to mid thigh. He is a very active boy so I anticipate lots of  "I'm BORED" and "I'm fed up" quite soon. We will be looking for some new Lego for him and a few books. The SO has dentist on Tuesday so we hope to go over on Wednesday.

 It is his birthday in May and we had planned to look for a sturdy football goal set, the last one was very flimsy and died within days.
Of course that will not happen, rubbing salt into the wound and so on.

I watched the latest episode of The Bakery Bears podcast this morning, Kay made a steamed Spotted Dick. I told the SO and we are having one tomorrow, I will use vegetable suet and take a large slice round to W. I will be breaking with tradition and using raisins, chopped stem ginger and some ground ginger, I will be putting some of the ginger syrup in the bottom of the basin.

It has been a foul day here, I woke to torrential rain which died down to a persistent drizzle, the mountain has been veiled all day.

I did manage to get Rufus and Ben out this afternoon for a while, they were not too keen but we all needed the air.

I have Firefly recording on the TV, I never saw all the episodes the first time round so will enjoy watching while I knit.

Now I need to get the kettle on for a brew, the veg are chopped and sweated off for an Impossible Quiche, I do like a one pot wonder and all it will need is a squirt of ketchup, maybe a little salad.

                  TTFN                                      Pam


  1. You are so very clever to figure out patterns backwards!! It’s been damp and rainy here too and we’ve actually got a fire going. There’s been talk of making my portable ironing pad but frankly I’d rather sit and knit right now as I’m so cosy! Your spotted dick pudding sounds delicious and I wished I lived in your house!

    1. Having struggled with a rather tight waistband pudding became a fresh fruit salad, I managed my ironing but the siren call of the knitting is strong.

  2. I have just ordered yet more sock yarn.. I think it might be my new addiction.

    1. I love knitting socks, there is nearly always a pair on the needles. Sock wool is so pretty and with such an amazing choice it would be easy to fill the house.

  3. So sorry about your grandson's injury - hopefully you will all be able to keep him occupied.
    I've never made a steamed pudding - I remember my mom doing them and me having to help her as she tied the basin up in the cloth. I need to see if I can find something like a pudding basin over here.
    I loved Firefly - have the DVD set - enjoy.
    PS - have you seen the followup film - "Serenity"?

    1. I am thoroughly enjoying the series and this morning I ordered the set and the film on DVD. I have used a cloth cover on puddings but normally use parchment paper and foil now.

  4. wow, I wouldn't know where to start adapting a pattern for socks, looking forward to seeing them.

    1. I started out by turning the book upside down and studying the picture, I did a little test knit and realised that I had to reverse the pattern stitches. It was plain sailing after that.

  5. Poor Grandson. As Margie says...I hope you can keep him occupied while he recovers.
    No rain or sun here...just grey and still but it is warmer today.

    1. I have ordered a Darth Vader Lego construction set to be delivered to him. If that goes down well I will send a different one every other week. A parcel in the post is always a treat.

  6. Welcome to the Browncoat Army, those of us who think Captain Mal is swell and deserved more than 1 season and a movie.....
    We're going to be at about 33C and rising this week. Time to break out the old shorts and capris and walk the dog in the sunshine.
    I hope your grandson heals well and does his physiotherapy without complaint. Does he have a Kindle or iPad? Lots of good movies from Amazon on the Kindle for free.That would keep him busy.

    1. Apparently there is hope of another series, provided they can get the cast together. They are all busy working on other things.

  7. You lost me on the sock pattern. :) Hope your grandson's leg heals quickly.

    1. I will be putting photos up soon of the socks and the original stitch pattern.

  8. I'm on the way shortly to Snowdonia and Anglesea for a few days, so hopefully rain has stopped .....(please)

    1. I will keep my fingers crossed for you, unless I am knitting. Have a lovely time.

  9. Get well wishes for your patient. Perhaps he could learn to knit.....ha ha

  10. Your poor grandson, I hope he heals well. I never broke a leg but I did spend most of one hot summer in an arm cast...yes, boredom hits quickly! I sang along with your title... :)


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