
Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Pernicious Pills

S***ing Sciatica. I am not sure what is worse, the unremitting pain or the head full of cold pea soup from the painkillers.
I have been almost writhing with an attack and lost practically 2 days after taking the meds. Once I had crawled out of the fog I scaled down to Ibuprofen, it softens the edges and lets me function.

Michael has been busy building the raised bed, and I have seeds in there already, summer harvesting onions (which I will use as soon as they are big enough) spring greens and autumn lettuce. The spring greens will be set close a nd every other one pulled young, the rest will make a head. The onions will go in the front with lettuce plants dibbed in any space round the garden. Next year there will be a catch crop of salad, with parsnips and autumn king carrots. 

I have a small solar tunnel, 3 x 2 x 2, coming in September. I have a sheltered spot for it runing along the fence, it will cut down on the amount of sunlight but the valley is often plagued by strong winds. I have seen a polytunnel ripped up by wind and seen the damage caused when it plummeted to earth.

Herbie, Revi and Poppy are still enjoying their days together, I hope that this arrangement carries on. Herbie would be bereft to lose his girls, as it is on weekend mornings he goes to the gate and barks at Steves house. 
I will see if they keep still enough for photos.

We have not seen Francesca (apart from video calls) since Christmas and it is looking as though it will be Christmas before we see her again. 

The garden has been very productive, I am not sick of courgettes yet but am revelling in every meal based around home grown veg.

My early potatoes, all grown in pots, have been amazing. The Charlotte which cost me 50p for the seed are giving enough for 2 meals from each pot. I plan on trying Anya next year.

Now I need to get up and move about, possibly sashay in to the kitchen and find a cold glass of rose.......... make that probably.

Keep safe

                          TTFN                                         Pam


  1. I hope the pain stays away.

  2. I am sorry you're having so much back pain. I have it as well and when it gets bad, other than the anti-spasmodics, I use extra strength tylenol( Paracetamol)or like you I'd sleep the day away, can't take Ibuprofen because it messes with my stomach. I'll do the garden next spring, our weather has either been cool or scorching, today it's so windy and cool.
    Take care and feel better.

  3. 10 years ago I almost got signed off long term sick due to sciatica and muscle spasms. I was paying £27 every other week for a chiropractor but nothing really worked. Then I read an article about omega 3 in high doses, I had nothing to lose. I took really high doses for 6 weeks then halved it, then normal daily dose. My pain subsided and eventually went, touch wood it's never returned.


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