
Monday 2 December 2013

A,Lost Thimble and a Sore Finger.

I have had a couple of iffy days, backache and aching joints, hey ho. I am persevering with the exercises and reciting the mantra, No gain without pain. I was too achy to sit at the machines, even with "auto pilate" on little gem it was too uncomfortable, so I dug out a hand sewing WIP.

Once I have finished this round of greens I will do another in pinks.
That will be enough and I will square it up and quilt it on the machine.
I did a very easy, simple dinner. Tagliatelle with a sauce of little sausage meatballs in a spicy tomato, onion and pepper sauce. I used 1 pack of hot and spicy sausages RTC 50p, 4 rashers of bacon 30p, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 green pepper from a RTC bag 22p, garlic  free from the garden and 1/2 red onion 5p, homemade tomato sauce 20p. This made enough sauce for 4 meals at 32p each the pasta cost 15p so my delicious dinner was 47p, round it up to 50p to cover seasoning and a pinch of mixed herbs.

 I had to bath Ben this afternoon he decided to jump into a very smelly ditch on his walk, Eau de Swamp is not pleasant I assure you.

We have suffered a minor disaster in the village, the shop closed on Sunday and by this morning it had been stripped back to bare bones. There is a notice on the door stating that it will open early January under new management, not really helpful to those who rely on it for everyday basics. Our next nearest shop is in Tydd Gote, about a mile away. No problem to the hale and hearty but too far for an elderly person to walk there and back with a bag of shopping and the owner is planning to retire soon. Bad and Sad Times.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. Ben smells as sweet as a flower.

2. My dinner was delish and filling.

3. My lovely neighbour Marina is still doing well despite the Leukemia.

4. Francesca is settling in well in London.

5. I found a vintage sheet in the charity shop this morning £1.75, it is in perfect condition and is big enough to back a quilt and more.

I went into the CS just on a whim and could not believe my luck, it is in the washing machine now, when dry I will photograph it.I also picked up 2 double duvet covers for the same price. I will turn them into something, they are soft and pretty enough for baby quilts.

There is a big appeal for the local food banks ready for Christmas, the children will be at home for 2 weeks and they will miss out on their school lunches. As I have all my cupboards and freezer full I will be doing a shop for them, I plan on filling a trolley and spending my Tesco points. I have over £60 and really do not need them myself. I plan on using £20 to double up for toiletries, I should be able to get a decent amount of smellies with £40.

I am hoping to spend some time in the kitchen this evening, I have found a few interesting recipes in Blogland plus I want to make a batch of mincepies for the stalwarts who run the CS. They were saying this morning that the woman who usually bakes for them has moved into sheltered accommodation and has not got the room.
Now I think it is time for tea, and lots of it.  Oh the blog title, my thimble is missing and as I am handsewing I have pushed the needle into  my finger tip a couple of times, not nice, I don't want to bleed on the fabric. I seem to remember hearing something hit the floor and roll on Saturday so the sofa is coming out later, fingers crossed that I find it.

            TTFN                                              Pam

PS Do you look at other peoples blog list and have  a dip in , I do and have found a few new ones to follow, tip toe through mine, you never know what you may find that takes your fancy.


  1. That's a very kind thing to do,with your vouchers. A shame about the shop, pity you can't open one up. You would be great!

    1. Last year I doubled up my vouchers and filled my freezers,they are not including any food in the scheme this year. My freezers and cupboards are over flowing anyway and I do not want electrical goods or top range champagne. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I couldn't run a shop, I couldn't stand still behind a till for hours.

  2. I have recently found my best thimble, hope you have similar luck. What a kind thought thinking of the folks at the CS.

    1. If it isn't found by Wednesday I will be getting a new one. The folk at the CS think of me, I pop in regularly and often they will have something tucked away just in case I want it.

  3. What a lovely surprise for them when you pop in with your festive treats x I love reading blogs. I also click on people who comment on others blogs! It's great here in Blogland

    1. I have found so many interesting people to visit, love it.

  4. I love your hexies, love the colours. I must do some work on mine but DS1's Doctor Who scarf is taking up most of my spare time at the is so darned long. Hope you find your thimle soon. I hate using a thimble, just can't get comfortable with one so generally I end up with pretty sore fingers after a spell of hand sewing.My fingers are not very dainty so that makes it hard to find one that's a good fit. I've looked into all sorts of different ones, but some are so expensive and I can't justify the cost for the amount of hand sewing I do. So I usually sew until my fingers get too sore then put it away for another day and do some knitting or something instead. Sorry to hear about your village shop closing. I hope the new one opens soon and its as good as the old one.

    1. I do have another but my old one fits like a glove and I will find it. The end of my finger resembles a tea bag.

  5. Kudos to you, Pam for your thoughtful and generous actions with the vouchers. I fill a basket when the food bank people come to our local Asda, but you really are going the extra mile. Hope you find your thimble - of you don't believe that the vacuum cleaner most definitely will!! And I join you in the pierced finger-tip club - doing quite a bit of hand quilting at the moment, and I can't wear a thimble so I get nice hard pads but occasionally pierce through them - OUCH! And yes, I do check through other people's blog-rollls, you come up with loads f interesting folks! Lx

    1. The poverty will get worse before it gets better and every little helps. I have to set a timer when I blog hop otherwise hours just evaporate.


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