
Tuesday 3 December 2013

2014 A Challenge To Myself.

I follow Sara @ A Frugal Wife, she has set herself a challenge to earn/save the sum of £2014 in 2014. I think that is a good idea and am going to be a copy cat. BUT as I am a bit of a control freak crossed with an overachiever I am setting my target at £1500 and we will see what happens. I will open another savings account and report my savings as and when they happen, this will be my Sealed Pot aim for the year I am not sure have no idea what I will use it for, perhaps inspiration will strike me.ed

I read a wide variety of blogs, some I follow some I keep bookmarked to find them fast. I like to read about what people do all over the world, I sometimes shake my head in disbelief but hey ho, if we were all the same it would be Boring. 

I started this blog as a record of what I do to save money, time and how I fill that time, usually sewing or cooking. I am not houseproud bit I can not stand clutter so I blitz through regularly, I take the opportunity to dispose of anything that I have not used or worn for at least a year. 
I try to keep my books under control, my cook books are the worst offenders, I have 6 out at a time and when I have made 4 dishes from one I change it for another. If one stays unused on my shelf for 3 months and is not used then it is out.
I have a large collection of music and DVD's, they are next on my "hit list" I intend to be ruthless, if I don't see myself playing or watching again then out it goes.
Over the next few months, I know it will be months as I can not remember what is in the loft, ( Bad me.) I will go through every cupboard, glory hole, storage box and the loft. I will do a car boot with what I discard and what doesn't sell will be donated. 
I have clothes that although I love them, I know that I will not wear them again. My linen cupboard needs an instant diet, I am sure the door is bulging. The only areas that will remain intact are my sewing and cooking supplies.
I aim to use my stash of fabric to make money towards my challenge and will eat my way through my food stocks. Depending on how much time Francesca spend here my food stocks will feed me very well for a few months, all I will need is eggs, dairy and fresh veg. I have plenty of fruit in store, either fresh, frozen or in jars. The garden will be rejuvenated and more growing space will be found. 
I have made a firm decision not to return to work and I still intend to succeed with this challenge. I feel so motivated that I could almost wish Christmas gone, almost maybe.
I feel that this will enable me to cope with full retirement, I am already planning my garden changes. I have a list of items to make from my fabric stash and I will be exploring lots of frugal recipes. I will get a head start on the food as I have been offered a brace of pheasant from each local shoot, and there are not many weeks without 2. I can get 4 good meals plus stock from each bird, and pheasant pate is sublime.
Oh my word this has become a ramble.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. An exciting challenge.

2. Lots of free top class protein coming my way.

3. An evening or three reading seed catalogues, lovely. 

4. A sweet smelling Ben, bathed yesterday.

5. A bag of huge pine cones, dried, ready to craft with. Free

I have just realised that I did not photograph the linens that I found in the CS, no time now so another day.

I will pop this memory of last summer in, two weeks to the shortest day and then the tide turns and the days get longer.

 I am making a stir fry for dinner and it is time to get slicing and dicing.

                          TTFN                                 Pam 


  1. Wow, food for thought, Pam! Congratulations on deciding NOT to go back to work - like us you will soon realise how much it has been costing you to GO to work! I wish you all happiness for the future. I commend your blitz and plans for further culling - my books were so painful at the time but they have gone now and I haven't miss them - yet! Your saving plan sounds good, and if you still intend to move to Wales you will find it very handy for some essential or other - or maybe just a something you'd really like for your new home. Is this still on the cards?

    1. I am almost ashamed at the amount of cook books that I have, it is mainly because all my friends know that I love to cook and to read so it becomes"the perfect" gift. I am 62 and as well as my Grannies 2 books I have my first cook book , Cookery in Colour, and every one that I have been given or bought since. I dare not count them but they fill two 7ft high by 4ft wide shelf units that were custom made for them. Yes a move to Wales is still in my mind.

    2. I've got to tell you - Cookery in Colour was the first cookery book I bought! Gosport 1971! (or maybe '72) My first ever book was the Good HouseKeeping a present from Jim, and then a Mrs Beetons from a book club. I still have all of them ......and a few more!

  2. With all your plans you would never have time to go back to work anyway!
    Thank you for the summer picture and the reminder that the days will start to get longer in a few weeks.

    1. After my Mum retired she often wondered how she found the time to go to work. I am eagerly waiting for the days to pull out again, grey is not my favourite colour.

  3. Your plans sound very exciting. I love retirement. So glad I didn't have to drive to work this morning. We just had a 24 hour blizzard. Many highways closed, lots of accidents. Our neighbour came and shovelled the front sidewalk and up to the house this morning. Another neighbour came with his snow blower and did our driveway. DH and I just spent an hour and a half shovelling our way to the garage and shovelling out the doorways in case we have to go anywhere-hope not! The drifts were almost waist high. Got our exercise for today!!

    1. We do not often get anywhere near that amount of snow, 3" is enough to cause chaos here. When it is the norm then you are, hopefully, equipped to deal with it. A treadle of hand sewing machine, plenty of fabric and thread and a good supply of food.

  4. It wasn't a ramble its a great post! I'm so pleased you sound so very positive. Brilliant news about not going back to work. I feel like I am always at work. The pheasants will be a help, that's good to get them. Pâté sounds wonderful. Best of luck with it, I know you will be busy anyway. X

    1. I love game, you can not get much more organic and it is very low in fat. When I was younger I worked long hard hours with no problems.

  5. I just discovered your blog from your comment on another blog and have enjoyed perusing some past posts. I love your quilting! It's not one of my talents but that just means I appreciate others' work all the more!
    Congratulations on your retirement. I retired in September and am enjoying it immensely. Look forward to reading more.

    1. I just popped over and liked what I saw, will be back later. I am loving being at home, once this Torturous physio has done it's work I will enjoy it even more.

  6. I am so glad you are joining us for the £2014 challenge, it looks like there are a couple of others that may soon commit too. I certainly will need some inspiration as although initially I thought it a great idea, I soon realised the reality of it and was about to let the idea go when Sara challenged us to pick up the gauntlet. Well done on your decision not to return to full-time work, it will be lovely to have more time to spend on your hobbies and interests. I liked having non-working time over the last few months, but as we were constantly looking for work opportunities I really don't think I made the best use of the time. Anyway, next time I shall be more prepared - no choice now!! Not long now to the shortest day then we will all be looking forward to summer again. X

  7. I have made a start on my challenge, a reader who describes herself as "A little Norfolk Dumpling" has asked for 5 aprons. I drew the pattern up this morning and will be pulling fabric from my stash later. She doesn't want them until the New Year so no pressure. I feel that it may be a bit of a cheat as my first savings will be from the fact that I am so well stocked on food. It will be a good kick start.

  8. That is great that you won't be working anymore. I am going to check out that blog, thanks for the tip

  9. Do not feel a cheat - you have not deliberately stocked up, and it does make perfect sense. I still have loads of stuff I was going to car boot but was able to get full time work so have not had time to do it. At the end of the day, there are no hard and fast rules, just a general 'saving together'. Anyway, we will all have surplus food at this time of the year.


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