
Thursday 12 September 2013

Fighting Fit and Feeling Fine

Hi de Hi, I am fighting fit and ready to rock 'n roll, What a difference a day makes yesterday I was yeurghk and today it is gone.

A big welcome to two new followers, I hope you enjoy hanging out.

Work was smooth as silk last night, today may be different. There are a series of Briefings taking place over all shifts and departments so each session will take almost an hour out of the work time.

I was going to shop today but having checked the fridge did not need to, so win win.
Add to that this little lot,

Six very large mangoes, they are under ripe but just the job for a batch of chutney.

Two bags of salad leaves, my favourite mixes.

This little lot was a gift, ok it came from the staff shop, I no longer carry money to work and someone owed me a favour, saw these and knowing that I loved them, bought them for me.

Today Michael asked for beans on toast with grated cheese, easy meal and all from stores, no spend. The bread is homemade, cost about 6p, beans 15p, cheese 25p, total cost 46p. not bad.

I decided on a light meal so tipped some salad onto a plate, added cherry toms from the garden, more fresh basil, coriander and flat parsley from the garden. To add some protein and carbs to this I pulled this from the larder.

I bought these when they were on offer ages ago and used half a tin so the cost of my dinner was 25p. 
Our dinner cost 71p, I am dead chuffed with that and stuffed to the gills.

I took Ben out for a long walk as he was restricted yesterday and a rabbit shot out of the hedge and ran under his nose, he reared up on his hind legs as though he was acting in Ben Hur, he he that was serendipitous.

I watched a feww tutorials on FMQ techniques and had a little play, more on that another day.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. Feeling fine, good health can not be over rated.

2. Seeing the scarlet splash of poppies, the gold of dandelions and their fluffy white seed heads glowing against a sea of dark green sugar beet leaves.

3. Turning a corner and seeing an ancient climbing rose frothing with white blooms wrapped in a lovers embrace with an equally ancient gnarled apple tree, glistening with red fruit.

4. Birds wheeling over a freshly turned field harvesting seeds and creepy crawlies.

5.  Having the time and opportunity to see and enjoy our countryside.

A  wonderful walk full of wonder and beauty, free to any one who cares to get out and find it.

On that note I wish you all a good day, what is left of it, and a restful evening.                       TTFN                       Pam


  1. Hi Pam, glad it's not just me that's get a kick out of cheap meals, even better when its home produced. We have freezer's full of home-grown meat, but if I can make a joint of something last a few days, I know I'm doing well.
    Author of

  2. I blame it on my upbringing, it was considered dreadful to waste food or time, or anything come to that. One of my earliest memories is of cutting old clothes into strips for rag rugs.


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