
Monday 2 September 2013

It,s Just a Manic Monday

Hello, I am back. It has been non stop motion here today, we traveled back late on Saturday and yesterday was spent on unpacking and putting away. The unused groceries were put back and the laundry put in the basket, cases put away till next time. After dinner we vegged out on the sofa and watched stuff off the sky box.

Today there are 2 loads of washing on the line, a tray of blackberries washed and drained in the freezer, a dozen apples waiting for my attention, a small mountain of tomatoes to be turned into passata, a fresh loaf of bread made and all floors downstairs swept and washed.

Later I have some sewing to do but that is play time and I need to earn it to appreciate it fully.

Francesca is having meatballs for dinner and we are having bacon chop something. We had Pork something with rice yesterday and very tasty it was.

The news on Francesca's car is not pleasant, it will probably mean a new head, ouch, the bummer is that she only needs it till the middle of November when she plans to move to London. Not to worry, there is no point.

Sad news about David Frost, I met him when he got married and held the wedding breakfast in our village, a charming man. I loved the program that made him, That was the Week That Was, ground breaking television.

Kaitlyn,s quilt was duly finished and she is sleeping with it, not under it as it is very thick.

The work on Cardigan Castle is moving along and what is done looks very good.

The perimeter walls have been stripped of years worth of undergrowth and been repaired and restored and work is ongoing on the inside. I expect that it will be some time before it is completed.

There is an indoor market in the town and  I spied this hanging over the stairwell.

The back view.

The Front.

Close Up

The workmanship is amazing.

Our week in Wales was wonderful but as ever it is good to be home and sleeping in my own bed. I have had some amazing holidays over the years but there is no place like home. The water in Wales is soft and makes a wonderful cup of tea but the first one back at home was the best.
I toured the Margaret River in WA and it was spectacular but the view of my cottage when I got home took my breath away.

And now for the News.

The decision has been made, In March next year the cottage will go on the market. We are moving to Wales. We have been researching like mad and have finally decided that this is best for us. Francesca will be settled in London or maybe New York and it will be just us.
We will be looking for a small cottage or even a flat, somewhere big enough for us, Ben and maybe a friend for him, and the sewing machines. 
We are also going to look for 1 or 2 holiday rentals to buy that will be Pet Friendly. We had the devil of a job finding somewhere to stay with Ben and Cardigan was a big No Go Zone. There were properties but the owners idea of dog welcome was not mine and the cost was astronomical.
The cottage we were in was great but it was huge, too much to keep clean while on holiday. There was a garden but the walking was dicey as there were no pavements and narrow roads. If I did not take my Cooking Kit with me I would have been stumped, there was 1 smallish blunt knife, a wobbly serrated knife and a bread knife. I chopping board and 2 flimsy wooden spoons. Possibly most people do not cook but when I have paid over £400 pounds for a cottage I will not be eating out.

I am sure that a well equipped rental at a reasonable price will not be empty much.
 We have looked at this from every angle and this is the way for us. A small income is all we need and lots of time for us and the grands is a given.

I will miss my cottage but am very excited for the future, we aim to have 2 bedrooms but 1 will become my sewing room and there will be no sofa bed. I love the friends and family that we have but will not be giving free holidays to any one. Sounds mean but I have been there in the past and it is a fast way to fall out and lose people.

I am slowly catching up on my blog reading, no internet in Wales, and see that Jo at Through the Keyhole is having a 3rd Birthday Giveaway with some delicious goodies on offer. Of course I entered, apart from all the rest there is some pink polka dot fabric how could I resist. I did win a giveaway and when it arrives from Texas I will do a show and tell.
I had a comment on the blog asking if it was OK to copy my "reasons to be grateful" Carry on, I borrowed the idea from a friend and nobody has a copyright to it, at least as far as I know.
It makes me aware that even on a "bad hair day" in  S***t week I have so much in my life to be grateful over. I was picking blackberries on the edge of my wild garden this morning surrounded by the chirping and rustling and buzzing of all the residents and it was heavenly and free. Life is good.

There are lots of fabric sales on and my fingers have been twitching away but I am not buying. I have stacks of fabric and a few things on the go and I am waiting. waiting very impatiently for Scrumptious to be released in yardage, that is the new collection from Bonnie and Camille for 
Moda. The precuts are available now but I want "the best bang for my buck" and yardage will give me that added value. You see I normally wait until what I want goes on sale and make a saving that way, this time because of our plans I will be buying on release, by the time it goes on sale I will/could be packing to move or already moving. I have earmarked the funds and they are untouchable for any thing else, no matter what. I did not buy any of the last collection, I had the chance to stock up on Marmalade and Vintage Modern and took it with both hands and that used my fabric fund up.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. The sun is shining.

2. Ben is happy.

3. My garden is laden with goodies.

4. Francesca is doing well in her career.

5. I am immersed in plans and lists. I love lists.

I have had 8 good years in my little cottage and it will be hard to leave but I am looking forward to our new life, there will be less stress for Michael and that should help his Asthma. There will be lots of quality time together and the grands will be close. We hope to make lots of new friends and re establish Michael,s old ones. Francesca, James and Cerys are all for it and that is a big boost. We do not expect to idle our time away just to portion it out in a different way.

Now I need a cup of tea and possibly a biscuit.     TTFN       Pam


  1. Welcome back and all the very best for your plans :-)

    1. Thank you Rupert, we had a great time and will be on tenterhooks
      waiting for everything to fall into place.

  2. Well, goodness me, what excitement you have planned for next year.
    From East to west is a big move, but as your family are there I'm sure you will have a wonderful time.

    1. We have hmmed and haaaad over this for too long, so we took the bull by the horns.

  3. I always find it so frustrating that because we're dog owners that we are either put in sub standard accommodation (Haven Hols are the worst for that) or we are charged a small fortune for accommodation which is half decent - I always leave the accommodation as clean as I find it to prove a point that not all dog lovers are inconsiderate - I think you have a brilliant idea there and wish you lots of luck....... its very exciting isn't it?! Xxx

    1. Ditto, the cottage was fairly decent but some of the carpets were stained and that was really not good enough.

  4. This is so exciting!! BIG NEWS as you say. And what an amazing idea!

    I am so happy for you.

    Sft x

    1. We are so glad to have finally decided.

  5. Exciting plans, I hope everything works out fantastically for you both.

    1. I see no reason why it should not, we will not have mortgage or loans to pay off. So need not earn a fortune.

  6. Hi Pam you have some big plans ahead, you must post some photos of your cottage before you go. I love the "reason to be grateful" on your blog as well.
    Your sewing is so beautiful wish I could sew, or should I say have the patience to sew. xx

    1. If we do not do it now we never will. I do not want to spend years saying "if only". Sewing is good but how I wish I could crochet.

  7. Welcome back and with news of such exciting news for next year too! March will be here before you know it, all the very best for your plans.

    (P.S - I'm in admiration over Kaitlyn's quilt. Simply gorgeous!)

    1. We have talked about this for so long and the time is right now.
      The quilt is a cheater print but does look good, the hand quilting left me with perforations though.

  8. Such exciting times ahead, I love the plans you have for pet friendly accommodation too, it's always really hard finding somewhere nice which will take pets. Kaitlyn's quit is beautiful, the fabric is so pretty, I love those little owls. Thank you for mentioning my giveaway, I'll pop another entry in to the hat for you.

    1. We have had some dire holiday lets and are determined to offer top quality in our properties. We have always had dogs and never had to live with substandard anything.

  9. I'm so excited for you! It will be such an adventure. The pet friendly idea is fabulous. Tile type floors and washable rugs, sounds ideal. Won't you miss your garden if you move into a flat? Even a tiny one would be nice just so you could sit outside with your cup of tea.

  10. I would miss my garden but there are allotments in the area, we will be picky about where we live and if we settle on a flat it will be ground floor with a garden. It is amazing how much you can stuff into a small patch if you load in the manure and compost before you start planting.


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