
Monday 18 November 2013

Good Morning, Oh My Word it,s early.

I am up, exercised, showered and dressed. It is 6.45 and the village is quiet, all I can hear is Ben's gentle snoring and the whir of the washing machine.
Francesca has gone off to London, she has to leave the cottage at 5.45 to get to her office by 8.45. Once she has moved it will be 40 minutes door to door. That is a time gain of nearly 25 hours a week, an extra day, I want one. Santa take a memo.

I am working with my 2 1/2" squares for a little while this morning, I have all the coloured ones in pairs and am pinning a third one to each pair. I do not usually pin but in the interest of keeping pressure off my leg I will pin and then set the machine to run on auto and just feed them through in a chain. I have 126 trios to make then each one will have a white square on one end.

There is a method to my madness. Remember the trees I showed yesterday, well it is an about face. I have decided to sash them and make a quilt that can double as a  table topper instead of a runner. I have lots of 3" sashing strips to cut and then bigger pieces to square it up. While I have the white fabric out I am going to cut my 126 x 2 1/2" squares. I know myself and if I do not have the sets ready to pin them to I will lose them.
 To give me a rest from sewing I will write this post as I go through the day. Toodle Pip for now.

It is now 9.40, I am more than halfway through my 2 1/2" squares and just back from walking Ben. A cup of coffee, a quick whizz round the kitchen and more sewing. Square eyes and no telly!

It is now 2,30, I have finished sewing for the afternoon. I have some cooking to do.
Ben has had a second walk and the weather is pretty disgusting, a fine mizzle that soaks you before you realise and enough wind to blow it down the back of your neck.

All 126 sets ready to press, whew.

Pressed and stacked in piles of 20, I made a few extra so that when I assemble the top I will have a few to juggle with. There are bound to be one or two that I feel do not fit.

The first two Christmas tree blocks, the other 8 just need the white strips to be sewn on the bottom, they are all pinned.  I am going to put a 1" sashing strip in that will give me a finished quilt size of 48" wide by 64" long. A good throw size, when it is assembled I will decide  whether to add a border or not. I thought about another row of trees but do not have enough of the green and I can not drive out to buy any more.

Reasons to be grateful.

1. A good mornings sewing.

2. A sparkling kitchen floor. ( I was pressing white fabric)

3. The exercises are becoming easier.

4. My favourite Chicken and Bacon Pasta Bake for dinner.

5. A gift of free range eggs for my baking later.

Altogether a satisfactory day, and I still have some play time in the kitchen tom look forward to. Before that another round of exercises, tea and 30 minutes with a book.

              TTFN                                      Pam 


  1. Wow Pam, you've had a very productive day! Can't wait to see your quilt! Enjoy your evening. Julie

    1. It was busy, because kept changing from one thing to another the time went fast and I got lots done. Tonight I have a binding to put on a cushion cover, I like a little hand sewing in the evening. Pam

  2. I do like your tree blocks ... making me feel quite festive.

    Vicky x

    1. Well thank you kindly, I was too tight to buy a special ruler so I found a pattern on line and downloaded it, it is not quite the same as the pattern I was admiring but it does the job. Enjoy the feeling, it won.t be long now.

  3. Replies
    1. I had a lovely time picking out the fabrics, I may have had to buy a little ;-)

  4. Fabulolus tree blocks Pam, you are always so busy, I think you must have boundless energy.........if you find you have a little too much, throw some my way, I could really do with a bit extra.

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine pressure though, I know many bloggers don't like accepting these awards, and they do take a lot of time, so I won't be offended if you don't want to take part.

    1. An Award? for me? Oooooh what do I do, I hope it doesn't need polishing, I am a stranger to brasso, and I seem to have run out of elbow grease. Thank you very much I would love to take part.

    2. The award and what to do with it is explained over on my blog.........and no brasso required.

      The Sunshine Award is nominated to blogs that bring a little sunshine and inspiration into our lives........and yours definitely does that for me.


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