
Wednesday 26 August 2015


Dawn at Doing it for ourselves in Wales has just posted about preserving food. 

Do go and read this. Do not take risks with your life.
I worked for most of my adult life in the food industry, from growing fruit and veg to meat inspecting in a slaughterhouse to cooking in a Deli Factory.

Botulism is a killer, pure and simple. I have not seen the relevant post that Dawn refers to but know that it is highly irresponsible and potentially extremely dangerous.

If you cook vegetable sauces  ready for the winter, chill them fast and get them in the freezer or buy a pressure canner.

That's all for now, I will be back later with a post.

       TTFN                                                             Pam


  1. Yes I have read about that, that's why I tend to just a bit of Jam Making x

  2. I read about doing tomato/ veg sauce. seemed to be just like making jam but without sugar.Did wonder about it, was going to give it a go, will not now.

  3. I've always frozen my sauces after reading about botulism, not taking the chance with that thanks very much though I would like to use a proper pressure canner one day x

  4. Me too Marlene. Better safe than . . . . . dead!

  5. Thank you for the warning, Pam, I had no idea of the danger and had read the post mentioned. I have now read the one by Dawn and will always freeze everything.

  6. I just read Dawn's post (and made a comment) and had read the relevant post. It's very scary stuff and not to be taken lightly.

  7. Here's the thing, when I read UK blogs about jam making, they scare me. Jars aren't boiled after filling. Here in Canada, in school we are taught, boil the jars, fill the jars, seal on, boil to ensure the seal is intact.

    No seal, no eating!


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