
Wednesday 2 December 2015

I never felt more like singing the blues

I was going to title this Just Sewing in the Rain, but felt it was a step too far. Plus I am doing lots of things beside sewing. I have even managed to find the wrapping paper and sellotape and it is all laid out ready to start after dinner.

I managed to get Ben out in the dry this morning and then it hammered down and it is still falling. 
I helped Maggie to start her move this morning, what seemed like enough bed linen to stock a medium sized shop and about 500 cushion covers and enough tea towels to cover the wiping up at a Scout,s Jamboree. 
Tomorrow it is the kitchen cupboards, I am overwhelmed just thinking about it.
She is also putting more stuff out for the Charity Shop, so hopefully many people will benefit.
Luckily I moved most of my small stuff in solid plastic stacking crates and hung onto them. Maggie now has them to use so her treasures will  not get wet.
Her bungalow is a decent size except for the kitchen, but there is a utility room that will take the fridge freezer and tumble drier along with a cupboard or three. 
The sitting room is smaller than the one she has now but there are two good sized bedrooms and one of these will become a study come dining room.
The carpets are being laid on Monday and she will be moving in on Tuesday, that gives us plenty of time to move all the small bits so moving day will see the kitchen set up completely and the rest will fall into place quite fast.
Once she is in and weather permitting I will be moving some plants from the garden for her, most are far too large but there are several small shrubs that were fairly recent purchases.
I will be altering her curtains where necessary, I will lug a machine down and do them there.
I have been sewing as much as I am able, still taking the pink pills and still aching. If it does not clear up soon I will have to bite the bullet and go to the doctors.
Francesca finally has her name on the Roll of Solicitors and will get her certificates very soon, she has worked long and hard for this and I could not be more proud of her or pleased for her.

My 30p flowers from over a week ago are still going strong, the blue lilies are filling the sitting room with their perfume.

I did a shop this morning, along with Maggie, neither of us needed much as we are eating from the freezers.
Last night I had chilli on a bed of cabbage, I did not fancy rice, and tonight it is bangers and mash with baked beans, simple and fast I have not cooked that for ages and am looking forward to it.

I got around to opening up the Christmas panels that I bought in Crosspatch and they are so pretty, my fingers are itching to quilt them. I want to find one more and they will be for Cardigan next year.

Now Ben is asking for his dinner and mine needs to get started soon.

                              TTFN                                                Pam


  1. Congrats to Francesca for her qualifications. We've had 2 dry days in a row over here, the first for weeks

  2. You certainly have been busy. Amazing what a bargain bunch of flowers can do. I picked up a bunch from Tesco's on Sunday they look wonderful on the dining table for the bargain sum of 13p.

  3. I hope that the rest of the moving and sorting goes well. Well done to Francesca! xx

  4. Big congrats to Fran a great achievement, you are a good neighbor and friend helping Maggie with her move hope it all goes smoothly and the weather plays ball for you :-)

  5. Congratulations to Fran. The flowers are beautiful, although I'm not keen on the smell of lilies but I bet the others (stocks?) smell wonderful. Moving house is extremely stressful!

  6. Yes congratulations to Francesca - well done! And do remind me where is your friend MAggie moving from and to - closer to you? Your posts exhaust me just reading them Pam, you never seem to stop! And always being a helping hand - good on you! xx

  7. What a big help you are. Pam, how do you keep going! You are one busy lady. I do enjoy your posts!

  8. Congratulations Francesca! What a fabulous achievement . You must be so proud xx blue lilies - how flamboyant !

  9. Many congratulations to Francesca, what a fantastic achievement. The flowers are still looking lovely. I have bought most of my pressies now, waiting for a few to be delivered, and over the next few days I'll dig out the wrapping paper I bought after last Xmas at 4 rolls for £1. Love, Helen x

  10. Huge congratulations to Francesca, what an achievement! Am I mixed up or confused, do I remember you saying something about Fran going to spend a year in the States for her work/studies?
    Maggie will be so grateful for your help. Is she closer to you now?


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