
Sunday 6 December 2015

The Windy side of the street

My My, doesn't the time fly when you are having fun, although I am not sure that nailing , tying and weighing downThe  every moveable object in the garden on a daily basis counts as fun.
It has however convinced me that I should get my hair cut, it has wrapped itself around my face, gone in my eyes, up my nose and been caught in my jacket zip more times than you can shake a stick at.
The 2 Christmas fairs in this and the next village were almost a washout, not surprising with horizontal rain at such a tremendous speed most of the day. 
I went to the one organised by the library, it is run entirely by volunteers, and managed to chat away a couple of hours. I took a raffle prize and found a couple of things to buy, but most importantly met some fellow crafters.
The group who run things are planning to extend the range of group happenings offered and I hope to get involved but that will be in the new year. I am looking forward to the carol concert for now.
I saw the awful scenes of flooding in Scotland last night, all those people evacuated from their homes just a few years after the last time. All the money invested in flood barriers wasted, washed away like Pooh Sticks. They were expecting the flood waters to peak in the early hours of this morning. I was flooded once, in the early 70's and it is truly devastating. The house was fully repaired and refurbished but I never felt safe again and we moved within a year.

My sewing for this year is all over bar the shouting, some binding to stitch down and a few labels to attach. Then there will be a massive tidy up, a day of machine cleaning and all will be put away till the New Year. The dining room will rise again, like the Phoenix from the ashes, and there will be a garland on the mantle and a small tree, candles and the scent of fresh pine and rosemary.
I am hoping to persuade Maggie to come for at least one day over the holiday season.

I am thinking of my word or phrase for 2016, this year it was "have some more fun" and I managed that in spades.
I do not make resolutions, they are mostly impossible to sustain, but I am drawing up a list of goals to aim at.

High on that list are a few crafty things, Cross Stitch is right up there along with Card Making and Embroidery.
I also want to finish my EPP quilt, almost 3/4rs of it is pieced and the remaining hexies and flowers are all basted and ready to go. The stumbling block is in my desire to start and finish a project in record time.
 This only started when I retired and had all the time that I wanted, which makes it all the more ridiculous. Perhaps next years words should be to do with slowing down and making and taking more time.
I hear the sound of little footsteps above me, Ben is awake and on his way to find me. 

          TTFN                                                        Pam


  1. I hope you manage to get involved in a craft group, it will be fun, you have achived so much this year, our last fair of the year was on yesterday it was a good event and despite the weather was an excellent turn out, our village really goes all out to support events and its always well promoted its a shame when they fail and the stall holders work so hard and come away dissapointed.

    1. I am going into the library tomorrow to talk about what is possible for next year. I found out today that there was another fair in Glanamman as well.

  2. There are some very sad scenes in the UK news isn't there, it makes you count your blessings. I'd like to do more cross stitch next year along with some embroidery I'd really like to increase my skills in that area. It sounds like you had a good day at the craft fairs. Take care x

    1. It is so distressing to see peoples homes under water and mud. I did enjoy my day and will be looking out materials for next years crafting in the sales.

  3. It is heart rendering to see the state of some of the homes that are flooded. It really does make you grateful for what you have doesn't it? It sounds like a good time was had at the fair despite or in spite of the weather.

    1. It is very sad, this could not come at a much worse time of the year. It is the children that my thoughts go out to in particular.


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