
Monday 14 December 2015

Monday meanderings.

 I came across this a few days ago and thought you may like to share.

Life's Tug of War.

Life can seem ungrateful and not very kind,

Life can pull at your heartstrings and play with your mind,

Life can be blissful and happy and free,

Life can put beauty in the things that you see,

Life can put challenges right at your feet,

Life can make good the hardships we meet,

Life can overwhelm you and make your head spin,

Life can reward those determined to win,

Life can be hurtful and not always fair,

Life can surround you with people who care,

Life clearly does offer its Ups and its Downs,

Life's days can bring you both smiles and frowns,

Life teaches us to take the good with the bad,

Life is a mixture of happy and sad.

I have always answered those whose lament is "it's not fair" with 
" then it must be a circus". 
The there is, "you can not recognise happiness until you have met sadness".
I think that the important word in this is "can", nothing is certain bar death and taxes, as someone once said.
 You can strive and graft, work countless hours and then Wham you are redundant/too old/too ill and you are out of work. Not a good reward. But you may rise through the ranks and achieve what ever your goal is.
Smiles and frowns, frowns give wrinkles and smiles give laughter lines.
 Smiles also may bring a smile in return, which may lead to a new friendship.

I, and you, could carry on in this vein for ages. Life is an adventure, a game of chance, win or lose all you can do is make the most of what you have.
Enough of this, what about some fun. I have abandoned the tidy up of the sewing/dining room mid flow (so to speak) and moved the sitting room around. 
The bureau is in the dining room, the telly has moved from prime position and.......The TREE is up.. Nothing on it yet ( well possibly a cobweb or three) but the decs are beside it,  in their boxes.

And why have I decided on this today, you may ask. Quite simple, I was intending to have a long walk as the day dawned dry, and then it rained. Pshaw Hrumph and all that jazz.
My "word/phrase" for this year was to have some more fun, 'nuff said.
I am still mulling over the one for next year, it will be along the lines of...Slow down and smell the roses/coffee/chocolate/bacon/chips with vinegar.
You get my drift, I must ease off on the accelerator a bit and, by slowing down, get even more fun and enjoyment in.
"Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think"

No I am not feeling morbid or ancient, just waffling on, and typing what ever drifts into my mind. I like to make it up as I go, just like my sewing.

My Christmas is well under way, still some wrapping to do and a little food shopping. Everything is under control and coming in well within budget, I will have a head start on 2016, even though I seem to have stacked the gifts high. I have made the majority and sourced the rest at bargain prices.

I only wish that the rest of the world was in the same boat. My heart aches for those in war torn countries but my main concern is for those at home who are suffering. The homeless and abandoned, those in the North who have lost their homes (albeit temporarily), and their possessions to the floods.

I did note that the celebrities who jumped on the bandwagon of offering shelter to refugees have not offered the same to those affected by the horrendous weather. 
It makes me wish that I was still in a big house with empty bedrooms.

Oops I slipped back from happy to sad again, but that is life.

                      TTFN                                           Pam


  1. Enjoyed the poem, it was definitely food for thought. Heart rendering to see the damage to homes and business's due to this freak weather. I am indeed thankful for a dry, warm home and food on the table.

  2. Like your thoughts, you seem such a thoughtful, caring person.

  3. Your post made me think of the movie, "Life is Beautiful"; it is one of my favorite tear jerkers. It truly shows the power of a positive mindset in the face of the most dire circumstances.

  4. Very thoughtful and considerate...oh and happy to meet you too!

  5. I was so pleased to be given this little poem, I hope that it has helped countless people over the years.


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