
Monday 4 September 2017

Spiders and Cobwebs and Dust, Oh My!

It is all stations action here, furniture is being moved, wall hangings taken down and everything easily portable is being rehomed. Most of it has been shunted into Fran,s room where the bed has all but disappeared under a sea of fabric and yarn (all in containers).

The quilting frame is leaving for pastures new, either this Friday or next week. I have already told you that works will be started, almost 3 years after they should have been completed.

Well there has been a slight change of plan, the works will still be going ahead but the rooms are being changed around. 
The largest room will become the sitting/dining room and the smaller room will become my crafting room. I still knit and crochet in the sitting room and it tends to take over the whole room. The simple way of dealing with that issue is to change the dynamics of our living space. I will just have to exercise some control as to how many WIP,s I have in there.

There will be much painting taking place, curtains being made and carpet being purchased. There may be a new sofa and possibly a new dining table ( a dual purpose long rectangle for cutting out as well). Although I do have 3 folding tables for that job.

I have emptied, and moved and refilled, the book shelves. The amount of detritus behind them was absolutely horrifying, it is only a few months since they were out for cleaning. Thankfully the spiders were dead, but the webs were thick with dust and left me sneezing my head off.

The pile for the Charity shop run has grown dramatically and I have some books to take to knit and natter.

The garden is in line for some major works also, the front has become something of a jungle. I totally underestimated the growth rate of some of the plants and some  serious pruning and digging out has to take place.

Fingers crossed that we get some reasonable weather, I can garden in the rain but prefer not to.

The crumb quilt is slowly coming together, as is Ivy,s heart jumper, they are the only projects remaining in situ. 

On the subject of quilting, I was very happy to see Eleanor Burns on You Tube this morning. It had never occurred to me to even look
before. I watched her on the TV, many years ago, for some time before her program was withdrawn for some legal issue. Needless to say I will be watching some of the golden oldies as well as the more recent. I am proud to have a few of her books and quilting rulers in my possession.

Even better than that, the sun has shown it's face and the murky gloom has all but gone from the valley.

I am off to move more "stuff" from the downstairs to the upstairs. I have a dead line to get it done by.

Strictly starts this weekend and I want to sit and soak it up with no guilty thoughts to plague me.

It also means that I have until the following episode to get everything to rights. It is a good combination of "stick and carrot" without the stick. 

                                TTFN                                    Pam


  1. It sounds like you will have a whole new space to enjoy , all fresh and clean and reorganized and that is good for the spirit and ones creativity !! take care from Iowa USA

  2. I love a good change around....especially if there's an incentive. I had to do a bit of sorting out in the spare twin bedroom this morning, which had become a repository for clothes that didn't fit in the wardrobe (so too many clothes then!), and bags of yarn that had somehow mysteriously appeared. I now have too much yarn to fit into my stash drawers - a sign that I really mustn't buy any more until I actually use some of the stash!

    Don't put your back out with all that shifting around, Pam.

  3. Hi Pam :) That's a lot going on. I have to make myself do some deep cleaning soon...every time I wake up, I'm very congested and I know our bedroom has hidden dust bunnies somewhere. It's that time of year though! My garden is winding up. Not much happening except the pumpkins continue to grow!

  4. Wow, a whirlwind of activity. Hope you manage to get it all done before the start of strictly...

  5. Spiders, cobwebs, and dust. Sounds just like our living room. Sure wish we were in the middle of cleaning out and painting. Sounds like a lot to do. Don't work too hard!

  6. I feel tired just reading about all of that activity! My sewing room desperately needs sorting out but I am waiting till there is less to do in the garden - that's my current excuse anyway.
    The 'Strictly' this weekend is the pairing then the live shows start on the 23rd so you will have a couple of weeks before the next episode.
    Don't overdo things.

  7. Something about September always urges the cleaning/purging bug in me. It's like the start of a new year.


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