
Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Tuesday again Woopee.

I like Tuesday, the washing and ironing is bang up to date, the house had a good going through on Monday and an easy dinner, salad tonight, is planned.

All because the Pam likes knit and natter.

I am all set, my knitting is sorted, a new sock cast on, I
am going to  help one of our group to cast on her very first sock. I will go step by step with her as I think that visual learning, one on one, is so much better than any book or even video tutorial.

I have printed a copy of the easiest free pattern that I have. There are some spare needles just in case she can not get on with the set she has bought. 

There will be tea and biscuits to help, I had hoped to make cake from my new book but ran out of time.

It will not matter, the time will fly by, as usual, on a tide of chatter.

I have had to cut a few of the flowers from my white hyacinths but the remainder are still glorious, as are my flowers from Fran. The balloons are still floating on their ribbons. Ben totally ignores them but Rufus found them a challenge to live with, and kept a weather eye on them.

Yesterday I had another rootle through the bedroom storage and more "stuff" has been jettisoned. I feel so much lighter each time I move things out.
Then in the next few minutes I found myself stashing some leggings away "in case I want them". I have not worn them for ages as quite frankly they are too thin, too short and too dark. Just like the Monty Python Parrot, they are no more.

The next area to have the Eagle Eye cast over it is that cavernous home to a plethora of treasures past, AKA Under The Bed.
When we took the Christmas decs down they went into plastic boxes, straight under the bed, to be sorted through at some unspecified date. The old tree went out and we plan to have a smaller one this year.

I am out tomorrow and on Thursday Ivy and Jess are coming to visit.

So Friday will be The Day for slithering under the bed and fishing every single thing out. I really hope to reduce it by 50% at least.

Then after a weekend off for good behaviour it will be the turn of the other bed.

 Ooh Er Missus, I have no idea what is lurking in the dark there.
Perhaps I should have a sign saying "Here be Monsters" like the maps.

On that cheerful and uplifting note I am off to make a brew and search out a tasty morsel for lunch.

                      TTFN                                        Pam


  1. How lovely you are to help a sock newbie.
    I'm sure your one on one tuition will have her knitting them up as fast as you do in no time.
    Still much decluttering to be done here but luckily I won't have to be slithering about under beds as they were done not long ago.
    Hope Knit and Natter is fun-x-

    1. Any excuse to cast on something new and it is always better to knit in company. I still haven't slithered, today is the day.

  2. I love having a good clear out, good for the soul xx

    1. I am with you there, I think that it helps with the positive vibes.

  3. Have a wonderful time at Knit and Natter.

    God bless.

    1. I did and am looking forward to next week, as ever.


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