
Friday 21 April 2017

Disaster Strikes

 I had a disaster this morning and am lamenting for a little while with some chocolate.

I was knitting away on my new jumper, the one with 2 charts, when it took on a life of it's own (or maybe I sat on the circular cord!) and it came off the needles #~**""!! Sooo after a bit of nearly tears and a hot strong cuppa I picked up the rats nest. Stitches had run every which way and I just ripped it back to a good spot and started picking up to find that 10 whole rows had gone. I don't care (well maybe I do a bit) it is only knitting and as the song goes "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". 

see me in the next strong man event.

Anyhoo, it is all done and set up for row 7 I just needed to step away for a little while. It will be easier this time as I found a line magnifier and it has arrived plus I now understand how the pattern is formed instead of just blindly following the charts.

I will be putting names in a hattish thingy later and pulling a few out so tomorrow I will publish winners and if they have blogs will let them know, if not they will have to contact me with their details. All my comments are moderated so no addresses will be published.

I am much better today but am still taking it easy, I do have washing on the whirly thing but after all pegging out is not arduous.

The weather is warm and dry but cloudy so I am certain that it will get dry. 

I found a new podcast to entertain me this morning, Woolly Elephant, run by a mother and daughter team a bit further North in the UK than me. I watched the first episode and will be having a bit of a binge later on.
 I may even make a rhubarb crumble and a drop of custard to enjoy with it. I have to listen to my body and it thinks that will hit the spot quite nicely.

Still excited about Wonderwool, I really need to chose a project and search for the yarn to make it. I don't want to just buy random skeins and then have to search for a pattern to match. One of the knit and natter girls is hell bent on finding the yarn for the Pavement sweater, I do like it but am not sure that it is far enough away from the Flax sweater that is on my list. I do have a couple of shawl patterns that I love...I will make my mind up at the last moment I am sure. If not I could be stretching my arms by a fair few inches. hehe.

Time for tea now and a little walk with Ben, he is loving all this couch potato time, I may have to call him chips or mash soon.

                  TTFN                                                    Pam


  1. Did you say a naughty word or two did when I had to unpick a bit of the neck binding on my dress that had taken in some fabric that it shouldn't have.

    Very glad to know that you are taking things easy today-x-

  2. You definitely deserve chocolate after that disaster! Picking up fallen stitches is no picnic for sure. Our rhubarb has shot up out of the ground recently - I'll need to get out and cut some for a pie or something. Off now to check out Woolly Elephant which will be new to me - thanks for that info!! Curious to hear what you pick for Wonderwool.

  3. I would have been throwing a tantrum if it happened to me, I fancy doing a bit of kitting might have to dig out something that dosen't need much thinking about.

  4. I now enlarge all patterns on my printer and highlight my size all the way through. It's a faff but it keeps me from giving up due to the frustration of small print on shiny paper! Enjoy you wooly day. Catriona

  5. Chocolate is the only way to go or maybe cake but definitely needed after a disaster like that. Take care.

  6. Pleased you're feeling a little better, thanks for the heads up on a new to me podcast. I really enjoy them and to be honest I watch them more than watching tv lately. Take care and enjoy your weekend.x

  7. When I have to undo work I need to do it quickly and then leave it for a while until I feel ready to continue! That way I come back to it somehow refreshed and ready to go on. The worst was a hand crocheted circular tablecloth ( pineapple pattern) which took me three months to complete. I was 1/3 through when I laid it flat to check and found that I had somehow omitted an entire pineapple! JanF

  8. quell domage! I hate it when that happens. I usually turn the air blue, then open a bottle of wine. It doesn't solve the problem, but I feel a bit better about it. lol. Blessings and Peace

  9. Hi Pam I have been reading your blog for a while, I came across it whilst on mean queen's blog and I love it, I knit,sew,crochet and am just attempting to make my first pair of socks I mean I got to 64 and had never tried so am follow the instructions on you tube and its going well so far, that is when I am not watching podcasts or following blogs only thing is I now sit here green with envy when I see all the beautiful wools that people buy lol well good luck at your wool fest can't wait to see your goodies, thanks for all your great blog offerings x


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