
Saturday 29 April 2017

No tissues in sight.

Hellooooo, it's me!I am returned from the land of soggy tissues,vapour rub and bottles of medication that taste disgusting and (I suspect) do no good at all.

My sore throat turned into a rip roaring cold that departed as quickly as it arrived, thankfully.

I went out into the world today, just as far as the Post Office in my village store. It was an essential trip so that I could get the bags sent off, 1 each to Australia, Canada and the US and 3 to the UK.

I enjoyed parcelling them up and setting them off on their journeys, almost as much as I enjoy getting that rapataptap on the door from my Postie when I get a parcel. Happy post is always a treat.

I managed to do a little knitting yesterday and some more this morning, not on the lace work chart my brain didn't feel ready. I have made a start on the Flax Sweater from Tin Can Knits using Aran weight yarn. It is for the SO and when there is enough to see I will take a photo.
He chose the yarn, a 70/30% blend of acrylic and wool from King Cole in the Skye colour, a lightish navy with multicoloured neps. it is working up a treat and I will be ready to pick up the sleeve stitches by the middle of next week I think.

If I like the finished product as much as I like the WIP I will be casting on one for myself, possibly in 4 ply, and another for Francesca in Aran weight for her Birthday Bag.

The SO would like to try loom knitting, so I have just ordered a wooden loom and a book for him, there is a plethora of sock weight yarn for him to use. Part of me almost hopes that he doesn't take to it so I get a new toy to play with, we shall see.

I planted my seed potatoes today, I just grow first earlies in bags and tubs although when I shop next I may look for a small pack of  a main crop variety to fill a small corner.

The fruit trees are looking good all bar the cherry which looks dead, I will be checking it out later. If it is gone I will have it out and replaced with something else soon.

The washing has been blowing in the air for long enough, I am off to haul it in and think about a little ironing. 

                       TTFN                                       Pam


  1. I'm so sorry you've been poorly Pam....nasty old bugs....but glad to hear it didn't linger too long.
    The SO's sweater sounds great...I love navy sweaters....don't know why but I just always think navy looks both smart and casual.
    I'd love to see the loom knitting if he is willing to share it-x-

    1. I am sure that he will be sharing it, possibly whilst he is sleeping and I have free rein with the camera.

  2. I will be interested in how you get on with the loom , I 've been thinking of getting one but I am not sure how well I would get on with it .

    1. I have done lots of research on the 'net and have a book for guidance. The SO is going to have a stab at making a simple frame loom for us to practice with.

  3. I daren't think about the ironing, whilst I have managed quite well to keep on top of the washing there is about a months worth of ironing. Yes, in the house I am putting things on that haven't been ironed. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

    1. ironing is the bane of my life, I simply detest it but have to do it, I would rather scrub my kitchen floor with a toothbrush.

  4. Good news you feel better. A cold can be so depressing! For a sore throat I squeeze a lemon and drink it undiluted. It works.For fever I use cold even ice. This works too.Have a good week ahead!

    1. I have fresh lemon juice in hot water, and even though I don't like it a spoonful of honey for the soothing effect.

  5. Oh my goodness Pam-you are so generous in posting these packages all over the world-I'll influde my self in the foreign ones, shall I-lol? Can't wait to see what's in my parcel although I know it will be gorgeous! I'll let you know as soon as Postman Pat has called. Glad you are feeling better. Catriona

    1. Iam a great believer in that old adage "what goes round, comes round" I have been very fortunate with giveaways and like to pay it forward.

  6. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Can't wait to see your loom knitting.

    1. I am certain that as soon as it arrives there will be sock yarn on it.

  7. Glad your cold didn't last long! I hate those that stay a full week. I love hanging the wash on the line, but dread bringing them in.

    1. I think that washing blowing is a happy sight, I wish that I had the space for a long line but my garden slopes up quite dramatically and it would ot be practical.

  8. Glad you are better. I seem to have caught the bug from Hades. Same start as you.

    Have you thought about the sock looms? Or even tried it?

    1. The loom that I ordered will make socks and that will be the first item on it.

  9. Hope you feel better soon

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Thank you, I am just about back to normal.

  10. Colds are a bloomin' nuisance aren't they? I don't get many but they do seem to drag on for ages. So glad you are on the mend. I hope the loom is successful, for one of you at least. You could make some gorgeous items although I wonder whether you will have to build another room soon to house all your equipment, what with a loom and a quilting machine you are turning into a cottage industry.

    1. The first loom will be fairly small, I don't want to make a big investment till I have tried it out. Luckily my dining room is quite large so everything fits. Now a spinning wheel would really throw a spanner in the works.

  11. I am so looking forward to receiving the package. I will let you know when it arrives.

  12. Glad you are feeling better. We were supposed to leave on vacation yesterdsy, but due to a mechanical problem with our camper are having a Stacation. Anxious to see your can make socks on it???


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