
Thursday 13 April 2017

Hell and set fire to it.

That is a direct quote from my Granny, it was uttered in ringing tones when some task or other would not go right.
I just said it 3 times, I have tried to transfer photos from camera to 'puter with no success. I will try again later....maybe ,or maybe I will use lots of naughty words and jump on the 'puter.

I was scooting round this morning, washing up and so on, eager to get out into the garden when there was a knock on the door.
Too early for the Postie I thought as I scuttled through, and it was Jess, bearing a gorgeous cake. Not just any gorgeous cake but a proper Easter cake, complete with Almond topping and 12 Almond icing balls for the Apostles. Jess, Will and Ivy are off to Wills parents for the festive weekend and I am overwhelmed that she found time to make a cake for me.
It is definitely a case of  "what goes round comes round" as the first job on my list was to pot up some Ladies Mantle plants for her garden. I also had some to pot up, for a forthcoming plant stall, for one of the knit and natter girls.
Job done and it is coffee break before I go outside again.

The day started bright and warmer than yesterday but has greyed over now and it looks and feels as though we maight ( I will leave that typo in, my brain said may and my fingers said might.) see some rain later.

I have just cottoned on to the fact that it is a double holiday this weekend (DUH) so have decided to do a shop later today. The roads will be mad and the shops will be heaving with peeps shopping madly for food and drink for garden parties and picnics.

I forgot last year and ended up abandoning my plans and made do with what I had until the Tuesday. I would do the same this year but I didn't shop for anything but fresh produce and dairy for the last 2 or 3 weeks. Ben,s food shelf needs replenishing and some of my staples are running lower than I care for. Plus just as importantly I need rubber gloves for the gardening. I am trying to look after my nails better, they are quite disgraceful right now, and aim to persevere with gloves at all times.

I think that,s all for now, my coffee mug is empty and I want to have at least another hour outside.

                              TTFN                                         Pam


  1. What a lovely surprise for you Pam.
    You want a litle bottle of sweet almond oil for your nails. Just rub some into your nails daily and it makes them grow lovely and strong.
    Technology can drive you mad can't it? -x-

    1. I have tried the almond oil but gave up after a week, perhaps I should persevere for a month. I am trying a nail rescue treatment at the moment.

  2. I've never heard that expression before. Good one though.

    Hope you can load your photos tonight - mine went on strike the other night too, and the camera refused to play ball.

    You are sounding a bit more energetic and I hope this means that any pills are working now!

    1. I managed to find a convoluted way to get the photos on the blog. I think that the warmer (?) weather is helping my general health and although I am busy I am resting on a regular basis now.


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