
Tuesday 30 January 2018

Went the day well?

Not many Benny, it went very well indeed. 
1. The house had a good go from top to bottom.
2. Dinner was changed slightly, the chickpeas were replaced with yellow lentils and the curry went straight into the slow cooker. It was delicious, Many thanks to Utterly Scrummy Food for families.
3. Much tea was consumed.
4. The yarn stash was sorted and peace reigns were once was chaos.
5. I cast on a new Miette. For me.

I found that I have enough sock yarn to keep a pair on the needles for the best part of a year. Bliss.

I have all the yarn that I need for garment kitting for myself for the year. and beyond shhhh.

The only yarn that I need to purchase is for a garment for Francesca.

All in all I am in a good place for a year of low spending and high crafting.
There is also enough left over small balls of yarn to keep my crochet hook busy for most of the year.

There is one looong languishing WIP that I need to get to grips with. I started it at least 18 months ago, possibly longer. It is a loose sweater in chunky yarn and I wanted that so badly that it haunted me from the moment I saw the yarn and pattern. I knitted like a mad woman, the body in the round to armhole and then divide for front and back. Halfway up the top back I ran out of steam. I have picked it up full of determination a few times, knitted a couple of rows and abandoned it again.

It will NOT be my Nemesis, I WILL finish it.   One day, quite soon. It HAS to be the wild card on my Make Nine. Then I will donate it.

There it is in black and white, now I am committed. 

I plan on putting a few days work on it after every project had been completed. I can knit a Miette in a fairly short time so should get the back finished in February. Then I will aim to finish the front in March and so on, if it please the gods I will get it off the needles before the summer starts.

I have an early start this morning, W has to be at the surgery before 9 so Ben will have an earlier walk. Then Rufus will go out once we return and the rest of the morning will be my own.

I am determined to make it to Knit and Natter today, the weather is dry at the moment and there is nothing else clamouring for my time.

Dinner tonight is a broccoli quiche, possibly with coleslaw and salad. I miss the cool crunchyness of salads in the long runs of cold grey days.This may just be the day to indulge.

I plan on having slow cooker meals on Wednesday and Thursday, and then Friday is not quite decided upon but Stuffed Portobello mushrooms is a possibility.

It is 7:15 and I need to get the kettle on, I could not spit a sixpence if my life depended upon it. I have to winkle Ben out of his bed as well. Not an easy task.

                          TTFN                                          Pam


  1. Love reading about stashes and you seem to be a stash champion! Great!
    J x

    1. I was not sure if I was embarrassed or proud when I added it all up. It does mean that I have a very low spend crafting year ahead .

  2. You have a lot more spare time than me - my crafts are something I have to shoehorn into my spare time, and when it comes to spring, it will be just an hour or so in the evenings because the garden takes over. Ah well, I must try and make the most of February!

    1. I will slow down once the weather warms up, I am hoping to spend a little time out there tomorrow.

  3. I keep saying that I'll knit from stash but then I see something else which tempts me. I don't knit as quickly as you do either so my stash doesn't go down as quickly so I've no excuse really. Enjoy knit and natter, I wish I could find a group local to me.

    1. I gave in to temptation so much last year but aim to stay firm this year. I found Knit and Natter by chance and am so pleased.

  4. So jealous that you are stash-managing. I've been working on mine but find that 'this ball of yarn would make a great scarf, but need another contrasting color' or 'I need a new pair of needles to knit THIS yarn' or something like that...and we don't even want to think about the fabric stash! Thanks for the trip around your stash! Jan

    1. It is a lovely rabbit hole to jump down, I did it several times last year.

  5. Salad.....I do love salad and that is what we are having tonight and tomorrow....bliss.

    1. Salad here tonight but I wish it was stew and dumplings.

  6. Knitting from your stash is lots of fun. Some of the yarn in my stash was bought with a certain project in mind and now I have forgotten the plan..... Oh well, time for a good sort through and new projects picked.

    God bless.

    1. It is your prerogative to change your mind, I do that many times. The yarn that is on my needles was bought for a pattern and this is the 4th option.

  7. I've just got rid of a big bag of odds and ends from my yarn stash to my midwife friend who knits 'knockers ' when she does breast feeding demos for new mums! Nice it's going to to be used! What is a Miette?
    Hugs LLJ xx

    1. A Miette is a pattern by Andi Satterlund, a cropped cardigan in Aran weight yarn. I kit the sleeves full length and add a little to the waist ribbing to suit my torso.

  8. I often wonder how you knit your socks, I am a beginner do I do small circulars, dpn's, magic loop,I really want to have a handknitted pair of socks. I do enjoy your blog you are a real inspiration. H x

    1. I tried short circulars, i am a flicker and could not get on with them, I use a long circular and magic loop and I knit both socks together.

  9. Sad face. I missed knit and natter! I just arrived in Wales today. I’m from Australia and will be in Llandeilo tomorrow. I plan on visiting the quilt shop and the wool shop. I guess I won’t be seeing you there though! I love Wales and thought I’d drive through some of the scenic roads of the Brecon Beacons. As I’m sew close, it would be rude of me to not go shopping for quilt fabric and sock wool. Cheers!

    1. What a shame, Wednesday is taken up with hospital appointments. I hope that you enjoyed your visit.

    2. Emmbee, it was lovely meeting you today, happy knitting. x

    3. It was great to meet you as well Deb. Lots of socks to knit when I get back home. As I drove back across the Brecon Beacons on the A470, there was snow across a large area! Lots of photos!......‘Twas a tad chilly though!

  10. Knit and natter groups are such fun, we have one here that us well attended. I'm trying hard to whittle down the crafting stash hoard.


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