
Monday 10 September 2018

Monday Morning Blue.

The sky, that is. Bright blue and sunshiney with a good breeze. 2 loads of laundry pegged out and line dried and a third blowing in the breeze now.

More Eureka watching last night, and more knitting
I am turning into a sofa dweller but that is all part of the "Autumn Effect" and I love it. I have yarn ready to knit my way through to the spring and stacks of books, both Kindle and paper. There are a couple of cooking writers that I found by chance and intend to try some of their recipes. I have their books on my wish list, you never know when Santa starts to check these things out. I will not buy them myself but will happily welcome them if they turn up under the tree.

I am hoping to knit my way through the stash before wonder wool next year. Most of my sock yarn was bought there last year and I did go rather doolally. I stayed within budget though so no remorse there.
I have knitted my way through a small mountain of commercial yarn, some of which was gifted to me. I just love some of the self patterning yarns and Drops 4 ply yarn is very cheap and makes sturdy, hard wearing socks. I just wish that they would bring out a load of new colours. I do ring the changes with contrast heels, toes and cuffs. The SO wears a rainbow on his feet every day.
Head over heels and Heart and Sole along with West Yorkshire Spinners all feature in family sock drawers as do many more. Too many to list here.

I cooked a pan of apples today, all windfalls, some from my garden and some from a tree on one of the dog walks. Most will be in the freezer later but I have some Greek yogurt to make a fool for tonight. How healthy is that. I don't add sugar, just a good shake of cinnamon.

Now the clock has ticked round to Ironing Time, there is not too much to do and I must check the line before I consider it finished.

The bathroom has had it's Monday Special and the rest of today's jobs are done and dusted. Happy, happy happy.

                TTFN                                                    Pam


  1. It's a good feeling to see the washing blowing in the breeze. I've just brought mine in as it's supposed to rain soon. X

    1. I got my 3rd load in dry about 10 minutes before it started to rain.

  2. If you want some more apples Pam, I have 5 trees full of them here . . .

    1. Ooooh, how can I resist. I will email you.

  3. I think we had all the cloud going here Pam. It has been grey and low all day but not cold or wet.
    We've been a couple of sofa dwellers today. I must get a move on and get something done tomorrow.

    1. It is set to be wet for 2 days, I intend to do a Painted surface clean today. Then have a rootle round all the cupboards, wardrobes and drawers in the hope of adding to the donate box.

  4. I love it when everything is falling into place.

    1. It certainly boosts the feelgood factor.

  5. Washing blowing here today, bedlinen whipping about as its turned rather windy.


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