
Saturday 15 September 2018

Spot the mistake.

My pink and sparkly socks are off the needles, I cast off the last stitch last night (Thursday)  and darned the ends in. I whipped my socks off ready to try them on but could only find one.

Then I looked right and the SO had the other one on!

The mistake was to take my eyes off them when he was around. he is a real sock fiend and would indeed wear them, with pride.


So there they are. His feet are longer and thinner than mine.

I soon rescued it and tucked them away ready to be washed.

Here they are, I love them.

A bit of a close up to show you the Dittany stitch pattern.

Of course I cast on another right away, I just made up a little yarn over knit 2 together eyelet pattern. A 4 row repeat, totally mindless knitting. I am now on the gusset increases and as the yarn is super soft I am using the eye of partridge heel stitch. I will carry that on up the heel for extra strength.

I will be wearing the pink ones while I watch Strictly and knit another pair, I better get busy finding the right yarn.
Problem solved, I just too a minute to pop over to Rosie's Moments and picked up 2 skeins. Yes, I did say 2 but I do knit fast and they were on sale, they will also be gifts.
That's it I have no more reasons to give. I will share when they arrive and you will see why.

This is now the next day and my yarn has been posted, such service is amazing.

I do have 38 grams of the pink yarn left, I will be on the lookout for a contrast to use for toes, heels and cuffs and another pair will be born.

My name is Pam and I am a full on sock knitting addict.

I hope that I never recover, there is always a pair of feet somewhere that deserve a pair of hand knitted socks.

More garden work happened yesterday, that is why this has run over. By the time that we had cleared up and showered all I wanted to do was eat, walk the dogs and knit for a while. We were in bed by 9 and asleep in seconds.

Now it is lunch time, and a good thing to as we both have the rumblies in the tumblies.

All that lifting and walking burns up the energy reserves P D Q.

                    TTFN                                              Pam


  1. I thought your pink socks were both for your left foot, such an easy mistake to make. My socks are slow going I'm crocheting a ripple blanket, very addictive.

    1. I have just finished the Moorland blanket and have now started the Cosy blanket. I wish I could find a nice pattern for some crochet works. I look the colour of your last socks.
      Hazel c uk

  2. My late mother used to love knitting socks as did my aunt. Your pink socks are so pretty . I love the pattern! The knitting gene missed me unfortunately!!

    1. My Granny knitted socks on steel dpns, they used to flash light as she moved. I use circular but I do have a set of dpns just in case I get the urge to try them one day.

  3. I'd love you to come back and show me where I went wrong on theheel and toe grafting of those socks you started me off on last year (on the Magic Loop) and also how to cast on (slowly!) with the magic loop, as you're such a speedy knitter I missed it! Those socks look lovely.

  4. Love the socks. Hmmm, my Hubby would wear any colour but pink.

    God bless.

    1. He's only getting pink because he stole mine. He will wear any colour.

  5. Keep your eyes on the pink socks....they may go missing again .
    Hello , my name is Margaret I am a knitaholic.. I stopped counting after 40 pairs.
    On the needles.
    Half finished Flax sweater for me
    Half finished Flax light baby jumper
    2 patterned dishcloths
    Started a navy blue mohair wrap
    3/4 finished organic cotton , chevron baby blanket
    Half finished thick , knobbly, cotton house socks
    Half way (past heel ) on new cast on stripe wool socks
    2/3 finished crochet 'Lost in Time' shawl, cotton

    Projects for all occasions, some are portable, some are mindless, some need concentration, never a dull moment 😊

    1. I have knitted 2 flax sweaters but put some short row shaping in the back neck. Love mohair but can't knit with it, too sneezy by half.

  6. Totally mindless knitting😂😂not for me!!!

    1. You just have to get in the zone, watching all that fancy male footwork takes concentration. Not that I only look at the feet you understand.;-D.

  7. They are the perfect addition to any ballroom...the perfect accessory for watching strictly.

    1. I don't need an excuse to knit pretty socks, but strictly does bring out the frilly side in me.

  8. What lovely socks, no wonder you nearly lost them xx

    1. It is all down to the fantastic yarn.

  9. Did make me giggle that DH had pinched the sock... my DH loves a handknitted pair too.


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