
Thursday 20 September 2018

Tiny is not for me.

I have had some emails from the Tiny House Society offering some collaborative posts.
I do sometimes look at Tiny Houses, I am a bit nosy you know,  I find them intriguing and quite interesting. I have picked up several tips on storage, I have sofa's with cavernous storage underneath, and some ideas on placement of furniture.

But, and it is a big but, the idea of trying to fit my crafting stash alone into that size space makes me break into a cold sweat. Not to mention my kitchen contents, and I do use every single item in there. Much of my equipment has multi use, the wok is perfect for a batch of soup, (sunshine soup for lunch today) or for a pasta sauce.

Last night,s dinner, cooked in the wok. I did break up the fish steaks, the SO had his with pasta.

Here it is in the wok.

I could lose some of my knives, Haha, as though that will happen. I worked long hours to afford the best knives that I could find and they will outlive me and still be razor sharp.

The bread maker is a one use item, I see no gain in making cakes or jam in it, but it gives me wonderful bread at low cost and no waste.

The maslin pan has not been used for preserving this year as I made far too much last year. It has however cooked a few large joints of gammon that would not fit into any other pot. 

I have sent off a reply declining the offer for those reasons, I will not be a hypocrite and promote something that I do not and will not ever use. 

I want to be free to write whatever pops into my mind and not have to answer to anybody.

That said I do mention some of the places where I buy yarn and fabric from. I would not do this if I did not buy from them. 

I like to be as prompt to pat as I am quick to kick when a product or service is not up to scratch.

I watch several podcasts based on yarn and fabric, I hear some of the presenters say that "this is my favourite yarn ever" about a skein that has been given to them. The next episode they have a brand new "softest, squishiest, absolute favourite yarn in the world".
That is not my way and I often wonder if those people ever listen to what they are saying.
The main exception to that is Kay from the Bakery bears, I have watched from the first episode and never heard that type of statement. I have in fact heard her mention that type of thing and vow never to do it herself.

I shop at Tesco, Home Bargains, Farm Foods and Pound Stretcher because they are my closest shops. They all have their pros and cons. I have heard a few disgruntled comments about certain shops and my reply is simply "if you don't like it go elsewhere".

Oops I seem to have jumped on the soapbox without noticing. sorry but sometimes my fingers and mind runaway with themselves.

I did set out with an idea of what to write about but this has now run screaming from the room, if it does return I will use it tomorrow.

Today we have more rain but very little wind, apparently it will be fine and dry next week. I do hope so as we both want to spend time in the garden.

Bingo I just caught that subject as it tried to slink past me.

Email. The laptop has had a bit of a hissy fit and emptied my inbox and deleted everything in my address book and contact list. I did have a couple of back to back updates so perhaps its nose was put out of joint.

I have been struggling with accessing the patron only content of the Bakery Bears. The wonderful Dan has been a great help and, fingers crossed, all is now back to normal.

I am so not tech savvy that I am pleased to take help wherever I can find it. Sometimes the help proffered is more confusing than the original issue. Just like some knitting patterns, and recipes come to that, the person who produces the tutorial/video/pattern assumes a level of knowledge far beyond what is reasonable. after all if you knew a great deal you would not be seeking help.

I tried to contact Patreon to find out what was wrong, I could only get a generic reply telling me how to navigate the login page.
Fine, but the issue was that the login page would not load. 
That was not recognised as a request for help as it did not fit in with the list of help queries. 
So Not Helpful.
Anyway what ever the wonderful Dan has done it worked and all is well.

Now I am off to get the kettle on. all this writing and getting hot under the collar is thirsty work.

It may be that a slice of cake will slip onto a plate, on the other hand I may be able to resist.
we did have a bowl of wonderful soup each for lunch.

"Every veg in the fridge" soup plus 2 little chillies off my large plant, they are so colourful and go from green to purple to red. They are also quite fiery and to be treated with respect.

                        TTFN                                     Pam


  1. Tiny houses fascinate me but I couldn't live in one. Just the thought of sleeping in a bed with my nose nearly touching the, no, no, no, no.
    It's really cold here today and what did we have for tea....salad I think a bowl of that gorgeous looking soup would have gone down better.

  2. I would love to be able to live in a tiny house... but would need several of them to put all my craft stash and books in. I don't need a big house but I would love a huge craft room with properly designed and fitted storage. Somewhere that would mean I am not constantly moving stuff

  3. I watch the occasional Tiny Homes show on HGTV if I am really bored, but I'm too claustrophobic to every really consider living in one.

  4. I enjoy watching tiny house shows but I wouldn't choose to live in one myself for the reasons Sheila and Cherie mentioned, no headroom in the bedroom, and having to move things in order to do other things.

    These shows have made me think about how big our house is just for two people and that I wouldn't mind having less space, I've also decluttered quite a bit of stuff recently too.

  5. I've got far too much stuff to fit into a tiny house.


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