
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Going AWOL

Not really, just having an indulgent day. 
Yesterday the sewing room had an unplanned shuffle, furniture was moved (lots of dust bunnies went up the vacuum hose), a few long lost items were recovered and there was A Mega Sort Out.
My circular needles are now out of their little plastic envelopes and are hanging on the side of my yarn storage. There will be no more curly cables, hip, hip hooray.

There is more floor space even though the sofa is still there. I do intend (at this moment) to replace it with a drop down cutting surface, just in case my needs change this will wait until next year.
I feel much more like spending some sewing time in there now, the sense of clutter was quite enervating. 

Dinner last night was delicious and so easy, just left over veggy soup blitzed and reheated, poured over some penne pasta and then topped with sliced mushrooms, of the yellow sticker variety, cooked in buttery fry light and garlic powder. Go me, too tired to peel and slice garlic. A good grind of pepper and salt and dinner was ready in 15 minutes.

Tonight we are having butternut squash and cauliflower curry with some roasted chickpeas ( an air fryer experiment). I have done some more research and plan on trying lots of things out. How about roast chicken and potatoes in 30 - 40 minutes, that is my plan for later in the week. 
I have decided that if these experiments are fairly successful I should be able to jettison my combi oven. It takes up loads of space, I never use the grill or microwave and it is getting very old now. It has started to groan in use and a few days ago cut out for a while after being used for only 30 minutes at the top temperature.

It may even be the case that I buy a second air fryer, they take up much less space and can live in a cupboard.

I plan on having a longer, slower walk with the dogs, weather permitting, and then giving the big Janome a good clean and oil. A new needle and a bobbin winding session will set me up for a sewing hour or three.
I am knitting the cuff on those Christmas socks and will finish them tonight in front of the telly.

I will post my curry recipe tomorrow, it is good for any veg and also white meat or fish. If I make a beef or lamb curry I use heavier spices as they can handle it without losing the taste of the meat.

On that thought I am off to have a shower and get ready to start my day.

                           TTFN                                     Pam.


  1. I hope you have a lovely day Pam. There is nothing better than a nice clean and tidy sewing room is there?

    1. It was a good feeling when i looked back just before shutting the door.

  2. Looking forward to the curry recipe pam youve inspired me to knit a pair of socks after only doing 2 over a year ago will have to consult you tube as I need refreshing.carole

    1. Sorry about the recipe, but it will be up over the weekend. have a look at Winwick Mum,s blog it is full of help for sock knitting.

  3. I have a combi microwave oven/grill as well, I use the microwave function but the oven and grill aren't very efficient at all, sadly. It certainly won't replace my big oven, which was what I hoped originally.

    You do whizz through socks in no time at all!

    1. My combi oven has been brilliant, the grill is okay and the microwave is very powerful, I just do not use it very much at all. It could never replace the big oven when it comes to a baking session or a full on roast. It does a joint and roast potatoes but it does not cope with Yorkshire puddings. I love my socks, they are perfect telly knitting.

  4. Its lovely having a sort out. We have just done the garage ready to move. 5 filing cabinets tidied and reduced to 3 RESULT! Less to move.

    1. I do try to keep on top of everything but now look on going through all the "stuff" as part of the weekly cleaning routine in each room.

  5. Sounds like a great day planned, we are taking things easy today.

    1. My day did not quite pan out as I expected but I enjoyed it all the same.

  6. Are you sure you should be oiling your big Janome? I have been told several times by my sewing shop, where I take my Janome for a service that on no account should I oil it. Do you get yours serviced and if so do they tell you the same? Which bits do you oil?

    1. I put a drop of oil right in the bottom of the race housing, just one drop and then after about 30 minutes run some waste fabric through using a white filled bobbin. The chap who services it showed me,I only do it after it has been idle for a while.

  7. Glad you feel like going into your sewing room now. I think I need to clean up mine once again.

    God bless.

    1. It is an ongoing task and is now going to be part of the weekly cleaning routine. That way I hope to keep it under control.

  8. Have a wonderful day. I look forward to reading about your curry recipe.

    1. My apologies but the recipe will be up over the weekend.

  9. My friend has one of those air fryers, she is always saying how good they are, I think I may take a look

    1. Mine is quite small but I am experimenting with it. I want to try roasting a small chicken and some potatoes in it. If that works I may well buy a bigger one to replace the combi oven.


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