
Tuesday 9 October 2018

That blasted Elephant.

That will be the one that has been dancing on my face, at least that is how it feels.

My visit to the hospital turned into a drama. Only part of the work was done, they removed the most damaged tooth. It was such a long job that I had 3 separate local anaesthetic shots. When the final bits were removed there was a lot of stitching to do.
On the final stitch, which took 3 tries, each with a fresh needle, the surgeon managed to stab himself. Of course his fingers were in my mouth at the time.

It took around 30 minutes to locate the necessary forms to fill in and then, of course, they needed blood samples from me. It is part of the procedure that I had to be tested for all the nasties, although I did have to consent.

It meant that I did not arrive home till 3:00, by which time I was feeling pretty sore.
I am having to use pain meds, thankfully I keep a stock in in case the Sciatica plays up, and consequently I am very sluggish. 
No dog walking for a few days, doctors orders, and baby food. More slop in a pot for me.

Now I have to do the rinse and spit routine with boiled salted water, very nice! 4 times a day for the next few days.

I hope to be on better form tomorrow.

                    TTFN                                            Pam


  1. Pam, melt some dispersable aspirin or disprin in warm water, swill it round your mouth and the tooth socket and then spit it out, do not swallow it. It will help the soreness and if you use aspirin it will help to prevent an infection.


  2. Oh you poor thing. I was hoping you would be knocked out and know nothing but this all sounds pretty calamitous! I hope you are more comfortable again soon and can eye up that Christmas Toblerone with relish!

  3. Oh Pam, how awful. A sore mouth can make you feel sick all over. Sure hope it gets well soon.

  4. Oh dear.Sounds terrible.Hope you improve quickly.x

  5. Hope the worst is over and you’ll back to yourself soon x

  6. Hi Pam
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I hope you are not in too much pain with your tooth. I had an abscessed tooth last week and ended up with two root canals. It was very painful. Take care of yourself and rest up.

  7. Ohhh ouch. I'd really rather be in labor than be trapped in a dental office. Take your meds, stay ahead of your pain.

  8. That sounds a horrible experience for you and I'm sending hopes that it all eases off quickly and without too much more discomfort.

  9. Oh dear, sounds horrendous. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope you feel a new woman very soon.

  10. Pam, I hope you heal quickly, it's not been the best of times for you.

  11. Many healing thoughts coming your way Pam.

  12. Buddy and Brodies Mum10 Oct 2018, 11:43:00

    Sympathies! Keep out of the cold wind and get waited on hand and foot - you deserve it. Take care

  13. Oh you poor thing Pam you have certainly been through it x I hope you start to feel better soon x

  14. Bless you Pam, sounds dreadful.... daft dr!
    I hope you are soon pain free and feeling much brighter.

  15. What an experience. I am hoping that as I am late visiting that you are feeling so much better. Take care.

  16. Oh Pam.. what a horrible ordeal. Hopefully you will be feeling a little better by now. Numb it with alcohol... violet gin is very nice :-)

  17. I hope you're feeling better soon. Nothing worse than tooth/mouth pain.

  18. Oh you poor thing, Pam, I've only just read your post. It sounds like you have been through an absolute nightmare. Hubby had tooth problems earlier this year but, at least, he was put out for the extraction and stitching. Sending healing thoughts your way x


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