
Thursday, 28 March 2019


What an amazing boost it has given me to finish my list. There are still too many project bags full of WIPs hanging about, I did find 3 more in my big sort out.

I also had a bonus space acquisition, remember the air fryer that I was wittering on about? Well today it is going to a new home, I happened to mention it to a neighbour and friend yesterday and she is coming to collect it this afternoon.
Win Win, she wants one, I have one and do not want it.
She gets it and I get the space,
no no no, I have no plans to fill that gap. I will just enjoy the lightness of another thing gone.

I was so tired last night, I fell into bed before 10 and did not move till 5:30 this morning, that is almost 2 nights sleep for me. The dogs were tired also as they did not stir when I walked past them, they have been trailing round the house behind me for the past few busy days. They hate to miss anything.

I have done a mile walk with Leslie Sansone this morning, and feel so much the better for it, I have not done one for 3 days as there has been so much running up and down stairs and backwards and forwards from room to room. I simply would not take the 15 minutes out, I just knew that it would interrupt my mission and probably add another day.

Today I will be mainly catching up on the ignored chores, I may have to remove cobwebs from the vacuum cleaner.

Then on Friday I want to bottom Francesca,s room, give it a bit of a spruce up while I cast my Eagle Eyes over the contents. There are a few things that have been dumped put carefully in there for future consideration. Well I consider that if we have lived without them since they slipped in there, they are no longer in need of consideration, they need removing. From the house not the room, that is.

The curtains are a dark navy with a flower pattern, they are lovely but they dominate the space. The window is quite wide and almost floor to ceiling, I feel that a lighter colour would open out the space, a blind will block out the street light which is only a few steps away. I have already decided to make Roman blinds for our room and the living room so a third will be no problem. The Brucie Bonus is that they are all the same size so I can have an assembly line set up.
There is also a strong possibility that I can use stash fabrics and only have to buy lining. We will see, it is a little way off yet.

Last nights dinner was great, there are leftovers for lunch today and Friday, yummy yum yum. I have all the ingredients ready for tonight, Sloppy Joe,s from the Pinch of Nom. I will be emulating Jane Gammons version and adding the peppers to the mix and serving with pasta.
The SO is burning calories faster than he can eat them and needs the carbs. me? well I have been busy as well. I intend to get a 2 mile walk with Leslie in later so the carbs will be most welcome.

There has been very little knitting, too tired to even look at it, but I have been churning out the Grannies. I would love to get the blanket finished in good time, I will need some more cream Stylecraft special dk yarn but can get that almost anywhere.

On that note I better cut this yarn short, the dogs are waiting for their breakfast, and I quite fancy some myself. The lentil and quinoa pancakes today, flavoured with cinnamon and vanilla and some apple grated in to the mix. I did add just a sprinkle of Buckwheat to the mix to stop the boredom element creeping in.

                           TTFN                          Pam

PS. Oh My Word, I have just seen that Lucy of Attic 24 has a new blanket. The Dune blanket.
I LOVE it.
I WANT one.
I will be buying the yarn pack as soon as it is released.
I better get a wiggle on with my grannies. 

Just saying.
Pam xx


  1. I', tired just reading what you have been up to. I was in the garden all day yesterday, with the sun on my back.

    1. The best place to be in this weather I think.

  2. Thank you for mentioning the Attic 24 post, I don't visit all that often but how lovely to see the two posts about the beach. It is a delight to see the place I live through different eyes.

    1. I like Lucy,s ideas but not all of her colour choices, but this one just caught me. I will be looking to see if I can match her colour choices with some wool rather them acrylic.

  3. I have one or two muscles letting me know that they weren't happy with the work I made them do so today I will be slowing down a little to give them a bit of a rest.
    There was an article about Pinch Of Nom in the paper the other day so I am going to have a look for some new recipes.

    1. I am just happy that i still have a few muscles to ache. The book has sold a huge amount of copies, I read that it was 9th in the number of copies sold a few days ago.

  4. I also started to walk at home with Leslie this week. I have pesky health challenges, but manage the walking just fine.

    1. There are so many programs to chose from that you can vary it according to how you feel day to day. Good luck with the health issues and hopefully this will help.

  5. Rushing over to Attic 24 site now to look at new blanket!

    1. There goes another one down the rabbit hole. xx


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