
Friday 14 August 2020

Major rant

It has come to the point where I can not watch the news as it seems to be full of people whining about the way that Covid had ruffled their lives.
Why can they not be thankful that they have a life to be ruffled.

This may be callous but I do not give a fig about those people returning from holiday and going, so reluctantly, into quarantine. 

What I care about are the people who could be infected and the NHS staff who have to deal with the fallout.

The news this morning was all about holidaymakers returning from France. If they are not back by 4.00 am tomorrow they have to quarantine for 14 days. The sense of outrage at the short notice, plans having to be changed and the difficulty and cost of getting back within the deadline was overwhelming.
My question is why didn't it come into force immediately. If there is a "clear and present danger" it should be put under control directly. 
After all if there was a real threat of invasion we would get an instant response.

This is a real threat of invasion. Just not from hostile human forces.

Or is it?

Our leader seems to be blowing in the wind and the leader of the opposition is making detrimental comments.

If he is so clever perhaps he should be given the reins and told to "put his money where his mouth is"

There is no easy solution.
It means a life change for all of us.

There is a growing wave of dissent regarding education and exam grades.
Yes, these are important.
Yes, there are students who feel that they have been hard done by and their grades should be higher.

That happens every year.
It will be resolved, just not immediately.

I have heard "It is not fair" dropping from the mouths of many.

Life is not fair.
It is a circus.

I do my utmost to protect myself from others.
I do my utmost to protect others from myself.

I am missing out on so much that it hurts.
But I am alive and well.
Michael is alive and well.

The TV is off. 
I may check the news headlines online.
I may not.
I am simmering and do not need the gas turned up.

'nuff said.

Keep safe. Living is the only priority.

                 TTFN                                                 Pam


  1. I'm with you all the way Pam. Grinding my teefs over an "unbiased" interview on Radio 4 just now. At least I have the option to turn it off!

    1. Too many people can not see past the end of their noses, if that far. Of course mistakes have been made, we are dealing/living with an, as yet, unknown virus. Seemingly no one can predict how it will behave, even the scientists have to change what they recommend regularly.

  2. Totally agree with you Pam, it's all about me and my issues, without any acknowledgment of the world health issues, I said to hubby the same happens every year at results time, and it always gets sorted, hopefully now they will live in the grown up world, where everyone does not get what they deserve, good or bad. As of Opposition leaders it's easy for them to make their comments, as they don't have to think about how to pay for them, it's always again the same.
    I am pleased my family are all well and we have comfortable lives, a few of the younger ones are now job hunting, but they are able to do that. Can you imagine living in one of the huge slumbs in different countries around the world.

    1. The thought of living in any large, densely populated area fills me with despair. I will not go to Ammanford never mind Cardiff or Swansea and the knowledge that Francesca lives in spiting distance of London is dire. At least she is working from home and has a garden.

  3. Of course it's not 'fair' but when has life been fair? We've just been very lucky in the past and most of us continue to be lucky now. I'd like to plonk some grumblers in the middle of a refugee camp, not enough food, very little medical help, ravaged by this virus and then see what's not fair.
    (no, I wouldn't really, I'm not that mean, but you see what I mean, I hope)
    End of rant.

    1. I like your treatment idea, mine have been far more of the "Genghis Khan" variety. But of course they are heat of the moment responses. As for those who flout the social distancing rules, water cannons on the crowds and prosecution for business owners who permit it.

  4. The trouble is people nowadays really don't know what 'hard done by' means... they would have fallen apart if they'd had to live through the war years and those that followed when there was rationing etc.

    1. Very true, I was born in 1951 and I remember how tight things were well after rationing had ended. There was no such thing as a holiday then no matter how hard you worked.

  5. Replies
    1. I am quite sure that many people feel much the same, I may not be politically correct but am happy to live in a country where I can say what I think.

  6. I can't watch the news or turn on the radio either, Pam, all the whingeing and pointing of the finger of blame drives me mad. This thing has happened, DEAL with it, I say! And as for people going abroad on holiday and then moaning when they have to quarantine...well..I'm lost for words. I bet half the people who should quarantine themselves when they return won't do it. Who will police it?? I'm firmly staying put. I'll go to a shop when I absolutely have to (wearing a mask, of course) but the only other places I will visit will be outdoors or our daughter & family who are in our 'bubble'. Stay safe x

    1. Our local "supermarket" closed today for a deep clean. The management felt that it was something that needed to be done. No whingeing about loss of revenue or the cost from them. As you say it just has to be dealt with.

  7. Yes, it is the priority, we tend to forget that (I know I do). If people choose to go on holiday abroad knowing the risks, then they can hardly complain about the consequences.

    1. As Francesca has said, what part of Global and Pandemic do they not understand. If you must have a holiday stay in the UK and continue to follow all the guidelines.

  8. I am with you all the way Pam. Who in their right mind would book a holiday abroad in the middle of a ruddy pandemic.

    1. We had a family holiday booked forAugust in Cornwall, a 5 bedroom house at an eyewatering cost. The owner was not going to cancel so our money was lost. We knew that the week before us was taken and that they were going to use it. After a long discusion we cancelled and lost the money. That's the only action that we all agreed upon.

  9. I have been so angry today listening to people lament about their holiday ‘woes’. When I was young my holidays were spent with elderly aunts in Wales, my parents never even had a holiday. I know things have changed but unfortunately people now think they have a right to everything and any disruption of their fun brings in the moans. I am sort of enjoying lockdown as it feels more like my childhood values have returned - UNTIL I turn on the news.

    1. Peoples expectations have constantly changed and that is part and parcel of progress. There is nothing wrong with that. We have to accept the results of our actions and take resposibility for them.

  10. You know a lot of people have pre-booked their holiday, as have I, last year, of course, quite rightly, they were cancelled and postponed to next year. However, I'm due to go to the Isles of Scilly in October and Somerset in November, all booked a year ago. I have to depend on the holiday company to cancel otherwise I won't get a refund and lose the money. I'm also due to go to Northern Greece in April, again, postponed from last April. I'm not comfortable about it but feel I don't have much choice, it's all been paid for! I am lucky though, I live in a bungalow with a garden and backing onto the Soutdowns. Many people are not, live in large cities, in flats without any green spaces around them. Many people have been working as key workers, they haven't done anything illegal so why shouldn't they have been travelling when restrictions were lifted. Many countries have a much better record of Covid deaths than the UK so it seems a bit harsh that they are forced to quarantine, but it is understandable, but hard as most of them will not get paid for the two weeks off. Some might be lucky and take another two weeks' 'holiday' pay in lieu, but it'll be taxed. I do have some sympathy, it's easy for me, I am retired and get a couple of pensions!

    1. I have no issues with people travelling, personally I would not do so at this time when the situation is so fluid. We had a prebooked and fully paid for family holiday but took the joint descision to lose our money. Cornwall is a very busy place and we felt that social distancing would be impossible. The thought of being undwer constant pressure and anxiety was untenable. We are staying put and keeping safe.

  11. Yet again well said Pam, if people are stupid enough to take their money out of this country and holiday abroad, then they should face the consequences without moaning and whinging, they chose to go knowing the risks - personally I really hope the whingers do end up without any income for 2 weeks whilst they isolate - perhaps then they'll consider supporting British tourism and jobs in future - I love the fact that you're able to articulate what we're all thinking xx

    1. Yes part of it is stupidity, not just on the the holiday makers side. Part of it is the government bowing to pressure from industry. Nobody knows what this virus is doing, the scientists cannot agree. The travel restrictions should not have been lifted, the data coming in from all over the worls shows that it ebbs and flows, even in places that have had total lockdown.

  12. My daughter is coming from IL to CA in November for a socially distanced wedding. It is her very best friend and she will be standing up for her and wearing a mask that coordinates with her gown. The guest list is 50 people. When she returns to IL she will self quarantine for 14 days. Luckily she can work from home as she has been doing since March.
    I have no sympathy for people who went on vacation to places where there are breakouts of C-19 and have so little concern for others. Like you, after reading about the outcomes of the survivors I would like to think that people would be grateful to escape this bitch of an illness.

    1. I have not seen Francesca or James and the grandchildren since Christmas, it looks increasingly likely that it will be as long again before we meet. James is a key worker with vulnerable and elderly sick people. We cannot put him at risk so have bitten the bullet. Cancelled our familt holiday and are all staying put. Your daughter is being so sensible, a credit to her upbringing.

  13. Very well said. I think we are all getting tired of those that whine. I know one of our stores here started a mandatory mask policy and one would think people were being asked to give up their first born. I have been wearing a mask when shopping since the pandemic started and now it is second nature.

    I want to shake them all and say put on a mask or stay home.

    God bless.

    1. I wish that Wales would have the same mask wearing requirement as England. We all wear them but so many people do not. I have been sewing them up by the dozen and have offered them to my neighbours, only 2 households said yes. as the saying goes, You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

  14. have a look at bill gates instagram account, and read the comments

    1. I went and looked. This world is full of people who talk to hear their heads rattle. Luckily we can choose not to listen. Everyone has a right to say their piece, it is such a shame that so much is drivel.

  15. I haven’t visited my daughter whose in Ireland since August last year high winds in February saw my flight cancelled then Covid hit so we zoom each other went into my local farm foods where loads weren’t wearing masks mentioned it to the person on the checkout who just shrugged his shoulders

  16. It is proof that many people have no regarsd for their own safety so there is no point expecting consideration for the wellbeing of others. Apathy is alive and well, just as Covid 19 is.
    My granny would say that if there is no sense there you cannot knock it in.


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